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Mokum Monger Mentorship Service?
Posted: 2006-02-08, 11:51 am

Posts: 28
Location: Grand Canyon at sunset
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Sorry if this is an old and worn out question but I just have to ask.

Why hasn't one of you Mokum Mongers started up a Mentorship in the training of us novices and occasional visitors of the walletjes?

It is so complected the way the girls come and go, move around, change costumes and their looks. Why hasn't anyone started up a tour group that would point out the "Stars" and "Ripoffs" to us vulnerable punters? I know that is the purpose of this board but I think it would be a FANTASTIC diversification for axxxtw. Or for anyone else (who is on good terms with the axxxtw team) interested in such an entrepreneurial endeavour.

Someone "certified by axxxtw" could pick a Time/Place for us to meet, then take us for a 30 minute tour, for lets say 25 euro per person. If you get 2 people a week(easily), you get yourself a 15 minute fk/sk for 30 minutes of walking that you would be doing anyways. If you get 4 people, you get 30 minutes of fk/sk for your 30 minutes of walking. If nobody shows up what have you lost you were probably going to go walking after you had a puff or two at the coffieshop anyways.

Call your service "The Mokum Mongering Mentorship Meeting" or "MMMM" for a short and appropriate acronym) Or the "AXXXMMM") If it works out good you could start up a similar tour escorting people too and from Alkmaar for a night trip.

Am I stoned or what?
Re: Mokum Monger Mentorship Service?
Posted: 2006-02-08, 12:14 pm

Posts: 225
Location: Scotland
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yeah I agree. I've often seen the big group of people doing the official RLD tour and thought what a waste of money because they don't give you any real information. I'm sure it's a brilliant tour for all the Japenese tourists that seem to partake but for the readers and members of this board it would be completely lame I imagine.

What about a service that collects you from the airport with a ready rolled joint of you're choice, drops you at you're hotel and then will guide you to whatever you want to see for the duration of you're stay. You could communicate with the company before leaving home and have a detailed day to day planner of things you want to do and see when you arrive.

Mind you half the fun is wandering about stoned and lost.

Re: Mokum Monger Mentorship Service?
Posted: 2006-02-08, 1:47 pm

Posts: 28
Location: Grand Canyon at sunset
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dwj, who are you, the Sultan of Brunei? That kind of service is not going to be of interest to any of us punters in here (I dont think). Besides I have dont have a problem finding Amsterdam, my hotel or good grass. But I do have some pretty bad luck with the girls all too often. I am all for "wandering about stoned and lost" in Amsterdam, but I hate being played for a sucker by a con artist in window.

The AXMMM tour could include a 5 grams of amsterdams finest, a truly informative tour & a session with a guide recomended, Pre-Negotiated & Pre-Paid window girl for 100 euro. The guide can do all the embarrassing questioning (in front of everyone walking by) for us as we stand back and relax in confidence that we wont be ripped off or short a top off. And she will know we have a witness to the deal (making them less likely to try to extort extra money). All we have to do is get the OK from the guide and walk right and have at it.

IMHO, Mokum would not be the same without the Japanese tourists, but I wonder what they do pay for that lame tour. I think it includes a show at the Banana Bar or some other boring voyeuristic spectator activity. But whatever gets your rocks off, I always say.

PS: I hope i'm not misusing your Hollandse termanology to badly. i.e. mokum,punter, monger... I think I was a bad boy the other day and refered to some "Hollandse" word as being "Dutch". I just thank goodness you dont expect us to try to speak ANY of your language.
Re: Mokum Monger Mentorship Service?
Posted: 2006-02-08, 4:51 pm

BoneJockeyPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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Interesting idea in theory, but I'm not sure it's practical. Everyone has different tastes and interests. For example, look at all the glowing reports on Sabrina. I've discussed this with Withnail, and we both find her on the unattractive side. To me, a tattooed woman is a turnoff. Any "mentoring program" smacks of one size fits all, and inevitably some will be left feeling unsatisfied.

I've always found that, left to my own timetable and pacing, I've been able to get the most out of my trips. This forum has been an invaluable font of information to be sure, but I read everything as editorial opinion, not gospel. A good walkabout is as valuable as a guide book or guided tour. Plus you get to experience the joy of discovery. I think what you suggest might short circuit that.
Re: Mokum Monger Mentorship Service?
Posted: 2006-02-08, 7:12 pm

mojoworksSupporting Member
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It doesn't have to be anything as formal and organized as all that. I've given countless RLD tours to people I've met in bars and coffeeshops. It is so much fun showing newbies around the RLD. You get to see it all again from a fresh perspective. I'm sure you could find a veteran from this board to do a walkthrough with you.

My favorite time doing this is when my buddies and and I met a couple young California surfers in the Singel district. They had stumbled across it and were amazed. After a little conversation we realizid they didn't know about the larger RLD. It was a blast showing that to them. My buddy took one under his wing so to speak and helped him find a good provider and helped him with his negotiations. It was a great time, I'm sure those kids will never forget us or the new things we showed them.


Re: Mokum Monger Mentorship Service?
Posted: 2006-02-08, 10:09 pm

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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I thought I was going to have to take a job as a Wal-Mart greeter when I retire, but this gives me new hope for the future.

As for the present, I am in town 16-19 Feb, then again 26 Feb-1 Mar. While I am no Professor Wim, I would be happy to share what I have learned with anyone interested.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: Mokum Monger Mentorship Service?
Posted: 2006-02-09, 11:31 am

Posts: 28
Location: Grand Canyon at sunset
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BoneJockey, The old saying is true: "one mans trash is another mans treasure." But there is trash and there is garbage. I need someone to help me avoid the garbage, sometimes I like a little trash;-) But I think most men agree when there is a real beautifull woman standing in front of us.

If that makes any sence... What I mean is:
I do see the limitations a guide would have in choosing your ideal date for you. But he could certainly help steer us in the right direction. He could at the very least tell us that the beautifull woman standing in front of us is really a dirty ripoff artist. And which girls have the best ass or breasts. It is almost impossable to see their ass, unless your real lucky. Thats why I do so much walking, I keep hoping to catch the girls turing around so I can see the rear view. And since they can't sit in the window topless you have no idea who has the nice boobies. And who is a great fk, or who gives the best bj... Again, I realise all these thing can be subjective and this is what the device and message board are for but it's just a thought.

Mojoworks, funny story... They will even remember that even after they are dead. What lucky surfers they were to have met you)

weasel9x9, thanks for the offer to us rare visitors and novices, but I wont be there till 3-17...
Perhaps my mentor will come along before then.
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