Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-06-16, 2:48 pm
Posts: 458
Location: Texas 2
I would like to hear some first hand accounts of what to expect when I travel to Amsterdam next month. I am full vaccinated. At this point is seems the restrictions are easing a bit weekly. My son and family live in Germany and traveled Frankfurt to Schipol last week and were required to show a negative test at Schipol before flying to the US. On return only a proof of vaccination was required however they flew directly to Frankfurt. Dutch government website is a bit confusing but it seems as though a negative test is required before leaving for the US. However its unclear as to whether proof of an approved vaccination is sufficient for flying into Amsterdam or does it require a negative test no more than 72 hours old.
_________________ "I sure learned a lot from Bill Evans"
Miles Davis
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-06-16, 11:11 pm
Posts: 305
Check Note that everything is due to change by 1 July. EU/EC announcement due tomorrow.
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-06-17, 9:06 am
Posts: 326
just to make everything more confusing regarding the digital covid passport from 1th of july: ... ificate_enit seems to me that it will only be applied to citizens within EU? (I might bre wrong of course) for US citizens: PCR-test 72h would most definetly work for you next month like it does today.
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-06-17, 2:37 pm
Posts: 458
Location: Texas 2
Thanks...Yea I finally got confirmation from United Airlines that the negative test was what was needed at this point. All subject to change of course.
_________________ "I sure learned a lot from Bill Evans"
Miles Davis
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-08-03, 4:28 pm
Posts: 66
I have plans to fly to Amsterdam in 3 weeks and have been watching every angle for information. I have been checking both with AeroMexico and KLM for their own updates.
I also found this official EU Site/APP that clearly shows what the requirements are for. Enter your start and end country and then see the results. It shows which countries are exempt from the CURRENT EU BAN and a list of low risk, "High Risk", and "Very High Risk" countries. If your country is not listed on any of the lists it automatically ends up in the High Risk Area which has specific requirements to enter.
According to everything I have seen and been communicated with (NL Govt Website) I can enter Amsterdam/NL from Mexico City (I live PT in Mexico) with proof of Vaccination (I have the J&J Shot)
So,,in a nutshell, I am still on for this trip,,but things can change at any minute and my fear is that I will be stuck in a small European Hotel room during a forced lockdown.
Its like Russian Roulette
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-08-05, 5:42 pm
Posts: 17
Location: North Carolina, USA
420XXX wrote: I have plans to fly to Amsterdam in 3 weeks and have been watching every angle for information. I have been checking both with AeroMexico and KLM for their own updates.
I also found this official EU Site/APP that clearly shows what the requirements are for. Enter your start and end country and then see the results. It shows which countries are exempt from the CURRENT EU BAN and a list of low risk, "High Risk", and "Very High Risk" countries. If your country is not listed on any of the lists it automatically ends up in the High Risk Area which has specific requirements to enter.
According to everything I have seen and been communicated with (NL Govt Website) I can enter Amsterdam/NL from Mexico City (I live PT in Mexico) with proof of Vaccination (I have the J&J Shot)
So,,in a nutshell, I am still on for this trip,,but things can change at any minute and my fear is that I will be stuck in a small European Hotel room during a forced lockdown.
Its like Russian Roulette I'm also fully vaccinated myself (I got the Moderna vaccine back in Spring of this year), and while I don't plan on traveling to Europe this year, I am next year. I suppose anything could change at a whim so I don't know what will happen even months from now. I do hope that by 2022, restrictions will be much less than now and that the pandemic will be behind us by then. I do wish you a great trip and hope you are able to enjoy Netherlands without much restriction there.
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-08-06, 12:19 pm
Posts: 115
I am from Vegas I was there in June and am going back next week. Just showed my passport to get into the country and had a PCR test to fly back. Very easy. City was quiet and I only head two other amserican accents all week. Anyone wants to meet for a smoke, I’ll be in town Wednesday night.
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-08-07, 1:53 pm
Posts: 66
Here are responses from the NL Consulate in Mexico City when asked if American citizens are allowed to enter NL currently and what if any quarantine is required upon arrival.
Here are the two answers.
Dear Mr. xxxxxxx
It is not needed to prove a valid reason to enter the Netherlands. Being fully vaccinated you may travel to the Netherlands.
It is not needed to prove a valid reason to enter the Netherlands. Being fully vaccinated you may travel to the Netherlands.
All information regarding the Dutch policy of travel restrictions you will find here:
Kind regards, Michel Thijsebaard
Operational Manager
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Volcán 150 - 2 | Col. Lomas de Chapultepec
C.P. 11000 | Mexico City | Tel: +52 (55) 1105 6550
All information regarding the Dutch policy of travel restrictions you will find here:
Michel Thijsebaard
Operational Manager
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Volcán 150 - 2 | Col. Lomas de Chapultepec
C.P. 11000 | Mexico City | Tel: +52 (55) 1105 6550
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-08-07, 7:09 pm
Posts: 19
According to schengenvisainfo (7th Aug 2021) -
"The European Union’s Council is set to review the list of epidemiologically safe third countries, based on which list Member States are advised to remove the entry ban on the residents of countries part of it.
