Privie house in NL
Posted: 2023-08-28, 7:40 am
Posts: 8
I will be visiting AMS this saturday from chicago . In my past trips always visited de wallen and in 2022 was highly dissappinted . This year I plan to visit some privie house (Found about it recently) , some of which I found were Park 118 GoldenKey Dianes Secret ,Den Haag Stout ,Den Haag Miason Monty,Den haag Reviews it fills like mix one , any suggestion which privie house to visit…I wanna make this visit memorable and relax . Will keep posting about my trip .
Re: Privie house in NL
Posted: 2023-08-29, 12:24 am
Posts: 26
I can only speak on Park 118, and I like it. Other members on here would tell you it’s gone downhill since covid, but if you’re prepared to tip the women and don’t have your expectations super high, you’ll probably have a good time. I liked it so much last year I’m coming back this September, so that tells you something.
As for Diane’s Secret, I am going to try that one this year if I can as well. It didn’t work out for me last year because of train strikes, but I’d like to make it happen! I’ve heard mixed things, so I’m guessing it’s the same as Park: not amazing, not terrible either. As long as I get laid and the girl is semi-decent about showing me a good time, I’m happy!
You say you didn’t enjoy De Wallen? Why is that? I personally didn’t go that route last trip, but I was thinking of doing it this year!
Re: Privie house in NL
Posted: 2023-09-01, 8:11 pm
Posts: 8
Currently right now having beer in de wallen,very few windows are open , the ally where la van proost strip club was present till 2019 seems to have no windows operating ,pretty disspointing ,its friday evening .Will check again soon after 10pm
Re: Privie house in NL
Posted: 2023-09-02, 5:54 am
Posts: 58
Disappointing to hear, planning to come back in November. Try the area near the museums.
Re: Privie house in NL
Posted: 2023-09-02, 10:29 am
Posts: 29
usamstour2023 wrote: the ally where la van proost strip club was present till 2019 Are they closed now?
Re: Privie house in NL
Posted: 2023-09-02, 2:53 pm
Posts: 44
Be interested if it’s still a one way system on a Saturday night in De Wallen
Re: Privie house in NL
Posted: 2023-09-02, 3:59 pm
Posts: 8
Went back at 12 am to de wallen ,some windows were open but still not the same as it was back in 2019.Planning to go today evening ,will also visit den haag around 5 pm ,lets see.Will keep posted .Singel and De pijp were really a big dissappointment . Finally went to window next to crepes and pannine bar on oudezijds achterburwagal around the 1.30 am ,she was really very good and gave the best experience I ever had in De wallen.Highly recommend her
Re: Privie house in NL
Posted: 2023-09-02, 5:06 pm
Posts: 44
What was her name. I was in De Wallen last year on a Saturday Night and it was so overcrowded and uncomfortable I just went in a bar and got wasted.
Re: Privie house in NL
Posted: 2023-09-05, 10:04 pm
Posts: 26
usamstour2023 wrote: Went back at 12 am to de wallen ,some windows were open but still not the same as it was back in 2019.Planning to go today evening ,will also visit den haag around 5 pm ,lets see.Will keep posted .Singel and De pijp were really a big dissappointment . Finally went to window next to crepes and pannine bar on oudezijds achterburwagal around the 1.30 am ,she was really very good and gave the best experience I ever had in De wallen.Highly recommend her I went to Singel and De Pijp and felt the same. De Pijp had 2 girls working only, one Asian and one chubby girl (not that there’s anything wrong with that of course).
Re: Privie house in NL
Posted: 2023-09-06, 5:35 am
Posts: 2
testing1937 wrote: [I went to Singel and De Pijp and felt the same. De Pijp had 2 girls working only, one Asian and one chubby girl (not that there’s anything wrong with that of course). What times did you visit DP/Singel? I've always found them to be best during the daytime.
Re: Privie house in NL
Posted: 2023-09-06, 9:56 am
Posts: 26
rudystreak wrote: testing1937 wrote: [I went to Singel and De Pijp and felt the same. De Pijp had 2 girls working only, one Asian and one chubby girl (not that there’s anything wrong with that of course). What times did you visit DP/Singel? I've always found them to be best during the daytime. Singel I went about 1pm and DP was around 7pm