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Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-01, 11:13 am

Posts: 88
Location: Glasgow
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BTW = By the way
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-01, 12:48 pm

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right on akibono!
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-02, 3:47 am

Posts: 39
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I can't believe anyone is concerned with how these women might view the size of your penis. You are not their boyfriend. This type of thing should be the least of your concerns.
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-02, 4:47 am

MagooTooSupporting Member
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BTW = Better Than Wanking

Formerly Mr Magoo
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-02, 9:23 am

Chicago Couple
Posts: 261
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Hey, if any of you guys get refused because you are too big PLEASE give me a call! I have two or three places I'd like you to visit.....

On vacation right now and decided to look at the message board and this one seemed too good to pass up!

--CC Girl
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-03, 3:30 am

MagooTooSupporting Member
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BTW = Bigger than Wim's

(Wim - no offence intended...)

Formerly Mr Magoo
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-18, 6:57 pm

Posts: 159
Location: Stockholm
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It happens to me quite often that the girls worry about it being to big, but it's usually fine once we get started.
However, a few times I've had to settle for BJ because she won't take it.
It's kind of a bummer when it happens but I guess there are worse reasons for getting rejected.

I must add, that I never got rejected by a non working girl due to size.
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-18, 11:24 pm

Chicago Couple
Posts: 261
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Well Dondi,

Just put on a little sexy black dress and I'm headed your way! ;-)

--CC Girl
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-19, 1:27 am

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Just put on a little sexy black dress and I'm headed your way! ;-)

*fingers in ears*


Actually, true story (although why I am telling you this, I have no idea!)...

I have always seen my 'attributes' in that department as being average, perhaps even a little less. My ex-wife used to compliment me, but since she was a virgin before we met and had very little experience with that particular type of recreational activity I didn't really put much stock in it. Felt like having a vegatarian tell me the best way to cook a steak, but it was sweet.

After our divorce I was feeling finished with convential relationships, yet still a young man, I begun this particular hobby since celibacy didn't really appeal.

In the last few years I have been to Amsterdam a few times, and had a set of casual interludes with a female friend that I have known for years online.

One time in Amsterdam, for a reason I cannot remember, a girl I had seen a few times told me she was impressed with my size. I could say nothing but... "REALLY?!?!". When I returned to the UK, I mentioned this to the aforementioned female friend, who knows about my activities, loves sex and has had lots of experience with many different guys (putting it mildly, she would happily agree with me that she has been cocked more times than Elmer Fudd's shotgun!), and this 'friend', without considering the implications of what she was saying, didn't even blink.... and simply said... "Duh!! You are paying her to say things like that!!".

I can honestly say, I have never felt so deflated as I did at that moment!
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-20, 6:23 pm

Chicago Couple
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Don't get too deflated -- then it won't look big at all!

Yes, everyone gives people compliments when they are with them, and yes it does stroke our egos. Don't know how many times I've been told things like "you are the most beautiful girl in the world" when someone's either trying to fuck me or fucking me. I know it's not true but it sure sounds nice and makes me feel great!

Regarding size, while it isn't everything I'd be lying if I said it doesn't matter. I often bring girls home to share with my boyfriend (isn't he lucky!), and sometimes they are reluctant. But when I mention that he has a really huge penis they mysteriously soften up and get more interested. If they ask "how big?" I know I have them on the hook. All us girls seem to have a fascination with a huge penis, and unless the guy is obnoxious we all seem to want to suck on or fuck a novelty that we've never had. Works out great for me when we go to clubs as the other girls love to suck on his dick, which allows me to be with their guys. I have a very conservative friend who was very pregnant and going through a divorce. She was in her eighth month and hadn't had sex in a long time and was really horny. I felt bad for her and asked her if she wanted to get some relief with my boyfriend. She was shocked at my suggestion and I thought, whoops, shouldn't have gone there. Then I apologized but said it was too bad as he has a really big one and she would have enjoyed it. We talked a little more and then she asked, "when you said he had a big one, how big is he?" I knew it was just a matter of time, and a few nights later she was over at our place pounding my boyfriend.

But I don't want to deflate any of you -- I'm an equal opportunity girl! I've had fun with a whole lot of guys, and almost all of them are normal size.... but I'd be lying if I told you I didn't get excited when I see a big one.

--CC Girl
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-20, 6:43 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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lol @ C/C girl...

You sound like a real little minx !!!


Green[10ins]hoff LOL

Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-20, 7:33 pm

Posts: 44
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Thanks CC,

I always though the size debate was fairly hilarious. Gotta be one of the most asked sexual related questions (infact, good chance it is *the* most asked!), on that basis alone, clearly it matters. ;o).

Based on being fairly intelligent, I also know that when they do the surveys and come up with some figure like, "70% of women questioned said size did not matter at all", what they are really saying is, "70% of women questioned found it important to abide by a polite social contract" ;o).

