Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-09, 3:42 pm
Posts: 326
NL might get into restrictions again. Numbers are going up.Clubs about to close, sex workers too?
Because of that Im here now for a week. Why wait any longer? Status - very empty .
- trompsteeg, dolleb , both sint A streta are closed. Boomsteeg also.
Inside area next by La vie en Rose - open All other street seems to be open Dayshift 30% full Nightshift 60% full Tourist - not much at all. Some italians and german speaking people. Noone from UK
No legends are working like Polish Anna etc as far as I could see.
Gonna take a walk again later on again.
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-09, 4:11 pm
Posts: 58
From what I’ve read in the local media restaurants/bars expected to close at midnight.. because you know the virus only comes out after midnight.. Also probably shutting down night clubs. But they have also increased testing by 25 percent over the last week. The government is giving them for free to everyone.
I don’t believe they plan on closing the red light district or coffeeshops. Did not see that anywhere. It seems to be the increase in positive tests from 30 years old and younger people. But the hospitalizations and deaths are still very low.
One question for you joe, talking about legends... have you seen Agniezska in her 72-3 kamer on the main strip?
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-09, 4:41 pm
Posts: 326
Is this her? Video is probably 10 years old (im not the one who filmen/uploaded) She is in her 40s now I guess. But yes she is working.
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-09, 5:27 pm
Posts: 1966
averagejoe wrote: Is this her? Video is probably 10 years old (im not the one who filmen/uploaded) She is in her 40s now I guess. But yes she is working.'s not her and 72-3 is a ground-level window, the rightmost of a group of three. Here: http://amsterdam-red-light-district-map ... and70.htmlI also have no idea if she's there right now. I don't get to Amsterdam very often these days.
_________________ A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-09, 5:37 pm
Posts: 326
This woman is the only one who is working ground level right now(yesterday) dayshift. I havent been there yet today. Will go night shift
Yes video is from another window. But video is super old. Uploaded of random person
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-09, 6:25 pm
Posts: 58
Yes bluto is correct. She also works night shift. Thanks for checking it out joe.
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-09, 8:49 pm
Posts: 78
Hi Guys.
Thanks för the report Mr Joe.
The girl in the You tube clipp is Dutch Stella. She is a hardworking honest girl, and quite fun. Today she has bigger boobs (1000 CC).
If you see polish Anna please report.
Take care and have fun, Tom.
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-11, 4:54 pm
Posts: 326
Don’t think this mix of regular shops and windows on same location is a good idea. Many families with under age children walking around eating ice cream. Can’t see how this is a place for children. (Well this is my personal opinion)
On Dollebsteeg (misspelled?) its a new tattoo shop btw. This style of shop is the ones that fit in I think. Might not be the same crowd as punters but def the same vibe. Tattoos / windows def fit togheter.
Going for a double session today. Been one session a day until today.
Night time saturday is a restricted . One need to walk in the same direction as in a loop. This was also introduced before corona I think but now its guards everywhere. Of you miss a girl and want to go back you can only go back within the section. If you go out you have to walk the whole loop again.
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-11, 5:21 pm
Posts: 58
Flying out to Amsterdam tmrw. Haven’t been since 2019, so that one way traffic law on busy nights is new. But understandable as I have seen it shoulder to shoulder jam packed with thousands of people.
They have always had families walking around near the windows.. doesn’t stop me ha. Nobody knows me there!
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-11, 6:00 pm
Posts: 326
mondays are fine. no barriers or extra guards. probably perfect.
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-12, 12:12 pm
Posts: 255
averagejoe wrote: Don’t think this mix of regular shops and windows on same location is a good idea. Many families with under age children walking around eating ice cream. Can’t see how this is a place for children. (Well this is my personal opinion)
Night time saturday is a restricted . One need to walk in the same direction as in a loop. This was also introduced before corona I think but now its guards everywhere. Of you miss a girl and want to go back you can only go back within the section. If you go out you have to walk the whole loop again. I agree, i think it's not a great mix to have those type of shops in the middle of the streets. So they appear to be taking Covid more seriously than when the area first reopened last summer; at that time, although the markings were there for the one-way traffic, there was no enforcement whatsoever and people were just ignoring it. Lucas3 wrote: Flying out to Amsterdam tmrw. Haven’t been since 2019, so that one way traffic law on busy nights is new. But understandable as I have seen it shoulder to shoulder jam packed with thousands of people.
Tourist numbers must be so low at the moment that there's no risk it being jam packed like before!
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-13, 7:19 pm
Posts: 401
I am getting Emails as of July 10 clubs and such are closed again . They are saying till the end of August shut down . Is this true , if so I need to cancel my trip
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-13, 7:30 pm
Posts: 58
Reporting from Amsterdam!
Barely any windows open during the day shift. Probably saw around maybe 15. If anyone is a fan of the spinner Ella, she is still around. If anybody wants me to look around to see if a girl still works, just ask.
Houston....Everything is pretty open, signs everywhere “welcoming back tourists”. The only restrictions are having bars/rest have to close at midnight. Also night clubs are not allowed to open. Everything else is normal. Nobody wears masks, and there is no social distancing. Feels just like Texas :D.
Also if anyone is wondering flying from USA to Amsterdam, they literally only asked for my passport. They did not ask for a vaccine card or even a negative covid test. Travel is just like normal coming to the Netherlands.
