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Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2010-08-15, 11:25 am

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One thing that puzzles me is whether the open-eye visuals are really much different between sclerotia and shrooms. What do you think?

I don't tend to experience much open-eye visuals on either mushrooms or sclerotia, so their wasn't much difference between them in my experience.

The only time I've really had OEV's was the first time I took mushrooms, and even then they only appeared after I'd took a large hit from the bong (which was also only my second time using cannabis). The OEV's in this case were incredibly vivid; as bright as coloured LED's, as though images were being projected onto my wall by a projector behind me. Also very rapidly moving and almost totally uncontrollable. It was a real synaethesia experience; I was actually seeing the music that I was listening to.

It was incredible, but I've never been able to reproduce a similar experience since (except in a lucid dream), and I'm not all that fond of cannabis these days either.

[...] are there any real differences in effects from one type to another, other than potency? I doubt it, but I've not had enough variety of experiences to be sure.

I also doubt it. They used to say the same things about the mushrooms (i.e. some give more energy, others give more insight, etc.), but I've never noticed any correlation between what they suggest about a particular type and the actual result. Only the strength seems to vary in my experience.

I guess it's the same for the Sclerotia, but of course, I'm even less experienced than you, having only taken Sclerotia once (although your FAQ has inspired me into wanting another solo journey soon! ;-))

Sometimes I get closed-eye visuals of naked girls dancing, or I'll vividly re-experience random memories of recent sexual encounters. Being enticed by imaginary girls from within your subconscious is a bit weird, but not unpleasant.

I get that too. It's those kinds of experiences that have lead to my curiosity for having a real experience with a girl during a trip. ;-)

Sirius Products continually bring out "special edition" products with bizarre, meaningless and confusing names. It's impossible to know what they are actually selling so I usually avoid this stuff.

I believe it was one of these that I had. They were called "White Diamonds" and were marked as a "Special Edition". They were recommended as the strongest type the shop had (the shop is in an alley very near to the station but I forget the name). The box was 15 grams and seemed considerably stronger than a box of the old Hawaiians mushrooms to me. I have no idea what type they were or if they still sell them.
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2010-08-15, 2:05 pm

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Gaspar Noé's ENTER THE VOID comes out in Holland on September 23rd... probably the ultimate movie for watching on these stimulants.

But check the trailer - you might not need them!

Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2010-08-15, 7:00 pm

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Thanks for the info TrickyKid.

I don't think I could possibly watch a movie whilst tripping, but I'll no doubt be downloading that as soon as it's on the torrent sites. ;)
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2010-08-17, 2:52 am

MagooTooSupporting Member
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Excellent thread, thanks for updating. Timely too, I'm 2 weeks from Lift Off and counting...

One topic that didn't get any airing is this: though the trip lasts around 6 hours (so you're guaranteed a same-day return to your usual Realm of Existence), your perception of time can change. A few moments may seem like a little eternity. Which is only meant as a "heads up" to beginners - no matter how long it seems, it's going to be over in a few hours, max.

A related effect I noticed once: I picked up an orange, perhaps because I'd been told it would help to shut down the trip, which might (or might not) have been getting a bit too intense at that point, but anyway, it became The Sun, viewed from my orbiting observatory, thru dark filters. I could see the corona, the prominences, the dark holes of the sunspots, swirling like a time-lapse movie...

But, thing is, I picked up an orange during another trip a year or so later, and wham!!!! Suddenly I realised that the whole year of my life in between was just a hallucination within this one, continuing, trip..... I was back in orbit round the Sun, and my year of Life On Earth was just a "show", or a dream, that I'd woken up from.... Creepy...

It did take a while for me to confirm that there were differences between the previous and current trips, to confirm that the intervening year had actually happened in my Real Life. It was a bit of a worry for a while. But then somebody put on a different record, and it all changed again....

I mentioned the Shivers, feeling cold as the trip comes on, but also yawning... I get a severe attack of the yawns. No idea why.

Formerly Mr Magoo
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2010-08-17, 5:57 pm

DogsAfirePower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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I always get yawns with mushrooms
Likewise, I often get cold during onset. I often stay in my hotel room in bed during that phase so that I can stay warm and comfortable.

