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it's no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-27, 11:33 pm

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May 27 (Reuters) - The Dutch government on Friday said it would start banning tourists from buying cannabis from "coffee shops" and impose restrictions on Dutch customers by the end of the year.


wont this have a devastating effect on the economy??

life is life la la la la la la
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-27, 11:45 pm

PlayItAgainSamSupporting Member
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Looks like they have gone further this time...
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 12:16 am

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This really sucks! Although i am in doubt of it ever happening at all, let alone in amsterdam. I read a couple of articles earlier that said the government where gonna let each mayor decide what to do about the tourists themselves but urging them to adopt a weed pass system but not forcing them to. Sorry i cant post links i am on my mobile phone. I suppose only time will tell.

Smoke and F**k till you drop
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 12:27 am

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
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donpacino wrote:
This really sucks! Although i am in doubt of it ever happening at all, let alone in amsterdam. I read a couple of articles earlier that said the government where gonna let each mayor decide what to do about the tourists themselves but urging them to adopt a weed pass system but not forcing them to. Sorry i cant post links i am on my mobile phone. I suppose only time will tell.

This is my impression of the situation as well. Also, the article came from Reuters. Non-Dutch news outlets tend to get this stuff wrong (and have their own agenda) most of the time, as we've seen over and over. I'll withhold panic until an Amsterdam local actually provides an update as to whether anything truly has changed, or if it's political grandstanding as usual...

Good luck to them if they decide to go forward and can actually compel municipalities to follow in lock step. Shit, it would be like Argentina barring foreigners from entering steakhouses!!

A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 12:47 am

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BlutoBlutarsky wrote:
donpacino wrote:
This really sucks! Although i am in doubt of it ever happening at all, let alone in amsterdam. I read a couple of articles earlier that said the government where gonna let each mayor decide what to do about the tourists themselves but urging them to adopt a weed pass system but not forcing them to. Sorry i cant post links i am on my mobile phone. I suppose only time will tell.

This is my impression of the situation as well. Also, the article came from Reuters. Non-Dutch news outlets tend to get this stuff wrong (and have their own agenda) most of the time, as we've seen over and over. I'll withhold panic until an Amsterdam local actually provides an update as to whether anything truly has changed, or if it's political grandstanding as usual...

Good luck to them if they decide to go forward and can actually compel municipalities to follow in lock step. Shit, it would be like Argentina barring foreigners from entering steakhouses!!

Exactly, no use in panicking yet.

Smoke and F**k till you drop
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 1:54 am

BoneJockeyPower Kat XXX
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Just to answer the original question, no it wouldn't be devastating to the Dutch economy. Their economy is not built on cannabis sales.
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 2:02 am

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
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BoneJockey wrote:
Just to answer the original question, no it wouldn't be devastating to the Dutch economy. Their economy is not built on cannabis sales.

But would not barring foreigners from obtaining cannabis also affect other things? Let's be honest, many travel to Amsterdam mainly for the weed, and while they're there, they'll frequent local businesses... hotels, restaurants, etc. Many wouldn't bother coming or would try other destinations if not for easy access to weed.

But you're probably right... I suppose they've already done studies and estimated the impact such a move would have on overall tourist revenue? Who knows... but either way, they don't seem worried about this. Seeing a drop in "drug tourists" would certainly seem to serve the right wing's goal of "gentrification." :-( Hopefully they get those clowns out of office before too much traction is made on this.

A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 3:20 am

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You know what, one of the things that really pisses me off if this pass comes in is that me and my wife have 5 kids, we went to amsterdam for our honeymoon and we found it to be an amazing place, somewhere we could without the kids and be ourselves without the fear of prosection or prejudism from people because we smoke weed. We dont drink, we dont drive, we both work hard all year and provide a good life for our family and once a year we go over to the dam and have a week for just us, being well........ just us, i dont want that to change.

Sorry rant over.

Smoke and F**k till you drop
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 3:51 am

PlayItAgainSamSupporting Member
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BlutoBlutarsky wrote:
BoneJockey wrote:
Just to answer the original question, no it wouldn't be devastating to the Dutch economy. Their economy is not built on cannabis sales.

