Welcome to our upgraded board.
We have some new features here, most notably better search results with more options, the ability to upload images to be hosted here on the board, new buttons for
easier text formatting and a quote button (as requested).
SearchYou'll notice some different search options (see
Advanced Search for details) and new search boxes to facilitate searching individual forums and topics. We think search works better in this version, as in a search of two or three terms together may turn up 30 or 40 relevant results, rather than 2000 junk ones. Please try it out and let me know if you agree.
New Users: Please utilise the search function before posting a question. If you are new to Amsterdam, it is very likely your topic will have been addressed here at some length in past. So please help us out by searching before posting. Replying to an existing topic is generally always better than starting a new one.
One thing: Due to a bug in phpBB3, it is not possible to search for hyphenated terms. For example, a search for the string "rip-off" will turn up every post that contains both the words "rip" and "off" somewhere in the text, but not necessarily together as in "rip-off" (although the posts containing "rip-off" are matched too, at least). This is clearly something to do with the "-" delimiter not being handled properly when it appears in the middle of a word (and thus is not intended as the 'NOT' delimiter but rather part of the word itself). A minor annoyance... let's hope they get this right in the next version.
Quotes- The quote button is there to lend clarity to replies, not to waste space by quoting an entire 12 page post and adding a two line reply. Please be mindful of your fellow readers and limit your quoting only to the text to which you are replying.
- Often times you may want to address several points raised in someone's post. But perhaps they are scattered about the (potentially long) post, and you don't want to waste space by quoting the entire thing. Here's what you can do.
- Instead of clicking "quote," click "reply." The message composition screen comes up.
- Scroll down and find the post you want to quote under "Topic Review" (if there are many posts in the topic and the one you want to reply to is one of the earlier ones, it may not show up under "Topic Review." In that case, you can go back to the board and find the post, quote the whole thing, and then just edit down the quoted portion to the relevant parts before posting your reply.)
- Using the mouse, highlight only the text you want quoted and click "Quote." This will copy the quoted text into your edit box above, with proper formatting and attribution. Rinse and repeat for every portion you want to quote. And use the "Preview" function to verify things look as expected before posting.
- The quote button is only there to make it easier to use that function when appropriate (i.e. to provide needed context if there's potential for confusion), not to encourage using it for the sake of using it. So if you would not have felt compelled to quote text on the old board (either by doing it with BBCode, or by copy/pasting and surrounding it with " "), then it's probably not necessary here either.
FormattingAs you can see, our new message composition screen makes it easy to change font colours and font size and apply bolding, italics and underlining, among other things. We were a little leery of even implementing these features as, while they can be rather useful under the right circumstances, they have some potential for abuse.
We have, IMO, a sleek looking board at the moment which would look less so if people started colouring up posts just for the sake of using the new features (see a recurrent theme here?) So please use the "new" formatting options sparingly, especially the font colours and sizes. These can be very useful for highlighting certain information within a post (e.g. names of girls, streets, restaurants, headings for sections in trip reports, etc), making it more readable. But they should not be used indiscriminately, so please make sure there's an actual reason for a colour change in your post. Bottom line: this is Ignatzmice, not your kindergarten art class.
While the new buttons make it easier, some knowledge of BBCode can still be useful -- especially if you need to un-do a formatting change, which the edit tools aren't smart enough to do. The
BBCode primer is here.
Attaching ImagesIt's now possible to attach pictures to posts (
limit it to images to which you hold the copyright, please), which are hosted here on the board. Please keep them to a reasonable file size if at all possible, the images below being a good example. There is a hard limit of
1.5MB per image so as not to overly discourage participation by any of our less tech-savvy users, but please keep the images much smaller than that if you can. JPEG is the preferred format. Please try to avoid using PNG as that format is a horribly inefficient way of representing photos, using up far more of our bandwidth than necessary (often 10x more) and loading too slowly here.
rs_oudekerksplein.jpg [ 339.72 KiB ]
rs_lizard.jpg [ 280.14 KiB ]
Attached images will appear as shown above if, after uploading the image, you click "place inline" in order to generate the BBCode to display the image and thus control where it appears in your post... otherwise it'll be at the end like the two below, with a thumbnail linking to the larger version in either case.
