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Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-05-14, 4:48 pm

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I can remember Inna dancing very sexily when she was at No 19. Unfortunately whenever she spotted me she stopped & started drawing the curtain! She went back home in mid March, hope she comes back but I know she was very worried about CV19 infection.
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-05-16, 9:05 pm

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Saw a humiliating ejection-

Once witnessed some gent get sent packing from a kamer in rather dramatic fashion. I was walking through one of the cross alleys that had windows on both sides; don't recall which one.

I walked past one kamer; its curtain was closed. Suddenly, the door flung wide open and the lady inside, in true mezzo soprano fashion, bellowed at the top of her lungs, BAAAAHSTAAAARD!!!!, simultaneously propelling him hence with a mighty shove between the shoulders. Her thrust was so powerful that he proceeded out into the alley at high speed, stooped over, doing an awkward fast duck walk.

I recall thinking that his mommy dressed him funny- his pants had the gaudiest check pattern I've ever seen; he suffered from acute acne vulgaris and was wearing thick eyeglasses, not unlike those worn by Buddy Holly in the 1950's. Regaining his balance, he stood up straight and said "Ahhh go fuck yourself..." in an American accent.

I've often wondered what he did that earned him this ignominious rejection-ejection; never saw anything like it in the RLD before or since. But a bit of Benny Hill style true life slapstick that I'll remember unto senility. I guess I'm easily amused.
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-05-23, 2:22 am

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I once saw a spotty, ACNE-ridden man in his early 20s who epitomized the symbol of FUGLY of Asian descent being rejected by many girls. I have also seen extremely old, wheelchair bound (mobility impaired) men being rejected by some working girls.

However, there is always a kind-hearted soul who is willing to service these men for the right price...eventually.
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-05-24, 11:08 pm

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I'm kind of fascinated by the fingernail art that many of the girls have. I've never seen that kind of manicure on anyone except a girl who trades sex for money. I'm into really long false nails and I love bright colors plus the jewel appliqués. Sometimes it may be just one special finger, like the middle finger, that has some jewel adornment and other times all ten fingers will be jeweled. I like to try to spot this special art on random girls on the street just for the thrill. I don't know how widely this style is used outside 'the business'. I like to think it is a subtle signal that 'I'm for hire for the right price.'
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-05-29, 2:25 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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Jeez, where to start, 1st visit way back in 1971, far too many memories to write down on here,
Staying at the Westroppa, a country boy out to sow his seeds, which didnt start too well when i asked the tram driver for " a day return to the Red Light District please" and the whole tram erupted in laughter [soooo embarrasing] but on arriving at Dam Sq the driver said " over there young man and the passengers clapped & cheered as i ran off [hilarious now, then awful.
1st fuck was in Bloedstraat [ before it was shemales] gorgeous Russian girl called Orla !!
Yes, me too had 3/somes with Maxx/Kim, never lasted much more than 5 mins, but God, didnt they love each other, no acting, Maxx was good, but back in the 80"s there was the famous ABJ [by the drainpipe lol] who would literally fuck your brains out, and asked for the money AFTER youd finished. " Pay me want you think im worth." she"d say, sadly some guys wouls give her a few cents [ they were NEVER allowed in her kamer again.
Best fuck ever [ and still is ] was with Daniella [oz119] Really was a love affair, she came and stayed with me in the UK. sadly moved away. lost touch, found out later from my mate in oz117 shop shed moved to Almere, married a vice cop !!! and punched out 3 kids. miss her like crazy.
Caught " the crabs " from Fennie also on oz, itchy little critters.
Met loads of micers on here, jgramos, wim,brad, ams chris, rheingau, weasel, piggies, gary [axxxtw himself] bluto, and more i cant recall their names. done the famous Wim tour, think he mustve covered most girls in de wallen, mine of info.
Recall seeing a drunk bluto trying to roll a joint, hilarious, will never forget that sight. and the big micer i arranged years back was bloody hilarious, approx 20 micers in cafe remember, never forget that day

Amsterdam has changed too much these days, 70/80"s were brilliant, couldnt keep away,still love the city and the people there, but de wallen has sadly had its day !! and...................
still not been arrested by a tall dutch female politie, one day ? who knows.


Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-05-29, 10:35 pm

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Truly epic. Thanks
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-05-30, 8:22 am

ams2008damPower Kat XXX
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Many trips over several years.
My favourite was park 118 many midday visits for 2hrs with
Spent fortunes back then used to make the trip out to Roermond for the fkk there.

Remember Annie Blue Jeans alot of her neighbour's would make out they was her.Great provider loverly girl.I belive she worked in a private house for a while aswell.

German Kim and Max was very nice ladies always worth a visit.
La vie en proost was a good spot for a fun couple of hours.8 euro a glass of lager and expected to leave the 2 euro as a tip.Good quality lap dances.

Had many visits to big tits Anna very good provider would love to see them tits one more time.

I could go on for i have seen 3 micers from the site here all good guys 2 in Amsterdam and one in London.
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-05-30, 9:52 am

greenhoffSupporting Member
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ams2008dam wrote:
Many trips over several years.
My favourite was park 118 many midday visits for 2hrs with
Spent fortunes back then used to make the trip out to Roermond for the fkk there.

Remember Annie Blue Jeans alot of her neighbour's would make out they was her.Great provider loverly girl.I belive she worked in a private house for a while aswell.

German Kim and Max was very nice ladies always worth a visit.
La vie en proost was a good spot for a fun couple of hours.8 euro a glass of lager and expected to leave the 2 euro as a tip.Good quality lap dances.

Had many visits to big tits Anna very good provider would love to see them tits one more time.

I could go on for i have seen 3 micers from the site here all good guys 2 in Amsterdam and one in London.

very true re ABJ, all the girls started wearing tight blue jeans but there was only one Annie, bless her
She"s very happily married now, with 2 beautiful daughters

sorely missed


Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-05-30, 5:26 pm

ams2008damPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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Yes you certainly had to look for the drainpipe i was never so happy to confirm it for the first time.

I mention this site once and annie said i better be good then.

I didnt like the pay me what you feel routine.I always felt not enough couple of times i gave her 150.

Don't know how much i spent in Amsterdam iver them years but i wouldn't change it.

Remember it sauna club yin yan.Stayed by roermond station a couple of times.Made the journey once in the snow.
Was looking out at the gardens covered in white.Wondering how the next days journey back to the uk would be.

Over the years i never witnessed any trouble in Amsterdam unike here.All you would get is being followed by a drug dealer.
Not aggressive just trying to bother you into buying.

I really hope Amsterdam returns to normall.Direct eurostar is very handy for me now at £40 then a stopover for next days ice train to frankfurt.
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-05-30, 9:42 pm

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ams2008dam wrote:
La vie en proost was a good spot for a fun couple of hours.8 euro a glass of lager and expected to leave the 2 euro as a tip.Good quality lap dances.

It's a shame it went to shit in recent years. It was a huge rip-off when I went there in 2018. They charged us €48 for five small beers (that's after spending €25 for the five of us to get in); unfortunately someone else from my group paid for the beers, so I had no opportunity to question that price. Then the girls wanted €30 or even €40 for a dance with nothing on.

La Vie Deux on Rembrandtplein might still be OK I guess (it was always much better than Proost in my experience), but it was closed on the day we were there, which is why we ended up in Proost instead.

There's no way I'd go to Proost again after my last visit.
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-05-31, 4:36 am

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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My first trip was 1979.
I was visiting relatives in Hoorn. We did all the tourist stops, spent time at a cabin on the beach, but the grown-ups made sure that we didn't see anything too racy. My older cousins felt bad for me, so they put me on the train to Amsterdam one Friday with directions to a restaurant in Chinatown. Then they told me how to get from there to OZA.
I went nuts. Caught the midnight train back to Hoorn, and crashed. When I woke up, I had this strange plastic sheen on my face. I don't know what (or whose) fluid it was, but my cousins were thrilled to contribute to my delinquency.