Last edited by Lucas3 on 2021-07-13, 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-13, 7:34 pm
Posts: 255
funfor2houston wrote: I am getting Emails as of July 10 clubs and such are closed again . They are saying till the end of August shut down . Is this true , if so I need to cancel my trip There is no mention of sex clubs or the red light are made being closed, only nightclubs and slightly reduced hours fir restaurants: ... infectionsI’ve had a look and I can see the well known privehuis’ are still open. As is being reported in the UK, the Netherlands rise in cases is not leading to overwhelming hospitalisation at the moment but they are worried hospital admissions may yet increase if these restrictions not imposed. The UK is actually easing all Covid restrictions from next Monday, with the point being that the huge number of vaccinations will stop people becoming seriously ill even if they catch Covid. Let’s hope the Netherlands can speed up the vaccination programme and remove restrictions again.
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-13, 7:46 pm
Posts: 255
Lucas3 wrote: Reporting from Amsterdam!
Barely any windows open during the day shift. Probably saw around maybe 15. If anyone is a fan of the spinner Ella, she is still around. If anybody wants me to look around to see if a girl still works, just ask.
Houston....Everything is pretty open, signs everywhere “welcoming back tourists”. The only restrictions are having bars/rest have to close at midnight. Also night clubs are not allowed to open. Everything else is normal. Nobody wears masks, and there is no social distancing. Feels just like Texas :D.
Also if anyone is wondering flying from USA to Amsterdam, they literally only asked for my passport. They did not ask for a vaccine card or even a negative covid test. Travel is just like normal coming to the Netherlands. USA is on the Netherlands’safe list’ so no Covid test would be required. Interesting to hear no social distancing- someone had reported on the other thread that they are enforcing one way traffic in the red light area? Also surprised barely any windows open as again someone had mentioned 30 odd per cent. Then again, I know a lot of windows were already closed before Covid so 30% could feel light. Can you let me know if la vie en rose windows are occupied - k6, k4 daytime (Lorena, Elisa). Thanks
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-13, 8:43 pm
Posts: 401
Hell Texas never really closed , we threw our masks out in March . We will be there at the beginning of August and we seen where the Pride party has been cancelled and most of the parties at the bars. . Still waiting on info. from Fata Morganna and Sameplace . How about coffee shops , are they open ? I feel like a dumbass but hate to piss a bunch of money and nothing going on. :)
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-13, 9:02 pm
Posts: 4
Hi, I was over in Amsterdam just before lock down and am kicking myself for missing out on two wonderful girls working in Molensteeg.. Don't know names, but looking at the maps they would have been in the following locations :- 14-1 - gorgeous mixed race girl wearing a strap across beasts and small tattoo's on thighs .. 6-3 - a beautiful white girl with shoulder length brown hair and was wearing a "Guess" Leotard type outfit
Would be great to know if they are still working ..
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-13, 9:17 pm
Posts: 326
dorps wrote: Interesting to hear no social distancing- someone had reported on the other thread that they are enforcing one way traffic in the red light area?
Also surprised barely any windows open as again someone had mentioned 30 odd per cent. Then again, I know a lot of windows were already closed before Covid so 30% could feel light.
Can you let me know if la vie en rose windows are occupied - k6, k4 daytime (Lorena, Elisa). Thanks yes that was me. well Im back home agian I think this comparison is between: weekend VS weekdays. I was there during a weekend. he was writing during a monday. daytime: monday-tuesday are probably slow. and they are also changing shift 17-19. rooms are being cleaned. however I dont think he meant literally 'completely empty'. All the side streets do have windows open. even on mondays and Tuesdays ( the slowest days). Well, I left on a monday so I'm positive there were girls there too during day shift. Had my last session on Monikeenstraat - daytime. three girls on that street. I picked one. ...and like I wrote in an earlier post, STELLA was working downstairs at the main canal street.. so completely wiped out empty - No. question no 2 yes: saturdays do have guards and a one way loop systems after 8pm. maybe fridays nights too. Cant remember. All other days are like it usually is. One can stroll around however you like these other nights . la vie en rose inside area - half occupied. Anna wasnt there. but the small blond girl in the corner who always is there was there. I dont know any of them girls by name so I cant answear anymore specific. never had sex with any of them. yes I would say 30% occupied on day shift (best time to come 13-17 o clock) 60% on night shift. (21:00-00:00) bars are closing after midnight - expect some girls are leaving after that too.... RED LIGHT is not what it used to be. Will never be. I still had a good time last week. very sad about the Trompettersteg though. The feeling of walking in there after landing from airport was always something special. that small path defines red light district.
Last edited by averagejoe on 2021-07-13, 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-13, 11:29 pm
Posts: 255
 Thanks for the information averagejoe and glad you had a good time. I agree Tromp and the other windows closed around there will be missed, sad times! I've attached a picture of la vie en rose. Lorena is a girl with big natural boobs in k6, and elisa is a tall girl working in k4 daytime shift.
Re: Current status from Amsterdam
Posted: 2021-07-13, 11:47 pm
Posts: 326
there were def girls working in those windows. k6 white bikini (rather tall also)
the other in k4 had black clothing (daytime shift) dark hair if Im remembering correctly (might be wrong)