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QR code to book a girl in the RLD?
Posted: 2023-06-30, 2:23 pm

Posts: 63
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Hey guys,

Does anyone know if this stupid plan to make us book girls via QR codes will actually happen? I see a few news reports in recent months saying that it could be coming, but no date mentioned.

In case you haven’t seen the news, Amsterdams useless mayor wants to force the girls to keep their curtains closed all the time, so we will have to scan a QR code on a phone to book a girl!

I’m off to Ams in a few days, so don’t want to find that I have to use my regular phone to get a lady…
Re: QR code to book a girl in the RLD?
Posted: 2023-06-30, 2:45 pm

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
Posts: 1966
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It's anyone's guess whether any of the garbage currently on the table will ever be implemented. I couldn't tell you. But for now, I can assure you there is no QR code system in place.

One thing worth noting is that, in recent months, it seems to me that working ATMs have been harder to find. You can use the geldmaat.nl website (they have it in English) to find working "geldmaat" machines near you. I should probably put this in a FAQ/info post somewhere but, you know, laziness.


A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: QR code to book a girl in the RLD?
Posted: 2023-06-30, 2:52 pm

Posts: 63
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Thank you sir!

Glad I can get to see and choose the girls as normal when I arrive next week.

Notes about the ATMs, I will take plenty of cash with me. Trip report to follow when I arrive!
Re: QR code to book a girl in the RLD?
Posted: 2023-07-05, 1:10 am

Posts: 112
Location: in the vicinity of Frankfurt
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Dear Bluto,

BlutoBlutarsky wrote:

If you're collecting votes, mine is for having the link as RLD ATMs on the front page, maybe under RLD Hotels; because I'll not remember the one on Reguliersbreestraat, which seems to be the only local one open until 2am. My go-to ATM is DAMRAK 33, but sometimes I notice my wallet is nearly empty only after 11pm.

At La Vie last April, out of cash, shrugging my shoulders, I gave Emily my OV card with 33 Euro on it for a nude lap-dance; was an expensive dance, but it was worth it for watching her boobs bounce as she laughed.

... Eric
Re: QR code to book a girl in the RLD?
Posted: 2023-07-05, 5:23 am

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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Location: cheesehead central
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I am a big fan of the OV card, but I have never used it for a lap dance.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
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