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Best time to visit the RLD
Posted: 2022-08-06, 3:15 am

Posts: 6
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I was thinking of planning a trip around mid november. Im just wondering if that's a good or atleast not such a bad time to visit the RLD. I dont want to go there and see most of the Windows empty because there are not as many tourists during those times.
Re: Best time to visit the RLD
Posted: 2022-08-06, 5:42 am

Posts: 132
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My experience over the years is that November is generally a good time to visit Amsterdam and the RLDs. Some of the ladies might plan ahead for vacations home (or elsewhere) over Thanksgiving. One tactic worth trying is exploring RLDs in Alkmaar and Den Haag if the main RLD (Wallen) is experiencing a shortage of windowgirls and you’re not finding a girl of your liking. Popular girls in the Wallen can be behind the closed door for long stretches during evening hours in particular. Afternoons generally can be good times for windowgirl sessions when crowds tend to be notably lower than the evenings. Backup plans? Consider escorts or prive houses perhaps. One of the challenges within this hobby is staying within budget. Fee structure in Europe tends to be much more favorable to guys versus the major North American cities.
Re: Best time to visit the RLD
Posted: 2022-08-16, 8:50 am

Posts: 8
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I agree. I have visited the area often and during the afternoon is the best time. The girls are still 'fresh', people are not so drunk yet. And especially during the night you don't want to be there. The girls can get quite desperate to get the last bucks and will constantly ask you for 'upgrades' while they do less and less. You'll get a whole different experience every time of the day.
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