I haven't tried the sclerotia yet. I intended to on my last visit, but never got around to it.

the dogs
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2010-08-18, 4:30 am

soylent Power Kat
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These guys seem to give truffles a big seal of approval.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxX55lU9 ... re=related

Which sums up what I'm generally reduced to when I take such substances.
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2010-09-22, 2:22 am

MagooTooSupporting Member
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Finally tried the truffles, 15g of Psilocybe Atlantis from a Smartshop in Amsterdam. Like Aldebaran mentioned, the Sirius crowd use confusing and uninformative names, so I avoided them.

What nobody's mentioned - I think - is how Exquisitely Delicious the truffles are. Ate half at the first go, and they tasted lovely. Sort of like barely sprouted beansprouts garnished with lemongrass.. My plan was to eat half at first to gauge how strong they were, then continue maybe. About an hour or so in, I revisited my box of sclerotia, and couldn't stop eating the delicious little bits till they were all gone. Had there been another box handy I'd have eaten the lot, the taste was Just Sublime....

Also, didn't get the Yawns. Maybe I was more rested than on my previous trip(s) with shrooms.

As for the erotic side, someone was asking. I spent 4 (separate) hours of this trip engaged in Close Personal Contact with 2 different women - one for an hour, the other for 3 separate one-hour sessions. Much of the time in 69, as I formed deep cosmic relationships with the beauty of the vagina. It was nice having my cock sucked at the same time.

In between these hours, I floated in a pool, roasted in a sauna, swirled in a jacuzzi, and watched real live 3d action porn in a kino, where the girl who became my 2nd companion of the day was showing off her talents with another guy.

The place was Yin Yang. Nobody seemed to notice I was stoned, except perhaps the 2 girls. One spoke almost no English, and I spoke none of her language(s), but we communicated well by body language. All I managed to tell her in words was "slow", and she obliged, which is why I found myself repeating with her every time I saw her. Towards
the end of the 3rd hour she went way beyond the call of duty to ensure I'd cum (in her mouth), and that had to be
one of the most intense orgasmic experiences I've ever had. I was well past the peak of the trip at that point, almost
normal in fact, so it was a great way to come down. Followed by the most delicious minestrone soup and french bread,
I was clearly into the munchies at that point, and an amazingly aromatic and flavorful cup of espresso.

Maybe it's just me, but I found the truffle experience to be a good deal mellower than even the shrooms, though my old friendly hallucinated faces and creatures were still floating by in the clouds or waving from the treetops, or pulsing from the ceiling whenever I looked.

Hopefully the Idiot Tourists and Politicians won't fuck up the truffle trade like they did the 'shrooms.

Oh, and, I'm assured that the truffles last several days out of the fridge, unlike shrooms, which can hardly
last a day.

Formerly Mr Magoo
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2010-11-17, 8:29 am

Posts: 8
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which shop? what are the latest truffle prices? has anyone tryed the mcsmart line from tatanka or does anyone know where dragons dynamite or mushrocks are?
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2010-11-17, 9:16 pm

Aldebran LinkbatSupporting Member
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which shop? what are the latest truffle prices?

On my latest visit, I discovered a good place to buy sclerotia from - The Headshop at Kloveniersburgwal 39.

It's very easy to find, near Dam Square and the RLD, anyone who's visited Amsterdam has probably walked past it:

All you have to do is walk down the Damstraat away from the Dam-Monument, passing the first two canals until you come to the THIRD CANAL . THE HEADSHOP is the blue shop at the right side corner in front of you.

As the name suggests, it's more of a headshop than a smart shop - most of the products are cannabis-related accessories. However, they do sell magic truffles. A helpful list of the truffles they sell, complete with prices and pictures of the packaging, is displayed in the window (also inside the shop and at the counter). Order at the counter and they will get the truffles from a fridge in the back of the shop.

The prices and products available when I visited last month were:

MEDIUM - 10g for €12.50 / 15g for €15
Dolphin's Delight
Space Shuttles

STRONG - 10g for €12.50 / 15g for €17.50 (except Atlantis which is 10g for €10 / 15g for €15)
Purple Rain
Cosmic Connectors
Golden Teachers

VERY STRONG - 15g for €17.50
Royal Beluga
Dragon's Dynamite

The guidelines for strength are quite interesting, and are more realistic than the usual arbitrary ratings for "visuals" and "body high" e.t.c . It's difficult to be any more exact than saying a particular type is "strong" or "very strong" because there seems to be some natural variation in potency between individual doses.

