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How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-15, 10:18 pm

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
Location: UK
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Cordelia says:

I have read in past reports on the forum that some members like advice about how to behave at an FKK.

The following short report is a girl’s view, from my own experience and gleaned from discussions with my friends gathered round the red tables in the small hours. It does not all apply for all girls. But is meant as an impression which will apply for most honest working girls

All girls want a “good guest” and to be regarded as one is the highest compliment that a girl can pay you. You need to remember that the girls are at FKK to earn money if they have good time then that is nice but peripheral. This means that to qualify as a good guest the girls have two criteria: money and hygiene. Intelligence and being sexy is a bonus.

1. Money

However nice you are if you can’t pay then you will largely be ignored (this may sound like a truism but can bear some repetition!!) A guest who pays well is loved by everyone !! We have all had guests who claim to have no money and ask us if we will have sex with them for nothing its very irritating and shows a lack of respect.

Check the price first especially if you want something different- e.g. two girls or a lesbian show as the price may vary depending on the girl. Be specific about what you want if you don’t get it and you haven’t said you can’t complain afterwards eg some girls don’t kiss if this is important to you then say.

Don’t try to get the girl to undercut the normal club prices or wine for extra time for free. If you do all you will get is a girl in a bad mood

2. Hygiene

Another really nice thing a girl will often say about their favourite guests is “ he was very clean - like a woman” Please wash and shower – especially the bits you sit on…. sitting around in a towel makes you sweatier than you realise especially if you want a blow job. Btw, many girls don’t like giving BBBJ as they think it is unhygienic so washing often will help. And don’t forget to shave if it’s 12 hours since your last one, and clean your teeth (yes, your mother was right…). Of course it’s not only the men who need to shave – I know that girls who don’t shave give men sore mouths…

3. Do

If you do want two girls it’s often easier to let the girl choose who she wants to work with: we all have friends we feel comfortable with. If you have ideas e.g. black or blonde, big boobs etc you can say what you would like and let your girl find someone.

Be friendly (i.e. a brief hello as you pass by) to all girls even if you don’t want to go with them. Not all girls will appreciate this but most will.

4. Don’ts Please

Don’t waste a girl’s time if you don’t want to go to a room - a chat, a kiss or two followed by a polite refusal is fine. If you want to touch for nothing and won’t follow through means that the jungle drums will brand you as “crazy” or something worse!!

Don’t ask a girl to go to the whirl pool unless you want to go to a room. The girls think the whirl pool is unhygienic – we have all seen men jack off in there and it rather puts you off!! In addition it makes one’s skin wrinkly and we have to shower afterwards and apply body lotion!! The same applies to the swimming pool.

Don’t grope the girls in the corridors - as a friend of mine said ” I may sell me but I should be respected”

Don’t say to a girl ”you aren’t doing very well tonight” we don’t need you to point this out unless you are going to do something about it. Or comment on the quality of the girl’s previous guest.

Please don’t talk about the other girls, your comments will only get back to the girl concerned.

If you interrogate the girls then you will get a standard patter back which may or not be true. For all they know, you may be Police or worse. They will tell you more as they begin to like or trust you a bit.

4 Don’t Worry , Be Happy

Don’t worry about your “performance” just have as nice a time as you can- if you enjoy yourself the girl will enjoy it as well. You don’t have to be a pornstar stud in fact, for many girls this is not too popular, as going too hard can make us sore and can get uncomfortable. Be aware that if you want a long session your girl may be tired and/or sore by the end, some men want to go hard for as long as they can.

Don’t worry about size – in fact small is often more popular

Don't talk in the club about the girls (even to other mongers) as if they don't exist - the girls hear a lot more than you would ever imagine. If you tell lies about them you will be surprised how quickly they hear. If you lie that a girl does it without a condom, be certain that the lie will be known by that girl very quickly

5. Keep Up Standards

Keep your head- try not to be obviously drunk or stoned- it acts as a magnet as girls will try and take advantage of you and relieve you of more money than you realised you had spent. If you are out of your head you may be charged twice or time may suddenly fly so that you are charged for hours. Not all girls are saints!

