Mojito wrote:
Hmmm...from what I can see of my friends and colleagues who have foreign brides, it is very hit and miss. I would say, around a third of them work out really well. A third is a continual compromise, and a final third which are absolute disasters...
From my observations here in the UK, I tend to agree with these rough outcomes.
Ive known a few eastern european woman who married western men... As rglass said, it's horrible. Ive also known a few men who married Asian woman; I married an asian women! Sometimes I wonder if she did it for the opportunity, but I'm no spring chicken and I'll just ride the wave! But I wouldn't with eastern european drama queen!
The above quote sums up nicely what i've seen in the UK. Most marriages with asian (e.g. Chinese, Filipino) partners tend to last, whilst those with Eastern European partners don't tend to last. All of the women do it to better their lives ("opportunity" as you put it). As i say, these are just my observations.