Pricewise, It seems odd that 10g Atlantis is cheaper than 10g Mexicana or Tampanensis, but I'm pretty sure I jotted the prices down correctly! These are good prices - I don't know any smartshops in Amsterdam that are cheaper.

does anyone know where dragons dynamite or mushrocks are?

The Headshop sell the Dragon's Dynamite but don't stock Mushrocks. I've seen Mushrocks on sale from these places:

Innerspace, Spuistraat 108 (near Dam Square)
Innerspace, Staalstraat 5 (near Muntplein/Waterlooplein)
Mushroom Galaxy, Halvemaansteeg 12 (near Rembrantplein)

The mushrocks seem to be very similar to Atlantis, I've tried them once (15g for €20) but I don't think they were worth paying any extra for.


To anyone randomly reading this who plans to try this stuff - whichever magic truffles you choose, have a safe trip - do a bit of research and don't take a strong dose unless you are in a safe environment and reasonably familiar with psychedelic drugs.

Remember that when it comes to truffle dosages, "very strong" roughly translates as "Fucking hell I wasn't expecting THIS"

If you want an idea of what a "very strong" trip is actually like, read these trip reports on the Shroomery website for Royal Beluga and Dragon's Dynamite

Safe tripping!
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2010-11-17, 9:46 pm

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wow. what an awesome reply!

funny, id remembered about the headshop this morning and emailed them about prices. they thought i wanted to mail order and havent told me the cost yet but if theyre similar to what youve mentioned the prices are the best iv found! im always to late to visit the headshop as they close early but this time im waiting till my second day to buy them (i always rush to get them when i first arrive and i think thats why im left feeling drained the folowing day)

what an extensive supply they have, better than any iv found online...its just a shame they dont mention it on their webiste!

so from what iv heard the strongest they have would be the dragons dynamite? what are the other "very strong" ones like? iv not heard of them before.

again, thanks for such a detailed reply :) very excited now!!!
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2011-02-08, 2:44 pm

Blake Buckley
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When I was in Amsterdam, I wanted so badly to eat truffles, so I did.

The first ones my group took (me and 4 others), was called Space Shuttles. I'm unsure how the trip really was. We had been smoking for 2 days straight and this was the 3rd day.
But anyway, when I began eating them I noticed how fucked up they tasted (not bad stuff, I tell you that). There were almost as eating a sour, moist but still firm carrot. We ate one box each and it took about 20-30 min to work.

NOTE ! If you're taking truffles, be sure to drink much before you eat them, because EVERYTHING tastes like shit (excuse my language) when you're on these. Even an ice-cold bottle of Coca Cola tasted like camel-barf.

But as we sat there and begun to trip, we rolled a joint of amnesia haze, I think and smoked that one too.
So we were very much high when we began tripping on truffles.
Anyway, we sat there and suddently we began laughing. And laughing, and laughing. And we didn't stop for about 30 minutes. It was then we drank Coke and did not enjoy it as much as we thought.
Then we began tripping even more and laughed our asses off during the next 4 hours.
What the others were seeing or thinking about, I don't know, but I had visions about my funeral/death. I was freaking out as we continued laughing. I also saw my ex and I get together again.
So after 4-5 hours of trippin' balls, we got a little hungry for weed and food, so we went out.

We walked through the streets and saw a lot of fucked up things. Girls being high and touched by Turks, scooters laying EVERYWHERE and a bunch of drunk Swedish people partying around.
After a while we stopped and walked into a shop. You get really, really munchies of truffles. As the effect goes a little bit out you get the munchies so bad, and everything tastes soooooo good, no joke ! :)
But as you may experience yourself, the effects can bounce back and make you trip for a little while.

We also took truffles the day after, I took something that was called "Dolphins Delight" and the other took "Purple Rain" or something like that. These were trippy and it gave at least me clarity. Dolphins Delight are the philosophers' stones. They also gave me some weak hallucinations and made me feel reborn. (It's awesome to shower while you're on the Dolphins too !)
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2011-02-08, 3:55 pm

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A word of warning - be CAREFUL with these. I tried them twice - the first time could not have been better. Great experience, grinning from ear to ear for 6 hours and just feeling fantastic.