I always liked the Dutch girls the best.

Rolled my first hasj joint with Sabrina, in her upstairs oven at OZA 117. I still see her.

Learned to chat up the girls at the door from BigBen. He could charm the pants off the most jaded girl.

I remember walking down Tromp with TonyMunch, and having Nina yell out the door at me that I better come inside if I know what is good for me!

I remember Maxx making even more frightening threats as I teased her from outside her window. Don't tease Maxx!

The Micer meet-up was one of the best weekends of my life.
Got to sit at Cafe Remember between Tony and Greenhoff. Laughed so hard I almost peed myself.
I introduced DogsAfire to Maxx, and she kept him so long that we missed the boat ride.

Spent the whole night with Eva Maria in OZA 50, back when OZA was a goldmine. Had food, drinks and coke delivered to the room. Expensive, but priceless.

Took many long walks with Professor Wim. In the good old days, we would meet at Sexyland, and there were always a few new recruits that got the education of a lifetime in a few short hours.

Nowdays, I spend more time in Alkmaar with Bluto.
I miss the chaos. I miss the vibe. I miss my friends.
I can't wait to go back.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-05-31, 9:47 pm

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I envy you guys sowing your wild oats as young men. On the other hand I enjoyed my innocence while I had it. I had one disappointing Nevada ranch experience in the '90s. Breaking my AMS RLD cherry in mid-life was a refreshing experience.
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-06-01, 1:00 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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weasel9x9 wrote:
My first trip was 1979.
I was visiting relatives in Hoorn. We did all the tourist stops, spent time at a cabin on the beach, but the grown-ups made sure that we didn't see anything too racy. My older cousins felt bad for me, so they put me on the train to Amsterdam one Friday with directions to a restaurant in Chinatown. Then they told me how to get from there to OZA.
I went nuts. Caught the midnight train back to Hoorn, and crashed. When I woke up, I had this strange plastic sheen on my face. I don't know what (or whose) fluid it was, but my cousins were thrilled to contribute to my delinquency.

I always liked the Dutch girls the best.

Rolled my first hasj joint with Sabrina, in her upstairs oven at OZA 117. I still see her.

Learned to chat up the girls at the door from BigBen. He could charm the pants off the most jaded girl.

I remember walking down Tromp with TonyMunch, and having Nina yell out the door at me that I better come inside if I know what is good for me!

I remember Maxx making even more frightening threats as I teased her from outside her window. Don't tease Maxx!

The Micer meet-up was one of the best weekends of my life.
Got to sit at Cafe Remember between Tony and Greenhoff. Laughed so hard I almost peed myself.
I introduced DogsAfire to Maxx, and she kept him so long that we missed the boat ride.

Spent the whole night with Eva Maria in OZA 50, back when OZA was a goldmine. Had food, drinks and coke delivered to the room. Expensive, but priceless.

Took many long walks with Professor Wim. In the good old days, we would meet at Sexyland, and there were always a few new recruits that got the education of a lifetime in a few short hours.

Nowdays, I spend more time in Alkmaar with Bluto.
I miss the chaos. I miss the vibe. I miss my friends.
I can't wait to go back.


