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Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-18, 6:41 am

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
Posts: 1962
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Dear Stoners,

I've long struggled with picking the perfect weed that won't impair my performance during sessions. Obviously, I'm a raging boozebag, but, assuming I stick to my plan of not drinking on my next trip, what would you recommend?

Maybe this is a silly thread since I know that the same weed affects different folks differently. And I gather that I should be looking at sativas rather than indicas in terms of avoiding "couch lock" and the resultant "cheese dick."

Here in the colonies, I've occasionally had weed that gave me a perfect, non-paranoid high, yet left me extremely horny. I can't tell you what strain it was, since any dealer in my area who cites a specific strain is lying. So I come here for advice: What can you recommend, in Amsterdam, that will give me a clean, energetic buzz and enhance my visits to the lovely ladies?

Thanks guys.

A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-18, 9:23 am

tenSeekerSupporting Member
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I have nothing on the best weed strains but your question did get me thinking about some ancillary factors.

I don't intend to side track your question. These are just the thoughts that crossed my mind with your question.

I wonder if using a vaporizer would improve ones wood. It would seam like it might help to avoid inhaling the carcinogens present when smoking weed in the traditional manner.

I wonder if using pure weed as opposed to weed with tobacco joints might help as I believe the nicotine has a negative effect on erections. The benefit might not be significant though.

I really don't know that these consumption adjustments would improve performance but it did peak my curiosity on the broader question that you pose.

Even if there is some performance benefit with these consumption adjustments it's another matter whether one would be willing to only use a vaporizer before sessions or avoid tobacco with joints. Personally, I prefer using a bong when possible. I would switch to using a vaporizer if I smoked more frequently than the occasional Amsterdam trip though.

It will interesting to learn how various weed strains optimize performance and enjoyment as your question more directly poses.
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-18, 10:40 pm

PlayItAgainSamSupporting Member
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Going strictly by hypothesis, I wonder if sativa dominant strains might be the way to go. The rationale is that if one subscribes to the theory that the most powerful sexual organ is between one's ears, it stands to reason, then, that the strain that encourages the most imagination has to be the ticket...no?
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-19, 1:21 am

420 Power Kat
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1 vote for Sativa based strains. I have had women go crazy smoking Green Crack right before we fuck. One girl in Goldentime enjoyed it so much we ended up trading out a 30 minute extension for about $10 USD worth of California's finest. Even the German and Dutch jisbeers commented on the beautiful smell wafting thru the windows of the hut/room at GT. Some of the best sativa gives me more of a euphoric buzz vs. the couch locking Indica strains. Good sative based hash and kiff are also awesome for sex. One of our esteemed ex-ignatzmicers religiously procured and smoked kiff from the Grey Area prior to entering Oase, World, etc.

After sex,,well, that's when I break out the Indica so I can fall asleep faster and not listen to the drama stories.

My .02

Pura Vida
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-19, 1:47 am

PlayItAgainSamSupporting Member
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I'm sorry for a somewhat tangential drift, but for some reason, nothing I ever bought at GA was long lasting. Yet, so many people love the place and its product. I must have a weird metabolism.
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-19, 2:44 am

Posts: 14
Location: Ireland
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Interesting topic for newbies but will smoke

Satvia seem s the way to go but then the comment says you fall asleep after. We going to Fun4two and love a smoke which will stimluate between our ears but also our sexual organs but dont want to fall asleep but rather stay alive till early hours of the morning !!!!

So what ye recommend now or does such smoke exist !!!!
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-19, 5:39 am

Harvey WallenbangerSupporting Member
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Try some Hawaiian Snow. A fellow ignatzmicer was telling me the HS at Amnesia coffeeshop is some stellar stuff...

Hawaiian Snow is a sativa heavy Hawaiian/Laotian cross that does have a sneak-up affect if you smoke too much of it at once. If you get it right and smoke just enough to get those neurons firing, the resulting sex can be a truly mind-blowing experience…

I like to take a few drags off a joint if I’m mongering and put it out. Just like drinking too much, smoking too much will have a negative influence on performance, keep it all in some moderation and you should be fine…


"I mean, what's not to love? Especially when you see how I party man, it's epic. The run I was on made Sinatra, Flynn, Jagger, Richards, all of them, just look like droopy-eyed, armless children." - Charlie Sheen
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-19, 7:47 am

neurosynthPower Kat XXX
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I tend to agree. I think it has more to do with quantity of THC (and other agents) ingested than anything else. Most err on the side of smoking too much.

http://tinyurl.com/eurolights - CLOSED FOR NOW - Sadly Google has disallowed public access to this map. I'm seeking alternative platforms. If you have suggestions, please message me!
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-19, 7:54 am

420 Power Kat
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Some scary looking weed from Germany,,would love to find some of this at an FKK


Pura Vida
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-19, 7:08 pm

DogsAfirePower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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I do believe that 420 has summed it up about as well as possible.

