funfor2houston wrote:
The girls in Pattayia and Bangkok compared to Amsterdam are two steps higher . Much , much better attitudes . This is funny but I was walking around Parrayia one evening and walked up to one of the massage stores. I asked the girl standing out front “happy ending “. She said yea good Boom , Boom . Then I asked her if she was a ladyboy . She said , I am a girl , what’s the matter you don’t like pussy . Good pussy . She was funny. But the Soy Cowboy and Nana Plaza was overwelming to me You see these girls walking around with numbers on their shirt . If you like you pick her up. Of course they have the ping pong show and all kind of sexual freak shows. In Pattayia in the Soy 6 the girls will come out on the street ( alley ) and grab your crotch. I say this it was funny a friend that went with us doesn’t like to walk a lot so he would sit in the lobby at our hotel and watch the girls walk by . When he seen one he liked he would sent the doorman out to get her . ..Be careful if you go there these girls are looking for husbands . LOL
Thailand is several notches above Amsterdam, and most of Europe's RLD...I am in Thailand right now...enjoying banging lots of hot, sexy girls...the key is to make them believe that you could be their foreigner husband. However, at the same time, you need to know that the most they will be is a medium term relationship.