Re: Anyone recognise this hotel room.
Posted: 2021-05-20, 10:03 pm
Posts: 1966
I'm pretty sure I know who you're thinking of but I do believe he recommended room 21 (where I actually had occasion to stay once by pure coincidence, didn't request it specifically) and this here is room 29. Anyway, thanks for the memories. Never stayed in this particular room myself but it's definitely the Terminus, which has undergone numerous name changes/changes in ownership since I last visited. Not the fanciest place but definitely was my favorite hotel back in the day. Passed out drunk there so many times. I remember well the guy working the front desk one night who alerted me to the fact that I had a minor head wound as I walked in all fucked up. Guess I fell down or something. To his credit, he went and got me a beer when I asked for it, despite the bar officially being closed at the time. He never much cared about such rules. Fun times.
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