But would not barring foreigners from obtaining cannabis also affect other things? Let's be honest, many travel to Amsterdam mainly for the weed, and while they're there, they'll frequent local businesses... hotels, restaurants, etc. Many wouldn't bother coming or would try other destinations if not for easy access to weed.

But you're probably right... I suppose they've already done studies and estimated the impact such a move would have on overall tourist revenue? Who knows... but either way, they don't seem worried about this. Seeing a drop in "drug tourists" would certainly seem to serve the right wing's goal of "gentrification." :-( Hopefully they get those clowns out of office before too much traction is made on this.

And wouldn't it be ironic if the Dutch indeed clamped down on weed, and we...here in the good ole US of A found enough wisdom to legalize the sacred herb? Lets face it, right wing types exist all over the world. Then we'd have Dutch people flying out here for a toke.... :)

Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 4:18 am

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PlayItAgainSam wrote:
And wouldn't it be ironic if the Dutch indeed clamped down on weed, and we...here in the good ole US of A found enough wisdom to legalize the sacred herb? Lets face it, right wing types exist all over the world. Then we'd have Dutch people flying out here for a toke.... :)


Tell me if im wrong but isnt it only legal for medical use and can only be consumed in some "medical marijuana outlets" or at home? As much as this is a great thing and im sure benefits the locals it wont really benefit the foreign tourists as:

a) we wont have a medical marijuana referece from a doctor or a medical marijuana card to be able to purchase it.

b) if for some reason a tourist did get a refernce and/or a medical marijuna card then unless there was a dispensary that allowed them to smoke it there would be no where we could go to smoke, im pretty sure the hotels and bars wont allow it and for obvious reasons parks and beaches would be a no no.

So in conclusion i dont think california etc will replace amsterdam until it becomes fully legal or at least fully decriminalized for recreational purposes.

But hey maybe im wrong.

Smoke and F**k till you drop
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 4:19 am

PlayItAgainSamSupporting Member
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donpacino wrote:
PlayItAgainSam wrote:
And wouldn't it be ironic if the Dutch indeed clamped down on weed, and we...here in the good ole US of A found enough wisdom to legalize the sacred herb? Lets face it, right wing types exist all over the world. Then we'd have Dutch people flying out here for a toke.... :)


Tell me if im wrong but isnt it only legal for medical use and can only be consumed in some "medical marijuana outlets" or at home? As much as this is a great thing and im sure benefits the locals it wont really benefit the foreign tourists as:

a) we wont have a medical marijuana referece from a doctor or a medical marijuana card to be able to purchase it.

b) if for some reason a tourist did get a refernce and/or a medical marijuna card then unless there was a dispensary that allowed them to smoke it there would be no where we could go to smoke, im pretty sure the hotels and bars wont allow it and for obvious reasons parks and beaches would be a no no.

So in conclusion i dont think california etc will replace amsterdam until it becomes fully legal or at least fully decriminalized for recreational purposes.

But hey maybe im wrong.

You're completely right - I'm just being unduly opimistic and hoping that something will happen to precipitate the total legalization of weed...:)

Who am I fooling????

Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 5:54 am

BoneJockeyPower Kat XXX
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I agree with Bluto. I'm sure they've calculated the percentage of revenue from drug tourism, and concluded it can be made up for in other areas. Still, it would be sad if it changed. There's always Lisbon, I guess.
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 7:04 am

FlexgrSupporting Member
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Here is what the New York Times is showing on its web site:

The government said it would proceed with plans to force anyone wishing to buy marijuana at cafes to first obtain an official pass — a move intended to stop tourists from buying the drug. Prime Minister Mark Rutte said he planned to introduce the system later this year in the country’s south, an area popular with French and German buyers, before moving on to Amsterdam’s tourist cafes. A Justice Ministry spokesman said Friday that the Supreme Court must still rule on whether foreigners can be blocked entirely.
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 8:22 am

neurosynthPower Kat XXX
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Shit, it would be like Argentina barring foreigners from entering steakhouses!!

