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Anyone know if Thai Jinah (Gena?) on Stoofsteeg 7-M (or around there) is still around?
Posted: 2021-10-30, 9:21 pm

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Hi all.
This is a long shot, but when I was in A'Dam in late February of 2020, I was with an absolute stunner Thai woman named Jinah (I could be spelling it incorrectly) on Stoofsteeg a little over halfway toward OZ Achterburgwal if I remember correctly. She had sandy blonde or brown longish hair and wore glasses in the window, typically fishnets, too. Petite with outstanding tits (C or so). Has anyone seen her lately or is she like many Asians sadly gone? I'd love to know, as I'd seek her out again in a heartbeat this coming February. Thanks!
Re: Anyone know if Thai Jinah (Gena?) on Stoofsteeg 7-M (or around there) is still around?
Posted: 2021-11-06, 10:22 pm

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Just checking back. Maybe if someone there at the moment could confirm the description. She was in kamer 7-M or possibly 7-R on the left if you're heading toward Cafe Bar de Stoof between Oudezijds Voorburgwal and OZ Achterburgwal. You can't miss her. Any report would be appreciated!
Re: Anyone know if Thai Jinah (Gena?) on Stoofsteeg 7-M (or around there) is still around?
Posted: 2021-11-06, 10:35 pm

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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There was a very large breasted asian woman with glasses in Stoof 10 when I was there last month.
I don't know her personally, but she sounds like a match.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: Anyone know if Thai Jinah (Gena?) on Stoofsteeg 7-M (or around there) is still around?
Posted: 2021-11-06, 11:47 pm

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Hi, weasel!
That very well could be her. This is really good to know. Thank you for the info! If you're into Asian women like myself, she was just sublime. Toned, bronzed, firm (likely enhanced, but really good if so) breasts and all-around fun. Very nice, too. I visited her five nights in a row. Gave a splendid massage as well. I hope that's her, and if so she's still there in February if things don't keep going south. Thanks again for the report.
Re: Anyone know if Thai Jinah (Gena?) on Stoofsteeg 7-M (or around there) is still around?
Posted: 2021-11-07, 6:53 pm

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This asian Weasel mention got huge boobs. Silicione for sure. 30-40s. Im in Amstedam at the moment and saw her yesterday . Gonna take a walk later on tonight . Glasses with black frames

any other I should check up, please let me know
Re: Anyone know if Thai Jinah (Gena?) on Stoofsteeg 7-M (or around there) is still around?
Posted: 2021-11-07, 9:30 pm

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Hi, averagejoe. Yes, that certainly sounds like her. 30s-lower 40s. Yes, her boobs are huge. Really nice.
Like I say, I'm really into Asian women, so if you see any others and could report kamer proximity and street, that would be so appreciated! I'd owe you one.
Asian women have been dwindling since around 2008 or so, sadly. So when I see a stunner I just have to give her a try. This woman I'm referring to was worth it. I really liked her demeanor, which put things right bonus-wise.
Man, I love this forum! I appreciate this so much.
Re: Anyone know if Thai Jinah (Gena?) on Stoofsteeg 7-M (or around there) is still around?
Posted: 2021-11-08, 1:09 am

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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Average Joe,

I am dying to find out about the blond. daytime, Molensteeg 14r
6-pack abs, throat tatoo, and a really nice smirk in the window.
If I was there, I would put those two at the top of my "to do" list.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: Anyone know if Thai Jinah (Gena?) on Stoofsteeg 7-M (or around there) is still around?
Posted: 2021-11-08, 5:35 pm

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Noone today that fits in that description Weasel. Well its monday and day off for everyone who works weekend. Rather empty

Some hot ones at RLD de Pijp though. That was full more or less .
Re: Anyone know if Thai Jinah (Gena?) on Stoofsteeg 7-M (or around there) is still around?
Posted: 2021-11-09, 1:13 pm

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3 asians in total, 2 at stoofsteeg. Can’t remeber where the 3rd was located. Also 1-2 thai shemales upon that. They are located at the usually trans area.

Not that many black women anymore. Used to be around the church, but I guess the competiton is hard these days . They never got that many custumers as the EE girls even pre covid…

All girls are complaining about the lack of custumers. Saturdays are good, but the rest of the week, not good at all.

Inside area has dropped 50% of customers since the rest of the windows in that parts were closed
Re: Anyone know if Thai Jinah (Gena?) on Stoofsteeg 7-M (or around there) is still around?
Posted: 2021-11-09, 5:56 pm

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Average Joe,
Thank you! It's sad what has happened over the past 20 months or so, nevermind what has transpired since Project 1012. I appreciate the report and effort, really. Hopefully the two or three will still be around at the end of February ;)
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