The boat trip lol
I kept trying to chuck tonymunch overboard, but he was having none of it, fucking laugh that trip
" dont tease Maxx" how true is that Mr.Weasel, we both i know have suffered in her kamer for teasing her, she"s grabbed my bollocks so bloody hard at times that i can still feel to this day.
The big micer meet at CR will live with me forever, remember arranging it, hoping maybe 3/4 micers would turn up, in the end we took up the WHOLE back end of the bar. think it was the only time i saw Wim pissed, i know i was. terrific day/night it was

Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-06-02, 3:53 am

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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I once walked down the alley from the Kras toward Maxx's kamer. I loved watching her pace and prowl inside her room. She saw me, and waved her finger to the door, summoning me. Instead of hustling in like I was told, I stopped to have a smoke. She stomped her feet (priceless), scowled, and pointed angrily at the door. I stayed right where I was, and gave her my biggest smile. She scowled more and starred daggers at me. One might worry that another punter would rush in front of me, but no sane person would have entered that room with the vibe she ws giving off, and she was so angry that she couldn't see anything but me. WHen I finished my smoke, I slowly strolled to the door. I told her that I like teasing her and anticipating our time together.
She told me to get naked and get ready to learn about teasing. Oh, shit!
I still have a numb spot on one of my nipples where she pulled that clover clamp off.
The orgasm was out of this world. I wish I could feel my nipple, but I have to admit that it was totally worth it!


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-06-02, 12:29 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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weasel9x9 wrote:

I once walked down the alley from the Kras toward Maxx's kamer. I loved watching her pace and prowl inside her room. She saw me, and waved her finger to the door, summoning me. Instead of hustling in like I was told, I stopped to have a smoke. She stomped her feet (priceless), scowled, and pointed angrily at the door. I stayed right where I was, and gave her my biggest smile. She scowled more and starred daggers at me. One might worry that another punter would rush in front of me, but no sane person would have entered that room with the vibe she ws giving off, and she was so angry that she couldn't see anything but me. WHen I finished my smoke, I slowly strolled to the door. I told her that I like teasing her and anticipating our time together.
She told me to get naked and get ready to learn about teasing. Oh, shit!
I still have a numb spot on one of my nipples where she pulled that clover clamp off.
The orgasm was out of this world. I wish I could feel my nipple, but I have to admit that it was totally worth it!


lol @ weasel
too true, have had similar experiences to yours with Maxx
At her door once i said i couldnt stop as i was off to see Marta [Oz]. Maxx went into overdrive " Im better" etc etc.
Next day, thought id better apologise, she saw me coming and pulled her curtains on me [no punters about]
Thought id blown it big time with her............but later that she let me in and i was literally abused, thrown around her kamer, and made it clear NEVER do that again.............i didnt

miss our Maxx

Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-06-04, 9:02 am

ams2008damPower Kat XXX
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Max always used to catch me looking then as you turned the corner looking back to.see her arse and she would turn around and catch you again.

Then you would see german kim sitting motionless on her stool.Remeber her catsuit outfit had many session with kim.
More my type than Max.Remember visiting both in one day nuce time was had.
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-06-04, 12:31 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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ams2008dam wrote:
Max always used to catch me looking then as you turned the corner looking back to.see her arse and she would turn around and catch you again.

Then you would see german kim sitting motionless on her stool.Remeber her catsuit outfit had many session with kim.
More my type than Max.Remember visiting both in one day nuce time was had.

2 of the best girls you mentioned there mate !!
Maxx"s arse was perfection, how she"d wiggle it about as you ogled her

G Kim, yes, would just sit on her stool, and her eyes would draw you in as if in hypnosis, i helped her pull that catsuit off once,

Miss these 2 soooooo much

Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-06-04, 8:27 pm

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Maxx was good by the standards of De Wallen, but below average by the standard of the Netherlands as a whole. I went once and I wouldn't go back. I swear some of you have never ventured outside De Wallen.
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-06-05, 3:27 am

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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I don't think you were doing the things that I was doing!


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: Our Collective RLD Experiences
Posted: 2020-06-05, 10:02 am

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weasel9x9 wrote:
I don't think you were doing the things that I was doing!


It's certainly possible that I am unaware of what made Max great, and of course I can only speak from my own experience. But my experience is that Max's services had limitations that fell far short of being capable of providing anything close to a GFE.

Now don't get me wrong; it wasn't a bad encounter by any stretch of the imagination, and she was a very friendly girl, but I rarely encounter such limited service outside We Wallen.
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