I am certainly somewhere in the middle of the bell curve (pausing for childish giggles!), but by definition, so are the majority of us.

I am not that concerned though really. The fact I am, in common parlance a 'grower' rather than a 'shower' is actually a bigger problem, although you do learn to perfect that... "Just give him time..." look, (I feel a great disturbance in the force, like the sound of a thousand fellow 'growers', nodding in silent understanding! hehe).

Although, all of this physical attribute stuff pales in comparsion to my biggest weakness, which also simultaneously can be my biggest strength (sorry, feel like I am going all 'Please Dr Phil' on you, but, please, I am on a roll here now). I have Asperger's Syndrome, which for those that are unaware, is a mild form of higher functioning autism which most often presents as being somewhat 'difficult' socially. I tend to miss all of those subtle clues that people give off, that most people supposedly understand intuatively. This makes any kind of 'courting' behaviour extremely difficult for me, so needless to say, it is quite rare for it to come to the point where penis size even becomes a factor. Of the three non-commercial sexual partners I have had (including my ex-wife), all have been people I have met online, this is because I function much better when all information is presented textually. I will happily write this message, but if I were sitting with you in person, I would not make it through the first paragraph.

On the other hand, 'Aspies', tend to have exceptional analytical minds, you will find many of the exceptional people in scientific fields (including my game, which is IT), have at least traits of AS. Hopefully you might see why this is useful in the 'on topic' fashion (and now begins my bragging ;o)). I learn very quickly what works and what doesn't work, everything in my mind is an experiment. Consequently, while the feedback on my size has been somewhat mixed, the feedback on my particular favourite activity (cunniligus for the prudish, 'licking pussy' for the less so), has been universally positive, including such gems as, "You were definitely a lesbian in a former life" and "you should write the 'for dummies' book on *that*", haha. Which is great, because I enjoy a woman's orgasm more than my own. Mine will fade from my memory quickly, but being part of a female orgasm is an unbelievable assault on the senses that, at least in my mind, is not soon forgotten.

So in short, (I am just full of puns today!), my size is less of a burden to me, than the lack of oppurtunity to enjoy my particular favourite passtime with willing partners, especially since, from the feedback received so far, it is a gift worth giving.

Finally, sorry to all for the long and somewhat serious post. When I 'get on one' like this I have to get finished. Hope it was a positive read for at least somebody.
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-20, 7:58 pm

amsterman Power Kat
Posts: 1818
Location: London,UK
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CC Girl........get your pretty lil' ass over here and unleash the monster in my pants ;-)

You WON'T be disappointed, and you might need a few days off work to get your energy back ;-) But after mine...the rest just won't be enough ;-)

You NEED ME to fulfil all the desires other men can't reach....satisfaction guaranteed babe :-)

You're only regret will be that you didn't get to me sooner :-)

hehehe xx

I am NOT addicted to sex......

I am just addicted to beautiful women ;-)....

And like to have lots of sex with them :-)
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-20, 7:58 pm

jgramos Moderator
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digital_poet - interesting post mate! I can relate to you in a lot of ways! I have pretty mild symptoms of Asperger's (never asked a doctor about it though), and sometimes find it very difficult to be in certain public situations, i.e. in big groups, etc.....I too have always had great feedback re: licking out, and I've actually had the "you should write the dummies guide on cunnilingus" too! lol!!! It was actually a serious ex-girlfriend that said that to me, not a working girl.....I thought she was just trying to boost my ego a bit at the time, but I heard her talking to some of her close friends, and at one point a few 3-somes were being discussed! :-)

Some girls think over a certain sized cock is too big, some think under a certain size is too small......some love massive ones, some prefer average sized ones, etc..... It's the same as us blokes......do we prefer nice tight pussies, average, or loose? But then I suppose that can depend on the size of our cocks though! lol!!!

At the end of the day, it's what you can do with it that matters. ;-)


MR PEACE......is still here! ;-)
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-20, 8:37 pm

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digital_poet - interesting post mate!

Thank you! I did hope that somebody would appreciate it.

I can relate to you in a lot of ways! I have pretty mild symptoms of Asperger's (never asked a doctor about it though)

Most people don't, especially since it is a spectrum disorder and you can have it to varying degrees. I have met people with far more serious AS than I have. One of the traits is a very literal interpretation of language, so that if you told someone with AS to 'pull their socks up', they would actually do that physical action. I don't have this problem at all. In fact, the first pychologist I spoke to told me I didn't have AS because I didn't have this problem, but my GP was so sure that was an incorrect diagnosis he send me to a specialist in the field who diagnosed me positvely after a 20 minute conversation. I had something called Dyspraxia as a child, which is a motor-coordination disorder. Makes you pretty 'clumsy', took me a while to get diagnosed with that too since I was always tall for my age (as an adult I am 6'7, and given the subject matter, I am living proof of many myths, including the foot size correlation, since mine are UK 14) and people just assumed I was having problems because of that. I don't have so much problem with my Dyspraxia any more, but I am still not the most graceful of folks. I won't be taking home the gold in figure skating any time soon, lets put it that way.