Different sources have confirmed for Reuters and Bloomberg that the block is looking into the possibility of bringing back the entry ban on travellers from the US, after the same no longer meets the conditions to be part of the list, after an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases detected in its territory."
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-08-08, 5:54 pm
Posts: 66
hoogy wrote: According to schengenvisainfo (7th Aug 2021) -
"The European Union’s Council is set to review the list of epidemiologically safe third countries, based on which list Member States are advised to remove the entry ban on the residents of countries part of it.
Different sources have confirmed for Reuters and Bloomberg that the block is looking into the possibility of bringing back the entry ban on travellers from the US, after the same no longer meets the conditions to be part of the list, after an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases detected in its territory." So this may be a day by day update on Americans traveling to NL? I live in Mexico and they are not listed on any of the levels for Safe, High Risk, or Very High Risk.. According to the Open EU if a country is not on any of the lists they are automatically placed on High Risk,,which I am exempt if I can prove my Vaccination and Negative PCR Tests. Let me know if you find any current updates. Thanks J
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-08-28, 11:11 pm
Posts: 19
"Two officials within the European Union institutions have confirmed for Reuters that the EU Council will on Monday announce its decision to remove from the list of epidemiologically safe third countries a total of six countries, including the United States.
The removal from the list means that the Member States are advised to reimpose the entry ban on travellers from these countries so that the same are no longer eligible to enter restriction-free for non-essential purposes like tourism and business.
According to Reuters, the decision on reimposing the entry ban on US travellers has been taken on Friday, August 27, but it will be officially announced only on Monday, August 30".
Source: schengenvisainfo
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-09-03, 2:58 pm
Posts: 66
So far I have not seen any confirmation that US Citizens departing from the US are banned. I am a US Citizen with Mexican Residency. Since I am departing from Mexico I would be exempt from the EU Ban. Its a thin line between between departing from the US and being a US Passport Holder departing from another country. Any concrete information or updates from the EU on this issue?
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-09-03, 6:33 pm
Supporting Member
Posts: 1887
Location: cheesehead central
www.government.nlThe US was removed from the safe country list as of 31 August. It has NOT been place on either of the VERY HIGH risk lists (one for unacceptably high rates, one for scary variants) By default, it is now on the HIGH risk list. As far as I can tell, based on the above website, vaccinated travelers are still permitted without testing or quarantine. The big change is for unvaccinated, who will have to both test and quarantine. The website is a little wonky, and reads like it was google translated from Dutch to English. Maybe it is just Dutch governmentspeak. Like all Dutch customer service, it leaves something to be desired. There is no current requirement for testing or quarantine on return to the US. For anyone from the EU interested in travel to the US...Well, you're still fucked. The travel ban in this direction is still in place unchanged since the winter of 2020. My fearless leaders are talking about forming a panel to study this. RIght now, they are a little busy cleaning up a long list of ugly messes. Passport and VIsa processing is overwhelmed. They aren't going to be enthusiastic about re-opening. You could buy a pass form a Mexican Cartel to walk across the border, and claim asylum. That works. Weasel
_________________ ...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-09-03, 9:07 pm
Posts: 85
I see on schiphol airport website they are saying rules change on 4 September for United States the info is copied below
Mandatory test and quarantine for travellers from the United States and other countries
Will you soon be travelling to Schiphol from the United States, Kosovo, Israel, Montenegro or North Macedonia? As of 4 September, you are required to go into quarantine upon your arrival in the Netherlands.
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-09-04, 1:57 pm
Posts: 19
weasel9x9 wrote: Oh, Fuck Me Again! The website checklist is giving me results for rules today, 3 September. Those rules change this weekend. It looks like a mandatory quarantine will also come into effect on 6 September, along with a test requirement, and if I am reading it correctly (and I am having a very hard time with this site) it is a 10 day quarantine. There seems to be a way to shorten this with additional testing on arrival, but I can't get a clear answer on that part. Please pardon me while I go and slit my throat.
Weasel USA is now considered a "very high risk country without a variant of concern". I believe these are the requirements for a fully vaccinated person though please check- PCR test 48 hours prior to departure or Antigen test 24 hours prior. Proof of vaccination (In a form that NL accepts). Quarantine declaration form (possibly 2 copies). Vaccination declaration form. 10 day quarantine unless you have a PCR test to release on day 5. does same day test and results for 80 Euros. Quarantine has extremely strict rules and you can't even leave to buy food. There's all kinds of help you can request if you are unable to order online or have problems. I have no idea how strict it is actually policed though. The word "ban" should probably be ignored since it is frequently used incorrectly. They say a country is banned and then immediately tell you how to enter.
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-09-04, 4:19 pm
Posts: 15
Well this 5-10 day quarantine sucks! I was literally going to be there in a few days, but with vey little notice with this change it just seems impossible now. I was originally only planning on staying 5 days in Amsterdam but now I’ll just have to go back another time. I know there are exceptions such as visit for a funerals or such but it almost seems not worth the hassle to fake going to one or anything like that. This just sucks as I was days away.
