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I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's security...
Posted: 2009-12-26, 11:04 am

Nothing Like Amsterdam
Posts: 212
Location: Long Island, New York, U.S.
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It baffles me, because I think Holland's airport security is relatively tight. EVERYTIME I go through security at Schiphol, I get questioned, even as an airline employee, aside from my bags being screened and me walking through a metal detector. Either someone at Schiphol f*cked up here, the screening devices malfunctioned, or this "bomb" was intricately designed to evade any kind of detection.
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-26, 11:38 am

davey1800Power Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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During peak times, security has to be relaxed a little or the queues would build up to an unmanageable level. It's a perfect time of year for someone to try this sort of thing.
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-26, 11:47 am

danny69 Power Kat
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According to CCN, he did not go through secondary security screening @ Schiphol

The sources told CNN that the suspect flew into Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam on a KLM flight from Lagos, Nigeria, and is not believed to be on any "no fly" list, although his name does appear in a U.S. database of people with suspect connections. He did not undergo secondary security screening in Amsterdam, an administration official said.
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-26, 1:32 pm

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it's easy to get through schiphol with knives so i presume a bomb of similar size & metallic content would also be easy. eurostar is the same. i have just forwarded a complaint to both. after a recent trip (november) to dam traveling out on eurostar & returning on easyjet from schiphol, my friend had forgot to empty his bag properly from work before packing & had left a chunky all metal knife in the bottom of the bag. 1st stop, eurostar security, straight through the bag screening. it was only when we got to our hotel & unpacked that he realised the knife was in the bag. for the return journey he decided to try his luck & packed the knife. the bag went through the scanner & all they were interested in was the oversized can of aftershave packed at the top, this had obviously distracted them from seeing the knife at the bottom of the bag. the security at both eurostar & schiphol airport is still piss poor in my opinion.
I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-26, 3:20 pm

smuler Power Kat
Posts: 2216
Location: Big Apple Land
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So, you are lodging a complaint about you getting knives through security ?

Please make sure that you put your name and address on the complaint...

I suppose this is your promised trip report ??


" Savoir Faire is Everywhere "
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-26, 7:03 pm

Posts: 11
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it was more informing them that the security was lapse given my friends oversight, at least on the way out there & if it did in anyway give them a small kick up the arse to be a bit more vigilant then it has to be a good thing? i suppose you are to dumb to see that aspect of it, there again you would have to be pretty fucking stupid to be reduced to traveling half way around the world to fuck hookers in amsterdam.

as far as the trip report goes, i didn't bother as it was only a smoking/working tour & couldn't really add much to what has been said a million times before. as we are not a bunch of sad cunts who fuck hookers & act like the teachers pet when some skank they have paid to fuck many times before has some recollection of them from their last visit i suppose we will never fit in around here with you wanking circus chimps. now run along smuler, i bet your daddy is waiting for you in the tool shed. next time i need some advice from some sad twat who needs viagra to get it up & spends his time with his tongue up some dirty skanks pussy i will ask you.
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-26, 7:22 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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Oh dear, !!!!

hey chaps, im a sad c**t who goes to hookers !!

Happy Christmas musicman24 !!

Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-26, 7:30 pm

davey1800Power Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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You know you've hit rockbottom in life when you try to associate with "sad cunts" and "wanking circus chimps" on an internet forum and THEN have the nerve to mock them for the aforementioned qualities when the going gets tough ;)

Seasons greetings musicman!
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-26, 8:02 pm

smuler Power Kat
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Took the bait...

Best Regards


" Savoir Faire is Everywhere "
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-28, 9:14 am

Nothing Like Amsterdam
Posts: 212
Location: Long Island, New York, U.S.
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Musicman, in case you haven't noticed yet, men are always "paying" for it. What do you think explains the typical hot surburban wife who sits at home all day, goes for strolls around the mall, yaps away on her cell phone while she drives around in her $40,000 SUV Lexus, while her husband is busting his ass working his $150,000 a year job? These women are absolutely no different than your everyday kamer girl/escort. One is just a little more up front about what she's doing.
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-28, 1:19 pm

Posts: 11
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so if i understand you correctly your average american wife is no more than a skank who fucks & sucks 10+ men a day & possibly has std's?

if you are married & you go see whores then why bother being married & risk giving her disease from fucking dirty women?