Second time - a COMPLETELY different experience altogether. Hit the panics and just had the worst 6 hours of my life. I have no idea why - the only thing I can think is that the first time I was very very happy in my life, the second time, I wasn't and these bad feelings just seemed to intensify by 1000 times.

If you are going to try these, MAKE SURE you are in a happy happy happy frame of mind with no underlying problems.
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2011-02-10, 5:02 am

DogsAfirePower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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Really well done Aldebran!
Factual, informative, and very well written.

I have had my share of experience with shrooms, but haved had none since the ban and haven't tried the sclerotia yet either. Part of it was not being sure of the dose. Thanks for clearing that up. Next time I get the opportunity, I'll have a much better idea of how much to use.

> you believe you are God and are capable of anything,

I had to laugh. I have done some rather high doses of mushrooms and have gone some very different places. In my case, I didn't believe that I was God, only that God had handed the reins of the universe over to me - for a little test drive, as it were.

Another thing I remember from that trip was that I realized that I, having direct access to the entirety of knowledge contained within the universe, could solve any problem. Why not take the opportunity to choose a problem and solve it right now while I have this incredible power, then I can remember it later when I come down and see if it makes sense? So I thought and thought, looking throughout the entire universe for a problem that I should solve. But because I had access to all knowledge, I saw no problems. There was nothing to solve. I would not be a Prometheus, bringing fire. Everything was as it should be.

> that your death wouldn’t matter,

Oh... my... god...
I have had some death experiences that have shaken me to the core. The finality of death can't be comprehended until you are there. And then it's too late. You want to say, "But wait! I'll go, but just let me..." and it doesn't work like that. When it's time, it's time. I am left with a deep, deep sadness of leaving this world, of leaving so much undone. At the same time there are memories flooding into me. Memories of wallpaper at my grandparents' house that I saw through the bars of my crib, the smell of my grandmother, the texture of my grandfather's wool vest. The memories that I had were of people I could name, places that I could still take you to and guide you around. I wasn't imagining them. Somehow I was being shown things from my past that I hadn't thought of for literally half a century. Visuals where I can see every brick in the side of a building.

It has happened several times and I am completely aware that it's just the effect of the drug and that I'm not really dying, but it is so fucking real. I have even stumbled around my hotel room cleaning up so that when they found my body the room wouldn't look so bad. It's an experience that has to fall on the bad trip side of things. It is not pleasant. But oh my god, where do those memories come from? Not for the faint of heart, but how do you value experiences like that?

Thanks for taking the time to write this up

the dogs
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2011-02-13, 9:50 pm

MagooTooSupporting Member
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"an ice-cold bottle of Coca Cola tasted like camel-barf. "

Yep, that's the truffles for you - they reveal the True Taste of everything.

Formerly Mr Magoo
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2011-09-19, 4:01 pm

Aldebran LinkbatSupporting Member
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This is an updated list of the varieties of sclerotia available from the three main distributors - McSmart, Sirius Products and Mycologics.

(N.B The types listed here have been mentioned before on this thread in scattered posts, this is just a way of tidying up the information)

There are 4 main types of sclerotia under commercial cultivation, listed in order of potency from weaker to stronger - Mexicana, Tampanensis, Atlantis and Galindoi.

There are also some "special edition" products which are grown from the same 4 basic types of sclerotia, but cultivated for longer to give a higher potency. Although the random names are a bit of a marketing gimmick, they can be extremely potent.

The potency of any particular batch of sclerotia can vary, so it's difficult to say with certainty that one type is always going to be stronger or weaker than another. The advertising sometimes claims that different types of sclerotia produce difference trips, but apart from potency differences, all this stuff has the same active ingredient, so I'd take any such claims with a truckload of salt. Potency is the main consideration - getting the right dose for the kind of trip you want.

Firstly, here are the offerings from McSmart

Galindoi "Mushrocks"
Pajateros "Dragon's Dynamite"

The "Dragon's Dynamite" are a special edition (possibly large, old stones of potent tampanensis) and can be pretty damn strong. The Galindoi "Mushrocks" are not sold as widely as the other types. They seem to be comparable to Atlantis, but more expensive, so I wouldn't bother making a special effort to seek them out.

Next are the funky Sirius Products types:
N.B Sirius don't seem to market their sclerotia products properly on their website, which is a little surprising.

