averagejoe wrote:
this is my personal observation and Im aware I could be totally wrong, but rip offs during day shift are rather rare, aren't they? if you show up sober (compared to drunk) and have a proper dialogue before you walk in where everything is super clear of what you want and how much (these two things are essential), then everything should be ok.
if the sex worker starts to upsell other services , just say
'sounds tempting, probably next time if this goes well, thank you' or something like that... that works every time.
- CIM is extra, normally 50E but might go up to 100 for the most popular ones,
and not all girls do cim in the first place . might be a handful only. who knows...
Thanks! Very helpful tips, and great observations. For CIM, I understand it's probably the exception. But when offered, is this in condom or bareback (or some other method)? Mostly curious as to how to set my expectations. How, how do you communicate you want CIM if there's a language barrier? Thanks.