Posted this a month or two ago but we accidentally deleted it. Here it is again.
A few years ago the 1999-2004
archive search stopped working. I couldn't figure out why at the time. There are two separate versions of the search program, which is ancient. I tried using the other one (the php version) and it seemed to work, so I forgot about it. Today I was tinkering and got the old version working again. Now,
far more posts come up when you run the same searches and there are less broken links. Try it out. I wasn't here in the old days so I didn't realise the extent of what was missing; I didn't know what to search for to test it.
I don't have the program that created the search index (axxxtw had it on an old computer in a box somewhere at the time of the site handover, I believe), just the index itself (a binary (i.e. not human readable) file), so what's there is there -- I can't resolve any remaining problems with it. But a lot more posts should be available for searching now at least.