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Endless Summer - Fantasy Saturday at Goldentime
Posted: 2006-09-28, 5:34 pm

fredSupporting Member
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September 23 - Fantasy Saturday at Goldentime

Sweet September began with a good bye / good night kiss to Melissa from Russia before Yooroo Monger and I left the parking lot of Goldentime at 01:00, the twilight of September 1.…. Like fellow inspectors who have been charmed by this sweetheart, I am mesmerized and I must reshuffle my schedule just to experience her sweetness all over again before the month is over. Finally, the day had come - Saturday, September 23 when I could return to Goldentime with multiple primary objectives including, but not limited to:

1. Reconnection with Polish Melissa and Russian Melissa
2. Initiation with miss Franceska from Italy
3. Fat chance to see Anja, Sasha and Samantha again
4. Pursue Freddy’s ultimate fantasy

With the updates from Gaston and Davide, I was leaning towards another day in the home court. While talking to the Captain at 9:30 Saturday morning, we decided that we would go to Goldentime with a brief stop at Traum Paradise in Koln (just to look at the lineup and the facility).

We left Frankfurt just after 11 PM. With a detour in Koln followed by a nice meal at an Italian restaurant, we arrived at Goldentime around 2:30 PM. Captain and I quickly get ready for the girls. After the shower, I found him at the lounge with a big silly grin. Using his eyes and body gestures, he taunted me as Gabriella from Slovakia was about to get a key to go with him. I was about to cite him for unsportsmanlike conduct but Gabriella walked by and I must say Hello. OK, I saw Anja from Poland at the bar. I told Captain that I got mine too.

Anja in her silver and black bikini was wearing a pair of colorless high heels with silky black straps around the entire length of her legs. She was finishing up her glass of coffee / chocolate / milk as I asked her to get a key for both of us.

Unlike Russian Melissa who took the shoes off before going to bed, Anja kept her shoes on and it’s hard to estimate her height. Her beautiful face, athletic body and long slender legs were big distractions for objective measurements. So I just asked her and she said, “176 cm without the shoes”. It was another superb and passionate experience just like the first time we met back in early August. It’s really nice to see her again.

After spending a lovely hour with Anja, I found Captain in the lounge area and his hair looked a bit wet, “Gabriella made you sweat, didn’t she?” He then told me Lisa was getting a key for them. I told him that I should not be seen with him when Lisa returned as she might be mad at me from last visit…

As I walked away from Captain, I found the Miami vice girl - Oksana the petite ice queen from Russia. Dedalus and I met Oksana during the first weekend of July. Wim was there that day and he gave Oksana a line. Oksana gave him a “you are not worthy” look and it was so funny….

When she spotted me, she immediately stopped talking to her girlfriend and smiled at me with open arms. I walked up to her, “how was Miami?” Well, she changed her plan - she would not visit US until October and she was asking me questions on New York, Boston, …… Suddenly, she asked, “should be get a key for some rest?” Yes, dear, my mouth is tired after all this talking. We took a room by the girls’ lockers room. I noticed that we had a little intruder - a fly that bites! Other than that, it’s a very nice reunion again. I even got a hot tips as to the whereabouts of the beauty from St. Petersburg.

I then sent an SMS to a fellow inspector and complained “NO M&M….” It was 5:50 PM or 10 minutes before feeding time, I caught up with Captain again and asked him about Lisa. He said her performance would have been great if she allowed kissing…. We laughed at the line formation and jockeying of position for the dinner at GT. They started waiting in line 10 minutes before the food arrived. Did they know the food suck at GT?! So disgraceful…

Whoa?! Melissa from Poland came from nowhere and she’s all smile when our eyes met. I introduced her to Captain and he got quite friendly with her. So I got behind Melissa and gave her a big hug while giving Captain a funny face - yeah, smooth talker, blah, blah, blah…. Then I asked Melissa if she would get something to eat. She reminded me that she would not eat the dinner there as she ordered her own food from outside. OK, I must rephrase the question with a wink. Melissa then giggled and told Captain, “he wants to eat my pussy…..” Ha Ha Ha Ha… All three of us laughed.