For "traditional" inclusion of images in posts, you would host the pics yourself -- e.g. on something like imageshack, flickr, etc -- and display them with the img tags as before. For example, say the image exists at
http://www.ignatzmice.com/miscimages/biermuseum.jpg and you want to display it inline in a post. You would put:
making sure that "Disable BBCode" is unchecked before you post.
This is useful if you want to show an image full size rather than as a thumbnail (images hosted on the board are always displayed as thumbnails linking to the larger versions, in order to conserve bandwidth and reduce the load on our poor server).
Threaded Display is GoneIt was not standard with phpBB2 but a custom mod installed on our old board. There seems to be nothing comparable currently available for phpBB3. I decided against writing something myself as this is a non-trivial mod that would likely require considerable support time and effort down the line, and complicate future upgrades. For anyone who was using threaded display, please accept my apologies. As only 1.9% of registered users were using it on the old board, we simply decided it was not worth maintaining -- especially in light of the fact that threaded display really only works if
everyone is using it. With 98% of users using flat view and just clicking the nearest "reply" button to add to a thread/topic -- as opposed to carefully selecting to which post one replies and commenting only on the content of that parent post (perhaps posting several times to reply to different posts in the thread), Usenet-style -- we never had a true threaded display anyway. So it's gone. On that note, I'm keeping the "Reply" button in each post rather than just one at the top (the norm for phpBB), for now, even though we don't have threading... 1) because people hate change, 2) because adding another button next to "New Topic" makes that row too crowded with our fixed-width layout and 3) because I didn't want people using "quote" in lieu of reply, quoting entire posts without thinking.
Custom Profile FieldsFor a combination of technical reasons and simple laziness, your "No. of visits to Amsterdam" and "RLD-related venue preference" profile values were not carried over from the old database. If you wish, you can re-enter them in your profile here (User Control Panel->Options->Profile).
AcknowledgementsWe would like to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who helped us test the new board (in no particular order): Harvey Wallenbanger, br1965, sunchildtine, neurosynth, 420, brad 07, sun-n-fun, tonymunch, smuler, ams2008dam, jgramos, davey1800, bitman and billybob69 (sincerest apologies if I missed anyone...PM me and I'll add to the list). With your help, we were able to fix a bug and also immediately implement several suggestions that improved the board substantially. You also contributed some great ideas for the future that we're definitely going to look at as we continue to work to improve the site. Thank you for helping make this the great place that it is. And a special nod to br1965 for his advice on phpBB3, which prompted me to look into it further and begin this upgrade sooner rather than later.
I also want to mention that my esteemed co-admin AmsterdamChris was there from day one, for months providing valuable input, testing and helping decide how to implement various board features, not to mention keeping me motivated to complete this project.
Still have questions about using the new board?Your first stop should be the
Help link above, which sends you to our phpBB FAQ. This covers most aspects of board functionality. If you still can't find the answer, reply here and we'll help you out.
In addition to the aforementioned guidelines regarding the new features, our general
Terms of Use still apply of course and should be read by all new members prior to posting.
You'll notice a few other changes -- private messaging is upgraded, many new features in the User Control Panel, some new links on the index page (e.g. "view your posts"). Let me know if anything seems broken or any other feedback... please reply here.
We hope you like the changes. If so, please consider supporting us by
making a donation, which entitles you to the "Supporting Member" tag on the board. These help us pay for upgrades and hosting (which isn't cheap) and thus help ensure that the site will be around for a long time to come. If you've used the site for research before trips in past, we hope you'll agree that the donation amount pales in comparison to the money you saved and experiences you had in our favourite city as a result of being a well-informed visitor. Thanks, folks.