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The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-07-16, 3:12 pm

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Has anyone got any live reports of how the city and centrum is at the minute ?

Are the windows open and active as usual aswell as shops coffee shops pubs etc and is there any extra measures or different cultures in place compared to what it was like pre covid ?
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-07-16, 6:17 pm

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I can only speak for other cities of the Netherlands, as I haven't yet been to Amsterdam and have no intention of doing so in the near future.

Cafes, pubs, and restaurants are separating tables with transparent screens, but otherwise seem pretty normal. Capacity is limited; don't expect crowds standing around bars, etc.; I've only been in one pub and everyone was required to be seated, which meant waiting in a line for a free table to get in.

Almost no-one uses masks, except on public transport where it is required. The crowds in city centers seem to approaching pre-covid levels as of the relaxation of the lockdown beginning in July.

I understand that the windows are active again, but it's not something I've seen myself as I live near several good privehuizen, so I have no reason to pay more money for worse service with window girls. So far, I've visited three girls at two different privehuizen and encountered no difference in prices or services (you can read details of these encounters in the "Other Cities" forum); all my experiences so far have been great. That said, I know at least one privehuis has increased prices (Park 118).

Personally I wouldn't go near De Wallen right now anyway given how many people those girls likely get through in a day; that's just too much risk for me.

I've also seen videos like this one suggesting COVID-19 measures for window girls, but I've not heard of any girls actually practising such measures, and I can't imagine them doing so otherwise it would kill their business.
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-07-18, 5:22 pm

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I get up every morning eat breakfast and watch webcams of Dam Square . It seemed the city is getting progressively busier . The Euro Pub really seems bust .
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-07-18, 5:46 pm

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Sorry , early morning fat finger . The Euro Pub seems busy . The square looks busy but nothing like with the tourists.
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-07-22, 9:46 pm

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I love that video obviously put out by the Dutch government or maybe some other association. Have you ever seen a window girl dressed in a Bathrobe?
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-07-23, 10:08 am

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redplanet wrote:
I love that video obviously put out by the Dutch government or maybe some other association.

It appears to originate from an organisation that rents out rooms in Alkmaar's red light district.

Makes sense since a room rental company wouldn't have any interest in the actual level of service provided by the girls; they just want to keep the windows open as much as possible so the girls are giving them money.
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-07-24, 8:50 am

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I was in the centre yesterday afternoon. Numbers are definitely on the up. A lot of people eating out with many restaurants we passed with what I would say in some places we’re getting up to around 40/50% of old numbers.
Plenty of people at the bars in De Wallen. As for the girls there are numbers but obviously a lot less than pre-lockdown. And boy how some of them have changed.
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-07-24, 11:44 pm

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bendover1004 wrote:
I was in the centre yesterday afternoon. As for the girls there are numbers but obviously a lot less than pre-lockdown. And boy how some of them have changed.

thanks for the report! Im curious, how have them changed?
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-08-11, 8:44 pm

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Any updates gentlemen ?

I have a trip booked in less than two weeks and don’t know what to expect from my research . Are the girls and pubs as usual just with a little change like face masks and table service ?
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-08-12, 10:49 am

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I went last week. Now this is very subjective, but the issue I have is not so much about what's possible and what rules are in place, but the general feeling I had with the threat of the virus lingering. Walking around Amsterdam, everything seemed pretty normal, but I just don't think I could enjoy sitting at a cafe having a drink like I would've done in previous years. It's also getting worse; case numbers are still rising in the Netherlands and Amsterdam is one of the worst affected areas of the country.

I don't feel so uncomfortable about doing things and going places in other cities, but doing so in Amsterdam just didn't sit right with me for some reason.
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-08-14, 10:18 pm

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The Netherlands case numbers rising has now lead to the UK putting it back on the quarantine list with effect from tomorrow.

Absolutely gutted as I had a weekend trip booked next week, and was really looking forward to it.

Of course, if the numbers are rising that much over there, the UK government have done the right thing in reinstating the quarantine. I’m one of these people who believes they’re immune from Covid due to being relatively young, fit and healthy - it’s a mentality thing but that belief of course isn’t accurate!
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-08-14, 10:45 pm

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We were due to travel on Sunday morning for a week of pleasure - quarantine postponing our plans now; but hoping everyone stays safe and the rise of covid peeters out quickly.
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-08-14, 11:14 pm

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Was due to be going a week on Sunday, so absolutely gutted, was half expecting it as keeping an eye on what's happening. Now start looking forward to end of October, when original trip this year was re arranged to, Hoping that trip won't have to be cancelled. will certain make up for it then.
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-08-15, 12:06 am

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Yes let’s all keep our fingers crossed that somehow these rising numbers start to reverse, otherwise there’s no hope until a vaccine is found! Not sure how the numbers are going to come down but let’s pray.

I actually would be distraught if I had to wait until the end of October for my next trip. I’ve actually had thoughts of going next week anyway and dealing with the quarantine afterwards - of course these aren’t sensible thoughts as it’s best not to go if case numbers have increased. I could actually deal with the various elements of the quarantine for 14 days with the exception of the fact you’re not even allowed to go for a walk outside! Luckily I think my head is just about ruling my heart and I won’t go.
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-09-02, 4:34 pm

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Headed to Amsterdam from Monday through Friday next week!

I'm coming in on the Thalys, has anyone had any problems with coming in from France/Belgium?
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-09-02, 5:01 pm

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Travel from France and Belgium is fine. Source
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-09-03, 9:56 am

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jimmy_nova wrote:
Travel from France and Belgium is fine.

Thanks for the confirmation Nova! Gonna be a difficult trip this time around because I'm going with my current S.O. wish me luck lol
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-09-04, 9:46 pm

Shinken69 Power Kat
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dorps wrote:
The Netherlands case numbers rising has now lead to the UK putting it back on the quarantine list with effect from tomorrow.

Absolutely gutted as I had a weekend trip booked next week, and was really looking forward to it.

Of course, if the numbers are rising that much over there, the UK government have done the right thing in reinstating the quarantine. I’m one of these people who believes they’re immune from Covid due to being relatively young, fit and healthy - it’s a mentality thing but that belief of course isn’t accurate!

I have two weeks vacation days saved that I had planned to spend in The Hague & Alkmaar, between now and Xmas.
Just need to watch and wait.
Those girls won’t fuck themselves.... well actually.

So many windows, so little time.... or is that money
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-09-05, 12:42 am

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Just had my first session with one of the window ladies post-corona. Ruysdaelkade was relatively busy tonight, at least 10 girls working from what I could see. Had a session with an extremely sexy Dutch woman of Moroccan origin, I think her name was Bec? Curly hair. Such a nice lady, great energy, sucked like a champ and very tight slim body with a great ass which looked fantastic from behind. Was worth the €50!
Re: The current state of play...
Posted: 2020-09-05, 5:55 pm

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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"Those girls can't fuck themselves..."

Yes, they need us to return.
Imagine those long, thin arms--aching and fatigued from having to tend to themselves!
Oh, the needless suffering!
I am ready and willing to help.
Just let me in.
I will make everything better. It's a gift. It's what I do. I'm a giver.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
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