What a coincidence?! Melissa took me to the same room where I just spent 30 minutes with Oksana earlier. The little intruder was still there. While kissing Melissa’s lips, she noticed that my eyes were rolling. As I explained to my queen about the attempt to kill this little bug “this bastard wants a free show”, she laughed so hard and rolled around on bed. Later on, as Melissa was sucking Freddy like a champ, she squeezed her eyes and I could see the killer look in her. But her attempt to kill that bastard failed as well. Due to this intrusion, it was not as good as our all time best session during last time. It’s a great time regardless and it’s very a pleasant surprise to see Melissa just after she finished her vacation. Too bad that the same would not apply to Russian Melissa on this visit.

It’s time to slow down a bit. I cooled off with a lemon beer before I headed for the shower. Perhaps all the ice bears were busy in the room or sleeping somewhere after the dinner, the lockers room was almost empty when I entered the shower. Within a minute, I was joined by a gorgeous blonde rubbing soap all over her body right next to me, “perhaps you can use a shower cap…”

I really would like 30 minutes of rest before I made contacts with this girl. However, she was taking her time in front of her locker, brushing her hair, smiling at me generously, and …. I decided to approach just to find out her name and her country of origin.

To be continued…


P.S. Gaston, when you talk to GT management about wine and dine, I would appreciate if you would request them to call the terminator to get rid of those little terrorists. Two days after last Saturday’s visit to GT, my right foot still had an itchy spot.
Re: Endless Summer - Fantasy Saturday at Goldentime
Posted: 2006-09-28, 7:26 pm

G.laGaffe Power Kat
Posts: 752
Location: Bruxelles, Belgium
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I will, if coach lets me ;-)
These flies are a perennial problem chez Golden Time. The first year in the bar area, then at the terrace and near the pond - had not heared tey were becoming a menace in the room, though. Well, at least you had your fun.
Would the presence of a pond have something to do with it ?


Mmmm - who was laughing at my midge bites earlier this summer ?!?
Re: Endless Summer - Fantasy Saturday at Goldentime
Posted: 2006-09-28, 11:31 pm

fredSupporting Member
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"Mmmm - who was laughing at my midge bites earlier this summer ?!?"

Hi Gaston,

I don't know who would be laughing. Would that be part of the training for the 'grasshopper' by your coach? Ha Ha..

Let's see who can bring us the good news that Russian Melissa is back.

Re: Endless Summer - Fantasy Saturday at Goldentime
Posted: 2006-09-29, 12:09 am

skipexcaliburSupporting Member
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Evidently Fred thinks I can will you to change direction at a moments notice. First he wants me to impose a “rule” on you (silencing your moral outrage on the culinary indiscretions of GT) and now he wants this same rule reversed so you can complain about the midges on his behalf? How convenient! He has scant appreciation of the intricate and delicate interaction between a coach and a prodigy…

I know the kind of guy you are and how you will not accept sub-standard service on behalf of all the members of our community so, against my better judgment, I will give you the go-ahead... this one time, provided you promise that it will not interfere with your focus. Remember the next visit is in only seven days. Focus and continue with the breathing and visualization exercises. Мелисса! Мелисса!! (Melissa in Russian for the curious) Oh, and make sure that you cut down on the trans-fats in your diet.

I certainly was not laughing at you when you got bitten by mosquitos but I did think it was quite funny when I thought it was Midgets biting you on the ass…


OK, I have set Grasshopper free to unleash his righteous indignation on the poor management of GT. All I ask in exchange is that he gets an opportunity to bang his Dulcinea, you know, the one from Russia. Мелисса...Мелисса :-)

Good idea about toughening the ole' Grasshopper up a bit with the wilderness survival training. Unfortunately (needless to say) I was not his coach at the time. We might add that regimen to his hot tub survival exercises...



p.s. Just out of curiosity, did either of you educated and sophisticated gentlemen consider insect repellant?
Re: Endless Summer - Fantasy Saturday at Goldentime
Posted: 2006-09-29, 3:50 am

fredSupporting Member
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Hello Skip and Gaston,

I have never asked Gaston to "shut up" as to the bad food at GT. To get through the boot camp successfully, I would recommend proper breathing technique (Ha Ha..) to go along with nutritional food and fluid (no excessive alcohol). It's OK to complain as long as you don't stay grumpy afterwards.

"Remember the next visit is in only seven days."

A special task force should be on the ground within 7 hours. Let see if they can identify Melissa if she's there.

"make sure that you cut down on the trans-fats in your diet."