First, here is the standard range. Listed alongside the marketing name is the actual type of sclerotia it is believed to be:

Space Shuttles (Mexicana)
Dolphins Delight (Tampanensis)
Golden Teacher (Atlantis)
Cosmic Connectors (Galindoi)

Next are the "Special Editions" range, listed in order of increasing potency (strongest is the "Mother's Finest").

Purple Rain
White Diamonds
Royal Beluga
Mother's Finest

I've tried all of these special editions except the "white diamonds." They can all be extremely strong!

Finally, Mycologics sell their sclerotia under the Magic Truffles brand, with a picture of a pig on the box.


They don't market any "special edition" products.

As an aside, I mentioned the Tatanka smartshop in the original FAQ. They appear to sell McSmart products that have been specially labelled with different names. Listed alongside the marketing name is the actual type of sclerotia it is assumed to be:

Mexicana (Mexicana)
Columbiana (Tampanensis)
Hawaiiana (Atlantis)
Tatanka Dynamite ("Dragon's Dynamite" special edition)

That covers the majority of sclerotia you're likely to find in the smartshops. Safe tripping!

"an 8-inch miniskirt allows the connoisseur the exquisite satisfaction of that shameful desire to put your hand up a girl’s skirt and touch her knickers".
Latest Trip Report - Aldebran Linkbat July 2022 - Finally back in Amsterdam
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2012-10-14, 7:26 pm

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
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This was a great thread that hasn't seen the light of day in a while. I thought I'd put it back up for everyone's benefit and see if maybe anyone wants to post some updates. Thank you Aldebran Linkbat for all the effort in putting this together!

A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2015-10-21, 4:39 pm

Posts: 107
Location: Nottingham
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I remember reading this thread when it was first posted back in 2009/10 and thinking I really need to give these a go.

Anywho I'm back in Amsterdam in two weeks and have a (reasonably) spare day and so I decided now is the time. Don't ever let it be said that Magamar doesn't do things on the spur of the moment!!!

I am assuming that Magic Truffles are still legal and overall the excellent information in Alderbran's post is still as relevant today as it was then?
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2015-10-23, 6:14 am

Aldebran LinkbatSupporting Member
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Yes, the magic truffles are still legal.

Most of the general tripping info on here still applies, the main thing that's changed since I first posted this FAQ is the range of "special edition" products on sale, rather than the standard choice of mexicana / tampanensis / atlantis. These "special editions" are basically the same species as the regular stuff, but they have been allowed to mature for longer before harvesting, becoming more potent.

I do plan to revise the FAQ when I get around to it, until then this is a brief update on the varieties on sale (each range is listed in order of potency from mild to strong).


Dragon's Dynamite
High Hawaiians

I usually prefer these McSmart sclerotia - they are good quality , vacuum-sealed to keep them fresh, and fairly consistent in potency (although the Dragon's Dynamite seems to have taken a bit of a dip in potency recently).

Sirius Smart Products (Freshbox)

Space Shuttles
Dolphins Delight
Golden Teacher
Cosmic Connectors
Purple Rain
White Diamonds
Royal Beluga
Mother's Finest

I've not sampled the Freshbox range for quite a while, although I do like their packaging! From past experience these could be excellent, but the potency / quality was a bit inconsistent - a couple of times I bit into large pieces of sclerotia only to end up with a mouthful of the grains that this stuff is grown in. I might give them another try though....

Magic Truffles ("Mr Truffles" pig logo)


I've not had too much luck with these - I bought some Dutchii, for some reason I didn't trip until a couple of days later, by which time they had formed a slight white fluff. I thought this would be OK (probably mycelium re-starting growth) but my stomach decided otherwise and up-chucked them after 35 minutes, although I did still get a mild trip out of them. I also tried the Galindoi but they were surprisingly weak (supposed to be their strongest). I would like to try the Dragonslayer to give them another chance...



I've only tried the Hollandia from the MushMagic range, but it wasn't anything like as potent as advertised.


In terms of dosage advice, this is actually more difficult than I originally thought, because the potency of all these different products can vary quite a lot. Each range of products is intended to give a choice of potency from milder to stronger, but this is a only a general guideline and your actual trip might be weaker or stronger than anticipated........it's a natural product which is not 100% consistent from batch to batch.

It's still a reasonable guideline that 10g is a mild or beginners trip, 15g is a standard dose, 20g is a stronger dose for more experienced users, although this will obviously vary depending on the potency of the sclerotia you are eating (10g of very potent sclerotia could be a much stronger trip than 20g of something weak).