It wasn't until after my Dyspraxia diagnosis that people started to look into the link between that and AS (which appears to exist), so I slipped through the net and wasn't diagnosed until I was an adult. Always knew there was something a bit odd about me, I have always been most happy in my own company and just a little 'odd' in general, but after the divorce I really started analysing what happened and came to the conclusion something wasn't quite right, and went to the GP. It all went from there.

At the end of the day, it's what you can do with it that matters. ;-)

Yup! And the rest of you! ;o).

For some reason, as I typed that, I suddenly got the sound of Mr Myagi from Karate Kid in my head, from when he is teaching 'Daniel San' how to punch... "Fuck.... drive the fuck.... not just cock.... whoooooole body!", and I have managed to amuse myself quite satisfactorily. Did I mention that there was a problem with my brain?!? ;o)
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-20, 9:15 pm

jgramos Moderator
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I used to know a couple of people with quite bad Asperger's, but lost touch with them. When I was younger I read up on it, so I know I've got a number of the symptoms.....but it's quite funny, in Amsterdam I don't notice any of the symptoms at all!! Then, I was diagnosed with dyslexia late on (at uni), which explained my difficulty with reading out aloud, etc.... Having dyslexia and some symptoms of asperger's can be a great thing though.......anlysing info and mathematics are so simple to me! lol!!!

"wax on.....wax off!"...the way to rub lotion into a woman's body! lol!!


MR PEACE......is still here! ;-)
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-20, 9:29 pm

amsterman Power Kat
Posts: 1818
Location: London,UK
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jg...we don't need to know about your "waxing off", thank you very much!"!! ;-)


I am NOT addicted to sex......

I am just addicted to beautiful women ;-)....

And like to have lots of sex with them :-)
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-20, 9:48 pm

jgramos Moderator
Posts: 3434
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He he! ;-)


MR PEACE......is still here! ;-)
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-20, 10:44 pm

Chicago Couple
Posts: 261
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Amsterman and Greenhoff,

So many guys, so little time..... what's a girl to do? Greenhoff, if you really are 10 inches I'm afraid I may have to tell Amsterman to wait in line until you need a break.... be warned, however, I'm bringing my ruler!

Penis size is so unfair since guys are born with what they have. I know it's often compared to the luck women have in the size of their breasts, but it's not the same. A woman who doesn't like her breasts (too small, too large or wrong shape) can get them changed if for personal reasons she decides to, and size of breasts doesn't really affect a woman's performance in bed (I've had a number of guys tell me they prefer casual sex with women with small breasts as they say they compensate by being nastier and more enthusiastic in bed). But having a very small penis is a very unfortunate and unfair problem for a guy to have. Not much that can be done, and can be a real head trip (no pun intended).

And digital_poet, I'd love to enjoy your oral skills while waiting for Greenhoff and Amsterman to show up..... if you're skilled enough maybe they wouldn't even get a turn! ;-O

--CC Girl
Re: Penis Size
Posted: 2009-07-20, 11:08 pm

cocksure Power Kat
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I don't think a small penis is that bad a thing for a guy to have. He will still experience pleasure. It's only bad when women mention it in their presence.

Can you imagine how a woman would react if a man said her minge stinks (natural odor, not one from lack of washing) or her cunt is too loose? A gentlemen will not mention this, even though it detracts from his pleasure.

By the same token, women shouldn't say anything about penis size in the man's presence. It does unfortunately happen from time to time although nothing said to me personally yet (I'm about 4.5 to 5 in, but good girth). The day it does happen I won't care but just to prove a point I will probably equally disrespect my partner for having the gall to make such a statement by spitting in her face or something. Mind you, if I did that I'd probably be wrongly accused of rape or something.

I also think women talk about it too much on TV and generally. It's one of those things like sexist marketing that ridicules men, for some reason it is deemed "acceptable". I must have seen in my lifetime maybe 50 or more TV programs where the topic of male penis size came up and was discussed by women. By comparison, I have only ever seen one program where males described female genitalia with such openness and that was guys talking about "beef flaps" - the women watching the video footage later were horrified to hear such talk. Well maybe now they have some idea how bad it is to hear the opposite sex describe "good" and "bad" genitalia!

I agree that I don't think the comparison to boobs is a fair one. It's a secondary feature and lack of boobs might be akin to a guy having hardly any body hair and facial hair i.e. less "manly". I think the genital comparison is a fairer one.
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