If you wan to keep good service then make sure you go with girls who appear to make their guests cheerful and who don’t dispose of them in five minutes. If you want a club with naked girls don’t go with ones wearing towels. Remember that you set the standard as the girls will do whatever it takes to get a customer. If the men went with girls painted bright blue then we would all be blue next day
Don’t believe all the sob stories you hear. Some will be true, some will not.
Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-16, 12:03 am

WoofieeSupporting Member
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Thank you Cordelia - that was very interesting!

I never like to presume the mind of another person, but I do always wonder about what the girls' life and thoughts are like at a club. I think my fellow mongers and I tend to be very polite and cordial guests whilst in their midst, but it's nice to know that this behaviour is appreciated. Our mothers would be proud - so long as they don't know where we're using out manners.


- Woof!
Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-16, 2:00 am

Posts: 418
Location: Europe
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Hi Cordelia,

Great advice. Very interesting to hear that the girls listen in on the conversation and can hear a lot of what is beeing said.

I think groping in the hallways goes both ways. It really annoys me as well when the girls go for it in the hallway grabbing my arm, dick or whatever they get their hands on.

One great advice I once got from you was not to avoid eye contact even if you have no intention of going with the girl. I was guilty of sometimes avoiding eye contact as to avoid the approach, but I find it much more relaxing just to look at the girl, smile, and then politely deny if she approaches.

I am by no standards expert on picking up women (working or not), but one thing I always keep in mind is that I have yet to find a woman who does not like a nice genuine compliment. You can always find some true compliments for everyone (don't make up stuff that are'nt true). Just as you can spot when a girl is bullshit-complimenting you, you also know when it is true, and the true compliments go a long way of getting a good wibe going.

Just an advice on the multiple shower thing, I used to get skin problems from all the showers and crap soap in the FKKs (dried up, itchy and stuff like that), but after I started bringing my own shower gel, I've had no problems.

Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-16, 10:01 am

MikeDeHavillandSupporting Member
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One to print out and take with you.

I have a humerous idea of sitting in the Wintergarden with my "how to behave manual".

Seruiously though, it makes you think, "did i do that" or "Would I do that" and "What did I say".

I think I am mostly OK but I will have made mistakes in the past I am sure. A real minefield this, isn't it.

Thanks for the time and effort Cordelia. sharon was there on Saturday and Sunday, and was really helpful. Really nice girl.
Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-16, 11:13 am

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
Location: UK
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Don't take it too seriously - I did not have anyone in mind. Most normal mongers are fine - it's just that there are a very very few very crass and smelly ones who need to think a bit. And one of my roles at World seems to have been to give guidance to "lurkers" on etiquette so I though tI would write some stuff down.

I'm glad Sharon was nice

Chivaz - you're right - a compliment or smile never does any harm. If the girl doesn't respond then maybe that it an indication she is not very customer friendly. A pretty face or long legs are no guide to how to get good service. Mind you , soem girls have learnt how to smile beautifully - until they get into the room. That's why I say the best thing is to watch their customers and also go by your gut feeling as to whether they are nice ir not


Last edited by Shiatsu and Cordelia on 2006-05-17, 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-17, 12:30 am

Posts: 418
Location: Europe
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Checking out the girls and guys when getting back from room is a good sign, but some girls know how to play that game as well. I remember Russian Marina at Oase (The same one that gave Shiatsu a real shitty time some time ago). I had just done a mediocre session with her where she was very reluctant to kiss and kind of passive on the room. We walk to the lockers and I hand over the fifty and there are quite a few barflys looking (for those who have seen Mariana know why as her figure is something else). Out of the blue she plants this long wet DFK for about 10-15 seconds which was probably more than all the combined kissing in the room. I just stood there stunned as two or three guys scrambled to get her next session.

Although I do not like games like that, I had to admire her skill in the game.

Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-17, 5:08 pm

TheAdmiralSupporting Member
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"And don’t forget to shave if it’s 12 hours since your last one"

Just to confirm, you're referring to shaving your face, right? (... don't the girls sometimes like that rugged, "smoldering" unshaven look? :)

and once we're on the subject, -how much of a consideration is keeping trim down there, anyway?