at least you lot provide us with many hours of entertainment/film footage when we are sat outside the old church coffee shop, excalibur bar etc as you walk past for the 100th time looking for the whore you want. or when you are waiting outside a whores window for her to finish up being fucked by the previous client before you run in there licking her pussy like a lap dog licking an ice cream. if that hasn't got gay undertones somewhere along the line then i don't know what has.

half of the whores have stood in the windows for so many years they look like they have developed o.c.d from having to turn on like a toy puppy waging it's tail every time a prospective punter walks past.

i must thank you all for the many hours of film footage you have provided us from our last three visits to enable us to make our music video. it's basically a montage of punters going in to the kamers & when they are doing the endless laps of the rld looking for a whore while pretending to be a tourist walking past for the first time as they start to get paranoid of the people watchers. the lyrics are made up from parts of trip reports & good quality audio samples taken while stood by kamers recording punters negotiating with the hookers at the door before going in. let's hope some of you are in it & your wives/colleagues get to see it as i'm sure at least a couple of you were in ams on each of our visits :))

still trying to think of a good title that will draw as many youtube hits as possible, any suggestions?
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-28, 1:31 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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how about...

musicman24 is a boring asshole. ?

that would be a great title imho...

if you dont like this site, why dont you just F*CK OFF eh ?

ps, what a shame, that you werent caught filming the kamers, and i guess you have plenty of footage of the "cockring" eh ?
.cmon now, you"ve got to be gay right ?

Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-28, 1:54 pm

danny69 Power Kat
Posts: 897
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Given the chap was filming rather than fucking; for the music vid how about pinching a title from John Lennon

"Jealous Guy"

And then, for the follow up, which will be a deeply personal song centred on images of the filmaker in his hotel room

"I just can't get it up."

Set to a disco beat, for a touch or irony.

And then if Greenhoff's assumption on sexuality is correct; his third and final single.

"A total eclipse of the arse."
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-28, 1:54 pm

Posts: 11
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yeh i can stand the shit if you can stand the pain greenhoff. we are doing bloedstraat next greenhoff, will probably see you walking out of the blue light kamers with an asshole like a wizards sleeve & staggering along like john wayne after a 200 mile horse ride.

i would have thought my last post would explain why i use this site
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-28, 2:04 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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sad, very sad !!

oh yes. PLEASE go filming up the bloedstraat

dont forget your handbag duckie ?

Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-28, 2:17 pm

PlayItAgainSamSupporting Member
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OK...so I'm confused.

Why bother registering and posting if you don't like the content of the site?
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-28, 3:35 pm

davey1800Power Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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you lurk on internet forums about hookers

you lurk where the hookers actually work

you label the women negatively - as whores and skanks

you (allegedly) record the comings and goings of the men who traipse around the RLD

you mock those who also visit this site, yet still post here yourself

so... my thoughts are this...

You have serious issues with life in general brought about by your inability to interact with the opposite sex. You can't perform sexually, except to masturbate (hence you bringing viagra into your previous tirade). You have doubts about your own sexuality (hence the previous "out of the blue" gay jibe). There is no-one to communicate your problems to, so you ended up here after a thorough Google search. You still didn't fit in, so you lashed out in a childish manner, exposing your insecurities.

To sum you up, you're a lonely immature voyeur, incapable of any sort of relationship, who needs to grow up. I hope you go away and do that.

Mods, can we ban this guy please?
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-28, 3:43 pm

sunchildtine Power Kat
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wow, goodness gracious, this topic has gone off bang bang like in a cowboy town.

oh geez!
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-28, 5:49 pm

elgonzoSupporting Member
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On a serious note , can you tell me when you are next in town as I would like to throw you into the nearest canal
I doubt very much that you are serious about having produced a video if so here is some legal advice.

1/ It is ILLEGAL to record someone's voice without permission

2/ It is ILLEGAL to record someone's image without permission

If you are for real then I would spend some time reading up on the privacy law instead of posting on forums you clearly have no interest in , and finally I apologize to the posters on this great site for taking the bait from this spotty Herbert .
Re: I don't know how that Nigerian terrorist got through Schiphol's securit
Posted: 2009-12-28, 7:30 pm

amsterman Power Kat
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LOL, attempted insults by a druggie...whatever next ;-)

I am NOT addicted to sex......

I am just addicted to beautiful women ;-)....

And like to have lots of sex with them :-)
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