As voted upon by visitors to Dutchtracks, the most annoying Dutch song (and it's a an endless supply), is Frans Bauer's Heb je even voor mij. We hate that song!

We could sit here forever pondering the never ending supply of beauties from our friends at Angels of Amsterdam. Meet our newest crush objects, Karin and Rosanne. Click pic for large version.
Airspace Rebooted from ItoWorld on Vimeo.
Airspace over Europe returns to normal, and it looks like sparklers.

A sheet of mugshots of Louis Vuitton models without make up. Click pic for full size.
Job Cohen steps down as mayor to pursue leadership of the Labour Party after Wouter Bos, the current leader resigns. Effective immediately. Amsterdams own version of Sarah Palin, delusional, self-righteousness deputy mayor & POS Lodewijk Asscher is mayor, at least in the interim. We think he'll be staying. This smells bad.