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-09-05, 2:59 pm
Posts: 66
So I have a interesting twist on this. I had to cancel my entire trip (30 days) on August 23 -Sept 21 from Mexico to AMS due to losing my Passport/Mexican Residency Card, 3 Credit Cards and my Vaccination Record,,, literally 15 minutes prior to Boarding,,and I had a Business Class Ticket on a 789 Dreamliner. I had just paid to upgrade that day and subsequently lost the upgrade $ spent since it was my fault...LIterally getting ready to board a direct Business Class Flight to Amsterdam. YIKES
I had waited almost two years from the original plan to go last year,,that got cancelled due to Covid,,and finally was able to rebook in March of this year,,hoping to use it in August once the restrictions were released for US Travellers. Had a 10 days in Amsterdam,,then a Bike Boat Tour from AMS through Southern Holland into Belgium - Antwerp - Ghent -Bruges,,and then training on the High Speed Train from Brussels to Paris,,then on to Strasbourg, Lucerne, Zurich and ending in Amsterdam for 4 days.
I am technically a US Passport Holder but also have a Mexican Permanent Residence Card since I technically live in Mexico.
Prior to the planned departure I had sent multiple emails to the NL Embassy in Mexico City, the Mexican and US Embassy in NL to confirm my ability to arrive at Schipol without having to Quarantine as long as I provide proof of my Mexican Residency, Valid US Passport, Vaccination and NL Health Questionnaire.
I received multiple confirmations that Mexico is not listed on any of the EU Safe Countries or Very High Risk (with or without risks of Variants. Since Mexico was not on any list it automatically is listed as High Risk,,which is was and is now,,,a lower risk than the USA.
I had to go through a long screening process in Mexico during check-in to verify all of the issues stated above, which after about 20 minutes at the Airport Ticket counter they finally let me through,,and then while boarding my flight from Guadalajara to Mexico City for the direct passport and Mexican ID disappeared. I am a very experienced traveller with over 40 trips to Amsterdam alone since 2001.
I lost the value of the Upgrade plus the outbound flights. I had originally paid $1,300 for a seat with more legroom and up front and then won a upgrade auction to Business class for $500. Now, to rebook the new flight I have a $700 credit and have to pay the difference to $2,300 for the same flight ($1,600 more PLUS any upgrades. FUCK ME!!
Now that everything changed on September 4th for US Travellers I have to verify once again that since Mexico is technically not on any list I would fall into the same Exemption that does not require Quarantine or even a Negative PCR Test,,as long as I provide the Valid documents from my first trip. Here are the requirements from the official reopen EU and Official NL site.
Travelling from a high risk area
High risk areas: not on the lists of safe or very high risk areas Countries and regions that are not on the list of safe countries/regions or on the lists of very high risk areas are considered high-risk areas on this page.
There is no list of high risk areas outside the EU/Schengen.
Checklist when travelling from a high risk area
1. EU entry ban for high-risk areas outside the EU/Schengen area A European entry ban is in effect for some people, barring them from travelling from a high-risk area to the European Union or the Schengen area. You may only enter the Netherlands if the purpose of your trip falls under one of the exemption categories. People travelling from a high risk area who have been fully vaccinated can be exempted from the EU entry ban.
2. Mandatory negative COVID-19 test result Travellers from outside the EU do not have to show a negative test result if they have proof of vaccination; proof of recovery is not sufficient to exempt these travellers from the negative test result requirement. If you can't show proof of vaccination, you must be able to show a negative COVID-19 test result. This applies to everyone aged 12 or over. The type of mandatory negative test result you need depends on the mode of transport you use.
3. No self-quarantine required You are not required to self-quarantine when you arrive in the Netherlands.
4. Health declaration If you are travelling by air you must fill in a health declaration (only when aged 13 or above) and carry it with you. Some airlines allow you to complete this health declaration digitally when you check in
5. Take a test (even if you have no symptoms and/or have been vaccinated)
You are advised to take a coronavirus test after arriving in the Netherlands. This applies even if you have been vaccinated.
If you do not have proof of vaccination, get tested on day 2 and 5 after your arrival (either by the GGD or by doing a self-test).
If you have proof of vaccination or recovery, do a self-test before meeting other people or going to work or school. This applies even if you have been vaccinated.
Young people who have been on holiday together should always make an appointment with the municipal health service (GGD) to get tested as soon as they return home.
If you have symptoms, stay at home and make an appointment with the GGD to get tested as soon as possible.
Hoping to get there next week and start my planned trip
Re: Traveling from US to Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-09-05, 10:20 pm
Posts: 305
That's some bad luck. I hope your rebooking works out. In my experience it doesn't matter your nationality, rather the countries you are flying from and have spent the last 10-14 days in. Stay out of the "very high risk" countries, reprint a digital copy of your vaccination certificate, and you should qualify for the "high risk" entry criteria.
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