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The things that I learned at Bernd's
Posted: 2023-09-27, 5:25 am

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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It is over.
After 40 years, Bernd's closed this Friday.
I have read stories of grief and despair after favorite girls retire.
I miss Sabrina, and Nina, and ABJ, and Maxx, but nothing has hurt like this.
I've been a semi-regular at Bernds for 25 years. If I had to pick my ten greatest days punting, at least half were at Bernd's

The service was unmatched. When you check in, you got a tour from a girl that speaks your preferred language.
They would show you around, get you towels and a locker, and just generally make you comfortable.
It was always a great way to start a day, and it usually began with a romp with your tour guide.
A few years ago, I met a blind guy there. He took a train and two busses to get there.
He could get around inside using his cane, but there were issues.
Hunting girls when you can't see them might be difficult.
But this guy knew how to get around problems. He would sit in the garden, and have one of his favorite girls sit next to him. As other girls wandered by, they would be invited to sit down with him. They were all very friendly, and some would take is hands and invite him to get a good feel. What a great way to meet new friends! If he decided on a session, he would go to the reception desk, and the girl would be called up to meet him, and off to the room they would go.
After sessions, it was shower time. Not a good place to use a cane, but for him, the girls would take him to the shower and wash him down. It was a very complete washing, and a good time was had by all. I've never seen anything like it anywhere else.

Couch action was common. I have done some unspeakable things in the downstairs lounge, including a few sessions with girls in the swing. It was intimidating at first, but I learned to really like it. Bluto was a little unsure about couch action. "I'm not sure how to feel about everyone watching me" The thing is, nobody is watching you.
It is an episode of "Wild Kingdom". Everyone is watching the free-range nymphomaniac stalk and devour its prey.
Oh, the look on his face was priceless when Annie pinned him to the couch to devour him. But all eyes were on her, stretched out full length, in all her glory. Bluto was nothing more than a convenient scratching post. She was the star of the show!

At the end of the day, you would go to the front desk to pay the damages. All the girls you saw that day would meet you, get paid, and line up to kiss yo good-night. Three or four girls would be a common line-up for me, and I was pretty proud of that most days, but I once saw a guy leave where all 11 girls lined up to see him off. I don't thing I could screw 11 girls in a day. Bravo, Sir!

I'm glad I had as much fun as I did. There is just nothing else like it.
There are rumors that it will re-open at a new location. I hope that is true.
I look forward to the new and improved Bernd's, with a big back yard, a pool, and new German weed laws.
Until then....


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: The things that I learned at Bernd's
Posted: 2023-10-15, 4:12 pm

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
Posts: 1967
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I went to Bernd's a total of six times this year thanks to Weasel. As an American, you can rent a car in Europe with your US driver's license but, if you live here, that's not allowed after six months. The process of getting a Dutch driver's license for a foreigner involves extortionate costs and just generally speaking a ration of infuriating BS that I guess I'm not prepared to deal with. I don't drive anymore.

I had some amazing experiences at Bernd's that I doubt I'll be able to replicate anywhere else, certainly not for what I paid there and probably not at all. I'm grateful to have experienced the place as many times as I did, even if my first visit was a disaster—during covid hysteria with a very disappointing lineup... just couldn't pull the trigger that day. I'm glad I gave it another chance. I'm going to miss our trips there, meeting up at the rental place, getting to Hennef early so we could smoke up at our favorite location in the woods like a couple of degenerates, and then beating down the door at ~12:57pm (opening time at 1), often seeing 8 or 10 girls just sitting on the couches waiting for us. :)

Our last few visits unfortunately occurred during two separate heat waves, in June and September respectively. Bernd's had no air conditioning in the rooms and only one room even had a fan. Multiple sessions where, when it came time to fuck, both the girl and I were already sweating so much that no lube was required. I brought three or four liters of water on the last two trips and got through most of it (easier than waiting at the bar, being ignored for a while, and then eventually getting a small glass of water!)

I'll miss the place. I don't know what's next. Seems like girls at all other FKKs in Germany have doubled their prices since the lockdowns ended. That makes these long trips considerably less attractive to me.

A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: The things that I learned at Bernd's
Posted: 2023-11-16, 3:43 am

HolyShitBSE Power Kat
Posts: 544
Location: England, UK
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Damn guys, I've never been but I miss the place thanks to your descriptions.

Hope it comes back at a different location!

porno creep
Re: The things that I learned at Bernd's
Posted: 2023-12-01, 10:07 pm

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
Posts: 1967
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HolyShitBSE wrote:
Damn guys, I've never been but I miss the place thanks to your descriptions.

Hope it comes back at a different location!

Looks like that won't be the case. :(

FYI - I recently heard that four of the girls from Bernd's are now working at Babylon. I've read that there can be some variation in the pricing (never a good thing; consistency is important and prices were always predictable at Bernd's!) but that the first half hour is generally eur60. Beyond that, I don't know. I think it's probably impossible at this point for me to visit clubs other than Bernd's and not be disappointed so we'll see if I'm ever motivated to get myself back to Germany.

A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
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