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Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-12-11, 3:24 am

nyc diesel
Posts: 308
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How much would a standard 15 minutes cost in 1993 and the period right before the euro? That's the last time I used the windows. Age and the need for relaxation, as well as the euro inflation, made me turn to private houses and the cheaper clubs like the much-missed Society Anonyme (before they jacked their rates and then had that tragic fire).

Gave up escorts around 2000 when the girls delivered not only were not as advertised, but wouldn't even perform the acts they were tipped for. (Dibbes, etal.)
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2022-11-01, 5:21 pm

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Re: German Nina

Is Nina still working. Once she told me that she only works on weekend. Anyone know if she is still working on weekends/retired for good/working from home due to COVID.
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2022-11-07, 11:25 am

peter craig
Posts: 392
Location: UK
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What a great thread bringing back some great memories.
I used to love sitting in the Stoof bar reading "live" reports and the walking round the streets and putting names to faces.

The famous sweet Nina...possibly the best ever and the lack of time her curtain stayed open testified to that. Had an amazing role play session with her that will live forever.

Mon..a petite Asian lady who used to joke and talk to my cock like it was a puppet.."what's that you want sucked?" ..really sweet but seen her a few years later with enhanced breats and tattoos. Sortta killed the vibe.

Cookee: great oral skills but used to rip a hole in paper roll and put over the cock..a little too clinical.

Polish Anna: oh how will I recognise her?...don't worry that won't be a problem. About 4 "tyre kickers" outside her door i stood at the back and waved..she pushed through them grabbed me and pulled me into the room..there was no stopping now.

Sabrina: the tall bellybutton fluff collector..really beautiful and always wanted a chat afterwards.

Carla...we went down the kinky road one night..dressed me in Stocking and high heels and wanted to pimp me out to punters while she sat and watched..not too sure if this was mere role play or not...but as horny as hell all the same. Always warned against too much strap on action but was happy enough to fulfill requests..

Over in the Singel one afternoon I asked an older lady if did s&m..she pointed at the sign and collection of straps and dildos about the place laughing. I went in had a chat..She was from Bilbao...ahh Spanish...little did I know I had just started a diplomatic incident with her..lol. soon I was being caned with her shouting after each stroke "Bilbao is NOT Spain"..then strap on time with the rhythm being set by that mantra...funny looking back..

Anyone remember Belinda over in the Singel area? My favourite of all time..a real Dutch housewife type but a master or mistress of bdsm. I remember being trussed up by her then having the mask removed to be standing infront of a full sized mirror. Mindblowing. Nothing like being on all fours getting pounded as the bells of the nearby church rang out.

Dominique: well I wanted to dip my toe into that area. Bizarre to say the least but hey-ho you only pass this way the once.

Curly Kelly Ts. Remember looking thinking beautiful but all the posts about her body odour kept me away.

Darkside Orange? Was encyclopaedic in his knowledge!

The tall slender Brazilian was the flavor of the board for awhile and yes was worth ever penny..euro

On Stoof a thin black lady up very steep stairs..massive round oversized boobs.. had her own page on the Internet..was like having sex with a cartoon.

Guess there's at least 100 more I've been with..but those ones stood out..haven't been in years as I nipped out to the privees of Den Haag where the choice/needs are so much better. Also the UK parlours are not to be overlooked once you find the right one..but that means missing all the sights and sounds of Amsterdam..like you don't get flowerpot on head man or 3 string guitar man in Newcastle upon Tyne!
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2023-07-08, 8:25 pm

Posts: 44
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Yes, I fondly remember the Pink Floyd ummaguma cannabis place, with the flying pig on the windows. Sorry it closed.
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2023-07-14, 11:52 am

Posts: 214
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I seem to remember 30 Guilders being standard around 1992 (about £10 then I think?) and 50 being the upgrade they asked for. Near the time of the Euro conversion it was 50 Guilders min and then when the currency switched it was one of those where the nominal amount '50' stayed the same. My memories may be incorrect though.
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2023-07-14, 10:58 pm

nyc diesel
Posts: 308
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My first visit was 1993 and I think 15 minutes was 50 guilders. I may have went to window girls about a dozen times sporadically on my first two or three trips, but I found private houses and even some budget clubs like Society Anonyme were better deals and offered more privacy and relaxation. I also used escorts, albeit that scene was always bait-and-switch with a few pleasant surprises.

I did inquire about prices with the girls once the euro was launched, and yes, it was 50 euros, so the prices went up from about US$20 to US$60 in a year. So I haven't seen a window girl since the new currency was introduced. At that time, there were signs the RLD was in flux---peep shows/bookstores were closing and some idiots began doing guided tours, which made the area even more crowded, unpleasant, and brought the collective sexual IQ down---giggling idiots everywhere.

I saw two vivid sex scenes die---NYC is a sexual morgue, and Amsterdam is in a coma and on life support and also making itself clear that any affordable tourism is gone.

Yes, Mother Amsterdam, all those young lads are fascinated by Edam cheese (you dumb fuckers).
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