If I was giving advice for a first time trip, I'd suggest maybe 10g mexicana to someone who is not familiar with any kind of drug, naturally cautious and just wants a few mild effects. I might suggest 15g of McSmart Atlantis as a sensible first-time dose for someone who wants some kind of actual "trip" but nothing too crazy (possibly eating 10g initially then the other 5g after an hour). The smartshop staff will also usually offer advice if you talk to them.

I'd recommend doing a first-time dose indoors somewhere peaceful (e.g a hotel room) where you can lie down if things become a bit much - in the city there is a lot of sensory stimulation which can become overwhelming. Close your eyes to see the best visuals. The Vondelpark is often recommended as a place to trip, but obviously that depends on the time of year and the weather. Once the trip has peaked (a couple of hours after eating) and gradually becomes more calm, then you are in a better position to assess if you want to venture outside to enjoy the comedown/afterglow (but don't go outside if you are tripping hard). Ideally you would have either a more experienced trip partner or a sober "sitter" with you, but tripping alone is OK if you are sensible and don't take too much.

As for taking too much.....don't, a trip can become remorselessly, insanely intense, with the emphasis on insane. If things do get a bit much, just lie back or sit in bed and let yourself sink into the trip; don't fight the experience by trying to cling on to your normal state of mind.

The Sirius website has a good, brief explanation of a typical trip:

You'll notice a rapid change in the perception of ordinary reality. This often comes down to a good series of laughs. This cheerful start soon transcends into confused feelings. This is due to reality looking so different, your mind just cannot grasp it anymore. As the outer confusion intensifies, the inner visions (best seen in a dark room) become clearer. The nature of the trip depends upon the person taking it and the mood or state of mind that person is in. So your experience could very well be quite different from what you read here or hear from other people.

"an 8-inch miniskirt allows the connoisseur the exquisite satisfaction of that shameful desire to put your hand up a girl’s skirt and touch her knickers".
Latest Trip Report - Aldebran Linkbat July 2022 - Finally back in Amsterdam
Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2015-10-23, 11:31 am

Posts: 107
Location: Nottingham
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As ever Aldebran your advice is very much appreciated. As I've never dabbled with these types of things before (I normally only indulge in Space Cake when I'm in The Dam) I'm very much looking to be at the milder end of the spectrum. 10g of Mexicana sounds like the perfect way to start.

Am I correct in thinking that the McSmart brand can be found in most places?

Re: Sclerotia FAQ - a.k.a Philosophers’ Stones / Magic Truffles
Posted: 2015-10-23, 8:38 pm

Aldebran LinkbatSupporting Member
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Yes, the McSmart stuff is sold in quite a few of the smartshops, these ones should stock it:

The Headshop, Kloveniersburgwal 39 (east of Dam Square along Damstraat)
Conscious Dreams Kokopelli, Warmoesstraat 12 (near central station end of that street)
Tatanka, Korte Leidsedwarstraat 151A (near the Leidseplein)
Innerspace, Staalstraat 5 (between Waterlooplein & Kloviniersburgwal)
Innerspace, Spuistraat 108 (just north of where tram lines 13,14,17 cross this street close to Dam Square)
Mushroom Galaxy, Halvemaansteeg 12 (side street off Rembrantplein)

€10 for a 10g box or €15 for a 15g box is a good price for the basic truffles types like Mexicana, Tampanensis, Atlantis.

Some experience with space cake would give you a rough idea of what to expect on a mild dose of truffles.

You might want to consider buying a 15g box; if your 10g dose feels too weak you can eat the rest after an hour. If you stick to the "normal" types instead of the special editions (which can sometimes be surprisingly potent) and eat no more than 15g you should be fine.

I think you'll have a fairly mild trip, which might leave you wanting a slightly stronger experience next time, but that's better than getting in too deep and thinking "make it stop!".

Also make sure you eat it on a fairly empty stomach (I usually have a reasonable lunch, skip dinner and trip in the evening). If you trip after a meal you might not get much effect, or end up feeling heavy and nauseous.

The rest is down to "set and setting".

Enjoy your trip!

"an 8-inch miniskirt allows the connoisseur the exquisite satisfaction of that shameful desire to put your hand up a girl’s skirt and touch her knickers".
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