Whoa!! Shall the coach lead by example?! Gaston, would you like me to introduce you to a real coach?

"We might add that regimen to his hot tub survival exercises... "

Grasshopper may become the navy seal then.

"did either of you educated and sophisticated gentlemen consider insect repellant?"

I reject this question. I cannot be expected to carry insect repellant while participating in indoor sports. If I were to engage in outdoor sports, it meant I would assume the risk of getting screwed by these little terrorists.

Best Regards,
Re: Endless Summer - Fantasy Saturday at Goldentime
Posted: 2006-09-29, 10:25 am

G.laGaffe Power Kat
Posts: 752
Location: Bruxelles, Belgium
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I did outdoor last time. It was with Roxana. I uttered my issues with the mosquitos ahead of the session and we actually made a bet : if any mosquito was going to bite me, Roxana would return the cost of the session. She was obviously very confident. She was also right. I fully agree with Fred on the repellant issue - you can't do that to the girls (unless they make a perfumked one, hat is).
Training ? A Navy Seal ?? I'm getting tired even thinking of it. My training consists of going to 'Bij Den Boer' and eating good fats (hidden in good fish).

Are you part of the special task force ? Good luck then.

Hey coach,
My next vist is not in 7 days.... I wish it were. Is the suspense getting on you ? Two weeks it is.


Re: Endless Summer - Fantasy Saturday at Goldentime
Posted: 2006-09-29, 8:42 pm

skipexcaliburSupporting Member
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Is Gaston astute, or what?

“…if any mosquito was going to bite me, Roxana would return the cost of the session. She was obviously very confident. She was also right.” (and this was outdoors, to boot. Got to meet this Roxana…)

Now that’s the way to handle a situation, my friend! Certainly more effective than bringing the issue to the attention of management. Get an interested party with a little skin in the game, so to speak.

BTW, it has been more than seven hours, what is going on, dude? Perhaps you might consider installing a Freddie cam for your fans. You know like the helmet cams the NFL players wear sometimes…..perhaps a little smaller.

Hope your hunting and fishing expedition went well,

Best regards,

Coach S.
Re: Endless Summer - Fantasy Saturday at Goldentime
Posted: 2006-09-30, 10:55 am

fredSupporting Member
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It’s time to meet Katarina from Finland….

I simply could not resist the beauty and charm of this shapely platinum blonde with gorgeous blue eyes! As we get acquainted in front of her locker, I found out that she’s from Finland and she knew Marlene (another Finnish with a bit darker and shorter blonde hair when compared to Katarina) who worked at PHG back in 2004. Her body was absolutely marvelous - very comparable to Pepto’s Andrea from Romania formerly at World back in 2004. Her breasts were beyond perfection to the point that I raised suspicion. However, upon close inspection later in the room with various tests, I determined that my suspicion was plain stupid.

After chatting with her for about five minutes by her locker, I told her that I would wait for her by the reception area so that she could get dressed and get ready. Five minutes later, Captain walked by and he asked me what’s happening. I told him I just met a stunner from Finland. He was mumbling, “why would a Finnish stunner working in Germany when …..?!” He had a plan. I took a peek into the dressing room and found Katarina checking herself out in the mirror. Oh my dear, she’s in a hot pink bikini with string T-back. How much longer would I have to wait?!

Meanwhile, two Dutch guys were chatting with her while she’s striking posts after posts in front of the mirror like she’s working the camera. Captain suggested that we could wait outside, “she’ll eventually come out…” Well, those two Dutch guys finally left Katarina alone. Maybe it’s time to introduce her to Captain. While we stood about 3 steps from Katarina, she looked into the mirror and gave me a nice smile. Or was it for Mr. Grumpy standing right next to her. This guy had elevator eyes as Katarina bent over a bit to apply finishing touch on her flawless face. OK, she declared herself ready. Mr. Grumpy finally mumbled some words out of his mouth with saliva dripping out non-stop. Katarina just pointed at me, “he’s been waiting for me.” Mr. Grumpy raised his voice, “I am first!!” Katarina pointed at her locker and told him that we had a conversation 15 minutes earlier. OK, the dusts were settled and I introduced Katarina to Captain. She gave Captain a blank face when he started giving her a language test. She just told him in perfect English, “I don’t know what you are trying……”

