I amsterdam : Enjoy and Respect
Posted: 2018-10-03, 9:38 pm
Posts: 112
Location: in the vicinity of Frankfurt
The New York Times just published an article on Amsterdam's "Enjoy and Respect" campaign. I generally find such mainstream articles biased against the purveyors of the activities we ignatzmice members regard highly, this article isn't; I find it fair. The solution of the new city mayor, Femke Halsema (wow, she’s cute; and her campaign is smart), lies in changing mindsets and not in applying brute force. In fact, the article acknowledges the critics that have pointed out that the failure of the 1012 project was due to the brute force reduction of the RLD; and by shrinking it "the city has effectively given the area over to characterless shops selling tacky souvenirs or refreshments." They had changed the problem, they hadn’t fixed it.  I love Amsterdam, all of it; but in the evening, I like the red-light-district. By running this campaign and not shutting things down, I can only imagine they’re going to make Amsterdam a nicer place to be. The article: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/02/worl ... ution.html ... Eric p.s. this photo from the article is a new favorite of mine; it’s perfect, it’s a view from the other side: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2018/10 ... t2X-v4.jpg
Re: I amsterdam : Enjoy and Respect
Posted: 2018-10-04, 2:36 am
Power Kat
Posts: 1543
It’s good to hear them acknowledge that 1012 was a failure. It seems like the only shops opening in these former kamers (if indeed anything opens in those spaces at all) are those shitty touristy shops that they don’t seem to want around. With any luck, some of those spaces will become windows again, and it seems like they’re done closing windows. This is all good news.
Re: I amsterdam : Enjoy and Respect
Posted: 2018-10-04, 9:30 am
Posts: 305
Quote: On a recent Saturday night, Stoofsteeg ... was so crowded with tourists gawking at the women on show that ... A couple with a stroller gave up after a few minutes. Umm, okay. Nice choice of place to wheel your pram on a Saturday night. Glad to hear Project 1012 is over and done.
Re: I amsterdam : Enjoy and Respect
Posted: 2018-10-04, 6:41 pm
Posts: 14
Location: Chicago
Obligatory: who's the girl in the photo?
Re: I amsterdam : Enjoy and Respect
Posted: 2018-10-04, 9:28 pm
Posts: 112
Location: in the vicinity of Frankfurt
BuckM wrote: Obligatory: who's the girl in the photo? ha ha ha... that's a cool game! ... what does the winner get for getting it right? --> knowing you're having sex with the NY Times girl for 50 ;-) --- though with an autograph, it might run you a 100 - "damn it" ;-) ... Eric
Re: I amsterdam : Enjoy and Respect
Posted: 2018-10-11, 4:29 am
Supporting Member
Posts: 1887
Location: cheesehead central
This just published today:
The mayors council wants to scrap the IamAmsterdam marketing plan. It promotes individualism, and is not inclusive or supportive of group production. (If someone with a better grip of Dutch could help with that translation, I would appreciate it. My Dutch is about a 4-year-old level, and politically slanted dutch-speak is just beyond me). Of course, this means taking down the IamAmsterdam signs.
I can't tell you how many tourists have taken pictures at the signs over the years. Millions, easily. By any measure, it seems to me that the ad campaign was incredibly successful. Maybe too successful. It seems the current council (and a fair number of local voters) are hell-bent on curbing tourism. Taking down the signs seems to be the next obvious step.
Maybe the sharp minds here could help them with the next marketing campaign?
"Amsterdam...We love your money, just not you!" or "If you really love Amsterdam, please stay the fuck out of our way"
I'm sure someone else can do better. I'll sit back and wait. If something really great pops up, we can pass it on to the council. They will be thrilled to get our help! Nothing makes the Dutch happier than when they get advice on how to run their country from foreigners!
_________________ ...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: I amsterdam : Enjoy and Respect
Posted: 2018-10-11, 9:25 am
The Kman
Posts: 42
I love the Dutch. "We have a social problem, so let's get off our arse and fix it!" If only the rest of the world could take note. Looking at you Trump!
Re: I amsterdam : Enjoy and Respect
Posted: 2018-10-12, 10:01 am
Posts: 112
Location: in the vicinity of Frankfurt
weasel9x9 wrote: OK... Maybe the minds here aren't that sharp, and can't come up with a better campaign. oh, oh, weasel, give us a bit of time; you handed us a difficult challenge... how about: Amsterdamn'it, spend largely, come quickly, leave soon :-) ... Eric p.s. Fellow ignatzmicers, I'm on the ICE to Amsterdam just as I'm writing this; damn'it, even with the 90 minute bahn delay, I'm in a particularly good mood :-)
Re: I amsterdam : Enjoy and Respect
Posted: 2018-10-12, 9:35 pm
Power Kat XXX
Posts: 2733
BuckM wrote: Obligatory: who's the girl in the photo? I love a challenge, and I'm pretty close to the answer. Using Photoshop to help enhance the image I was able to determine the address of the building across the canal is 40 Oudezijds Achterburgwal. Using Google Streetview I confirmed that, and then by using the lamp post to approximate the parallax, I was able to project across the canal, and then adding to that the window configuration I was able to determine she is in the kamer at 17 Oudezijds Achterburgwal. But I can't find any reviews of girls at 17 Oudezijds Achterburgwal. It is, however, one of the organized kamers run by https://myredlight.nl.
_________________ http://tinyurl.com/eurolights - CLOSED FOR NOW - Sadly Google has disallowed public access to this map. I'm seeking alternative platforms. If you have suggestions, please message me!
Re: I amsterdam : Enjoy and Respect
Posted: 2018-10-13, 7:51 pm
Power Kat
Posts: 971
Location: U.k
Neuros spot on, two favourites of mine worked from those windows.
Is that American actor Bradley cooper walking past the window with the cigarette... :)
Re: I amsterdam : Enjoy and Respect
Posted: 2018-10-16, 9:46 pm
Power Kat
Posts: 544
Location: England, UK
Great article, thanks for sharing. It is nice to read something positive about Amsterdam once in a while.
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