As stated later in the thread, too much can have negative physical effects.
About 25 mg of Vitamin V helps though.

the dogs
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-19, 7:09 pm

DogsAfirePower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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BeachCouple -

He said sativa for the sex, then indica to fall asleep
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-20, 2:32 am

jgramos Moderator
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One note, with regards Sativa strains......if, by any chance, you go to Hunter's to buy your weed when in the Dam, the "100% Sativa" is absolutely fantastic......however, this is not a weed for the faint hearted, and will not help your sexy time whatsoever, as it is a total knock out - simply a whitey inducer!!! And I'm not talking a newbie to weed, I watched an experienced (over 12 years) smoker pull a whitey on it at the weekend, and I had to go back to the hotel for a lie down after a few joints of it (and I've smoked weed for 11 years!).
Super Silver Haze, at Hunter's, is one I'd tell you to give a go, it is however pretty strong, but will bring on the type of fx you are looking for.

On the other hand, I personally find that the Blueberry Cheese from The Green Place gives me just the right buzz for mongering!! This strain is about 80% indica, 20% sativa, so may cause you to experience some of the fx that you do not want.....but it works for me, and as you did say, different weeds have different fx for different people.


MR PEACE......is still here! ;-)
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-20, 4:10 am

420 Power Kat
Posts: 1021
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Whats the definition of mongering? Wandering around stoned and drunk in the Wallen, hanging out in a Sauna or FKK club, sitting in your hotel room at the Hotel Del Rey (Costa Rica) or any other bedroom in the world with a hooker?

Personally, I don't really like getting that stoned when I wandered around the RLD,,afterwards,,helll yes. Recently I have had some great times with women, paid or not, when we smoke some good sativa just prior to going at it, wow!

The sativa I get in CA is almost xtc like when we smoke it right before sex. How much better can that be?

Pura Vida
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-21, 12:21 am

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
Posts: 1962
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Lots of good suggestions here... thanks guys. In addition to looking for the strains mentioned, I think I'll buy a cheap throwaway pipe to use for the duration of the trip... I agree that a whole joint is probably too much when I'm planning to have more sessions later.

A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-21, 1:43 am

PlayItAgainSamSupporting Member
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I usually get my "power pack" first thing when I step out of the hotel on the day of arrival - pipe, lighter, screens and a cheap grinder. This way if I end up at a coffeeshop without a vape, I'm still ready; and sometimes I don't want to vape anyway.
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-21, 2:52 am

Harvey WallenbangerSupporting Member
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Bluto said:
Lots of good suggestions here... thanks guys. In addition to looking for the strains mentioned, I think I'll buy a cheap throwaway pipe to use for the duration of the trip... I agree that a whole joint is probably too much when I'm planning to have more sessions later.

Sam said:
I usually get my "power pack" first thing when I step out of the hotel on the day of arrival - pipe, lighter, screens and a cheap grinder. This way if I end up at a coffeeshop without a vape, I'm still ready; and sometimes I don't want to vape anyway.

I like to buy my cheap glass throw-away pipe and any other smoking essentials at one of the first coffeeshops I visit. Headshops make money selling pipes and smoking supplies; coffeeshops make money selling pot and hash.

The paraphernalia is quite often less expensive in a coffeeshop because it is not the main source of revenue for the house. The budtender will cut you a deal on pipes and such when you are buying a quantity of weed at the counter, don’t be shy - just ask…

When I’m doing the ‘walk of shame’ back to Centraal Station at the end of my holiday, I generally donate my smoking gear to a coffeeshop along the Warmeostraat. Would not want to show up at Schipol with a bag of weed, glass pipe, and a grinder in my pocket after all!

It’s all karma, I leave it for someone else and when I show up in town in a few months, I’ll get something back in return… That is the hope at least…

Back to the original thread; I find a few puffs of a good Sour Diesel before a lap or three through the Wallen always heightens my senses…


"I mean, what's not to love? Especially when you see how I party man, it's epic. The run I was on made Sinatra, Flynn, Jagger, Richards, all of them, just look like droopy-eyed, armless children." - Charlie Sheen
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-21, 3:23 am

PlayItAgainSamSupporting Member
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The paraphernalia is quite often less expensive in a coffeeshop because it is not the main source of revenue for the house. The budtender will cut you a deal on pipes and such when you are buying a quantity of weed at the counter, don’t be shy - just ask…

Very good point - I never thought about that! Whenever my next time is (still making up my mind about the week after TG), I'll use your technique.

Back to the original thread; I find a few puffs of a good Sour Diesel before a lap or three through the Wallen always heightens my senses…

This would contradict my theory, no? Assuming that SD is indica dominant?

Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-21, 4:18 am

Harvey WallenbangerSupporting Member
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Assuming that SD is indica dominant?

The version of Sour Diesel that has been in circulation for years here is a sativa dominate mix. Quite good for outdoor activities as well...


"I mean, what's not to love? Especially when you see how I party man, it's epic. The run I was on made Sinatra, Flynn, Jagger, Richards, all of them, just look like droopy-eyed, armless children." - Charlie Sheen
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-21, 11:33 am

jgramos Moderator
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Yeah, I thought Sour Diesel was about 70% Sativa - 30% Indica (the indica is generally from an Afghan plant). I may be wrong though, lots of different crosses out there!


MR PEACE......is still here! ;-)
Re: Best Weed Strains for Mongering
Posted: 2010-10-21, 2:02 pm

PlayItAgainSamSupporting Member
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I stand/sit corrected, gentlemen... :)
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