Yeah, but Argentina hasn't been taken over by neo-nazis. Oh, wait...

http://tinyurl.com/eurolights - CLOSED FOR NOW - Sadly Google has disallowed public access to this map. I'm seeking alternative platforms. If you have suggestions, please message me!
No dope for tourists
Posted: 2011-05-28, 12:57 pm

elgonzoSupporting Member
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An article in todays daily mirror (Sat ) claims that each coffee shops will be given 1500 documents / passes , and they will have to choose who to give the passes to locals , frequent customers or tourists , in a nutshell no pass no dope .

Bridget is the new Max Jade is the new Kim DenHagg is the new Amsterdam, hubba hubba.
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 5:19 pm

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These newly elected Dutch officals will never get the bigger picture.This banning tourist from purchasing weed sounds all warm & fuzzy, but will only lead to more criminal activity & crime.This is why they are called criminal's they find ways around the laws & the system for profit in the illegal sector.If I was a person who now bought weed & returned to my country to sell I would now hire a a couple dutch citzen's pay them to work for me get them their passes & continue my operation.It's going to be like the drug dealers in America.They hire local kids on the block to be look outs & carriers from the police.The only difference over in the Netherlands is weed has been decrimalized which makes it a little easier to get the product even with this possible law.

This might sound out in right field but this law could effect certain coffee shops to struggle & in turn make or strike a deal with the illegal folk.How hard would it be for the criminal to stay to a struggling owner hey you need the cash & I need the product, I have 20 guys I have hired to purchase the product for me let them buy from your store & you will get x amount of percent for your troubles.Sounds crazy but Money talks.

I am not a criminal & they are way smarter than I, but there are always loop holes to skirt around laws.The only way to avoid criminal activity is for the world or this matter Europe to view weed as a minor issue decriminalize the product.Weed is harmless & it's the black market that causes criminal element to florish.Take away the black market there is no criminal elecment for the product.

Even if the Dutch decided to go back to the stone ages with the pot laws & totally make it illegal again with strict penalties for getting caught.You will still have folk willing to take the risk.Most the time the rewards out weigh the risk especially when things get dumped back on to the black market.

Maybe what the Dutch should do on a trail basis is if your a tourist & want to smoke or purchase weed you would have to purcahse a Weed I.D. card with your passport for the city you are visiting (for a fee of course).The card would be only good through the time of your visit.This card you would have to show to the coffee shop server.The card would only allow you to purcahse a limited amout per day which would be much lower than the limit now.All this would be logged into a master system linked to all coffee shops not allowing the person to hit up every coffee shop in the city buy the max amount.The limit maybe enough for 3 joints worth.Kind of like Breakfest, Lunch & Dinner....I think trying to limit the amount along with tracking the amount would make it harder for a criminal to obtain larger amounts to bring back & sell in another country.What the limited per gram or ounces should be I have no clue, just small enough to become a major head ache I guess but still make the Dutch or Tourist pot head happy he can still smoke.
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 5:43 pm

george47 Power Kat
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Now on dutchnews.nl- http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2 ... come_p.php

As a non drug user my concern is that no drugs = less tourists = less clients for the girls = less girls for me!
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-28, 11:53 pm

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Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-29, 12:16 am

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"The illegal growing industry is thought to be worth some €2bn a year. According to the Telegraaf, some 40,000 people are involved in marijuana cultivation and some 5,000 plantations are busted every year."

Like what does this have to do with tourist smoking weed in a coffee shop???????

So Barney's & The Greenhouse in Amsterdam are run by Organised crime????From what I know they are the two biggest players in the pot/coffee house game.....

What they are looking to do will have little or no effect on organised crime.As long as weed is grown, seeds will be readily available......

I would love to be in one of these meettings of the so called minds & see all the patting on the back stuff.

‘adequate measures’ will be taken by police and officials to make sure the move does not lead to an increase in street dealing.

Boy thats a waste of money & good luck with that.......
Re: its no toke!!
Posted: 2011-05-29, 12:46 am

PlayItAgainSamSupporting Member
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Frankly, its perhaps not our place to tell the Dutch what to do. Far better for us to try to legalize right here at home.


Last edited by PlayItAgainSam on 2011-05-29, 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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