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Why is it many working girls are Romanian?
Posted: 2014-09-25, 4:46 pm

Posts: 432
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*No pun intended* and I am by no means being stereotypical or trying to cause any offense whatsoever, but it's just I see, many Prostitutes/Sex workers tend to be of a Romania nationality? it's not just in Amsterdam either, it's all over in different countries e.g Brussels, Hamburg etc.

In the UK where I am in almost every leading city such as Manchester, Liverpool, London absolutely everywhere! their is Romanian female escorts. I think their is some Human Trafficking possibly? quiet typical on many escort sites, that you check an area or search postcode and you search 1 time and their appears no Romanian girls as such, but then a week later or so and *poof* about 12 Romanian working girls all young around 20 years old or so?

They seem to tour and be shipped around the UK a lot and there appear to be many working Amsterdam too. I would just like to know, why are majority of sex workers Romanian? my friend visits escorts here in UK and he tells me, that around near where he lives, there are an increasing amount of Romanian girls offering services. They all have 1 thing in common too? they don't usually speak on the phone a lot of them?

They all use SMS text service & are all on same network phones e.g. ''Network Orange'' This post may seem a bit offensive, but I can assure, I am not intending to be, I am just curious as to why many Sex workers/Prostitutes are of a Romanian Nationality? is Prostitution legal in Romania? I am not just specifically saying Romania either! many are either usually (Tend to be) Hungarian (Quiet popular) Polish (Pretty Popular) Ukraine, Slovakia (Not so popluar) Romanian (VERY popular)

Thank you, Micerz.

Re: Why is it many working girls are Romanian?
Posted: 2014-09-25, 6:21 pm

grimnul Power Kat
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I would guess it's due quite simply to a lack of financial opportunity in Romania. I have a few friends and family members who have been to Romania and every single one of them has told me it's a pretty rough place. I imagine quite a few girls see it as "whatever the hell gets me out of Romania!" or they feel an obligation to support their family and simply don't have the ability to make a decent amount of money otherwise.

Bulgaria is another country where a lot of these girls seem to come from too. I think it just boils down to a lack of jobs, and these girls see it as a relatively easy way to make decent money. These girls aren't stupid. They know how lucrative Amsterdam can be. It's a huge tourist destination, and it's known for its red light district. If you know how to market yourself, you can make very good money. The laws regarding prostitution are also relatively unrestrictive compared to a lot of places. Dita has told me she's tried to work in other countries and loves working in Amsterdam because she's free to have her website and freely advertise her services.

This is all conjecture, of course. I could be completely off base. I'm sure the reason varies from girl to girl, but I'd guess that in the majority of cases, it comes down to money. Human trafficking does, of course, exist, but I think it's much less common than a lot of people think. I think there's just no way to make money in a lot of these countries so these girls do what they gotta do, or they think they'll be able to get rich doing it.
Re: Why is it many working girls are Romanian?
Posted: 2014-09-25, 11:24 pm

george47 Power Kat
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Romania is very poor and up until this year prostitution was illegal. In 2007 they joined the EU which meant citizens were free to work and live in any EU country. That's why there are so many Bulgarians and Romanians in the RLD. In my part of the UK there has been a huge influx of Poles in recent years for similar reasons.
Re: Why is it many working girls are Romanian?
Posted: 2014-09-27, 2:38 pm

Posts: 158
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The answer might also be related to the reason webcam modelling is so popular in Romania as well. Check this out:

Re: Why is it many working girls are Romanian?
Posted: 2014-09-30, 2:20 am

Posts: 67
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i'd pretty much go with George. After speaking with Vicky (romanian) on Bethleem and Tanya (bulgarian)Goldberg, they see it as a way of living in much better conditions than what Romania or Bulgaria offers. They have never hinted that they are being controlled and it's purely their choice, they make good money or as Tanya says "some nights are fucking wonderful and some nights are so so"..she loves it, her dad knows what she does...deep conversation was had with both woman, I can pick out deception--somewhat of my job skills. With that said, Romania joined the EU but they still have a very poor economy, average monthly wage is something like $400-500 USD... compared to their thousands of euros they are making, albeit their first 75-150 euros goes to their room rent..I haven't been able to pinpoint it, they may each pay something different, if its allowed..Bulgaria is just as poor..
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