Thanks & regards,
How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-18, 9:45 pm

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
Location: UK
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Admiral - ignore this and see the next post below

Last edited by Shiatsu and Cordelia on 2006-05-18, 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-18, 9:48 pm

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
Location: UK
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Admiral. Nice to hear from you again- yes I was thinking about the upper levels. Rugged look - yes I guess some girls like that.- the designer stubble. What I meant was that IF you are clean -shaven then make sure there is not that irritating stubble.

As for down below - yes, I find it sexy. I always think it's nice if the man is fully shaved, and I think most girls do. It tends to show the man is thinking about how to look his best, and of course it means no hairs in the teeth (don't visualise that please otherwise nobody will ever go with me!).

But in 20 years maybe the fashon will be the reverse

Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-19, 9:58 am

G.laGaffe Power Kat
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Location: Bruxelles, Belgium
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... It reminds me of one of the best advices I ever read in the FAQ of the former Kaleus club-index page:
'If you want to finger a woman, be sure you have your nails cut.'


Gaston (small beard - never had adverse comments on oral servicing to the ladies)
How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-19, 12:29 pm

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
Location: UK
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Small beards sound like fun!!
Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-19, 2:49 pm

Posts: 153
Location: Las Vegas/Los Angeles
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Interesting post. I would think that common sense would prevail, but I guess I'm mistaken. There are two things I'm personally big on-one is hygiene, the other is reminding the girls how much you appreciate them for being there. This is a challenging gig for a lot of women and it messes with their self-esteem at times. I always have compliments handy (although much more sincere appearing than that American gonzo porno b.s.-actually I've been known to spoof it with a couple of my regulars).
Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-19, 9:05 pm

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
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Common sense does commonly apply - but not always. There are few smelly men, but more are insensitive, and a few are plain impolite, with a few actually misogynist. But of course there are many who are fun and interesting

You are right about it being a challenging gig. One which most girls spend up to two hours making up for each day!. All girls I know occasionally lose it, tears of frustration and despair are common. Most guests do not realise this, so a sensitive guest on a bad day is welcome. Even the most popular workers worry about how they will do each day, and can get very wound up if the day is not going well - there is no escape and no way of diffusing the pent-up stress (until the next room arrives). If the stress shows it then escalates as no guest will go with a girl who is stressed.

But when it goes well there is nothing like it.. Flying high.

Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-20, 6:19 pm

neurosynthPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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The FKK's I've been at have showers right next to the locker area. I can't imagine showing up and not, at the very least, taking an initial shower. I myself shower upon arrival, between each session with a girl, and before I leave. It's easy, and relaxing.

There is just no excuse for being smelly at an FKK!
Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-20, 10:16 pm

420 Power Kat
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After visiting FKK/Sauna Clubs I find it VERY difficult to visit a window girl that shags customers all day without showering between sessions. A rare exception would be if the girl just started her shift but even then, who knows what her "day job" may be.

In Thailand and Costa Rica the girls always take a quick shower before jumping into bed and again before they leave. It was fun to watch those LBFM's in Thailand walk out of the bathroom wearing a towel and immediately crawl under the sheets. Once the towel comes off, thats another story :-)

Is it me or do all the various FKK clubs use the same soap? (They all smell exactly the same)
Last visit I brought along some Ralph Lauren Polo Shower Jel, the girls loved it! I am a stickler for hygene and the only thing that really bothers me is tobacco breath,, offcourse, it could be worse ??

Pura Vida
Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-20, 10:35 pm

neurosynthPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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I'm sure it varies from girl to girl, but my fav RLD girls always seemed fresh, and that was no doubt due to putting the sink, washcloth, and towel to good use between sessions. These are usually the girls who let a fellow out, but then don't open the shades for another 5 to 10 minutes.

But I agree...hygene is just one of the ways you get spoiled by the FKK scene...
Re: How to be a good guest at FKK
Posted: 2006-05-22, 8:22 pm

SnertSupporting Member
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You can see all kinds of showering techniques in the community shower. Some guests barely splash a little water around and some really get after it. I too have started to bring my own shower gel as the pink soap really sucks. Ocassionally you will get a whif of some really bad BO in the locker room and wonder how someone could walk around and not notice.


Oh, you men are all alike. Seven or eight quick ones and then you're out with the boys to boast and brag.
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