Katarina gave me a smile and indicated that we should go somewhere. I did not know how busy the rooms were. I just asked her to get a key. She told me the only room available with no wait was the big room with double bed by the reception area. “It’s OK.” As we walked inside the room, those two Dutch guys were sitting at the loveseat inside our honeymoon suite. Katarina stood at the door, gesturing to them that they should leave. Can you believe this? They said, “Can we stay and watch? We would not make a sound. OK, we’ll keep our eyes closed. Katarina asked me, “close that door [leading to the Jacuzzi area]” and told them, “you must leave.” Finally, it’s just the two of us. I gave Katarina a big hug, “thank you.” She asked for the reason. I thought Mr. Grumpy was her former client. “No, he just stood there staring at me without saying a word until…..” Well, that grumpy old man better checked on his glasses. He was staring at Katarina at such a close distance like he was sniffing her.

After we get horizontal and exchanged some passionate kisses, I asked Katarina to relax so that I could properly take off her bikini to worship the goddess. When I pulled the string bikini bottom from her, I was totally amazed. Her clean shaven pussy was sealed like a clam with practically zero mileage!! Can I find any flaws with this perfect Finnish babe in terms of physical appearance, attitudes or sexual performance? Absolutely not! She enjoys kissing and loves being kissed, especially her ears and pussy. Her oral skills and performance (without artificial lubrication) matched her gorgeous face. She’s definitely more gorgeous (and younger) than Gabriella from Slovakia and I loves her Minnie Mouse smile.

Towards the conclusion of the lovely hour, I raised my fists in the air, “YES!!” She was giggling and questioned why I was so pumped up. “I am sooooo glad to meet you!” It’s only her second day at Goldentime. Apparently, she worked elsewhere before, perhaps outside of Germany. She would not elaborate though. As I paid her, I asked if she would like an energy bar. She made it crystal clear that there’s no chocolate. Then she happily accepted two of them with different favors. I told her that Captain would love to meet her as well. She smiled and let me hold her hands while we took a look at the lounge and the courtyard area. “Perhaps he’s busy.”

OK, it’s time to return to the lockers room to take the shower. I found Captain minutes later when he was about to settle a transaction. Then he suggested that we should get something to eat, “Anja told me this Croatian restaurant.”

We left GT for Dalmacija Grill for a delicious dinner and returned at about 9:30 PM, just in time to say good bye to Katarina for the evening as she was emptying out her locker. She was so nice, let me chat with her as she get out of her hot pink string bikini and slipped into her deep pink / light purple underwear with lace. Can I talk her into staying for 30 minutes?? The locker room was so full at that time there’s a waiting line to take a shower. I asked Katarina if she liked the energy bar. “YES. I ate one and I have one left.” Oh, you want more? I took my bag out of my locker and gave her two more. “What else do you have in there?” Banana? Then she pointed at the body butter, “I have that as well……” Why didn’t I see Katarina earlier?! I hope to see Katarina again in the near future.

After watching Katarina walking out of GT in her T-shirt and blue jeans, I sat outside with Captain to enjoy a lemonade (Beck’s lemon beer). There’s a barely legal who looked very interesting and Lisa was walking around in her high heels. Those swinging bobbies and ass cheeks were generating a hard feeling on Freddy. I was over-analyzing the outcome, “if I go with Lisa, she would conclude my evening…..” Anyway, I chose not to go with the barely legal as she looked a bit lost. Lisa made it an easy decision for me - as I walked close to her, she smiled, squeezed her eyes a bit and asked, “how are you?” I talked to her for about two minutes before I excused myself, “let me take a shower and then I’ll come back for you or wait for you.”

The men’s locker room was no longer crowded. As I stepped out of the shower, I saw Lisa and her face told me I had to wait, “are you busy?” She shyly said, “yes, I am.” No problem, “I’ll wait for you.”

Finally, it’s my time to get back to the room with Lisa. She waited an additional 5 minutes just to get a log cabin inside. We seemed to share a common hobby and she get more and more relaxed. Lisa is a closer - her sexual energy and lustful eye contacts kept me focus. Don’t get the idea that she would get down to business and finish you off quickly. Prior to the passionate BBBJ, she would kiss my body and suffocate me by gently pressing her all-natural C cup, one after the other, onto my mouth. Then she would repeat the sequence a couple times before we get very energetic.

After finishing strong inside Lisa followed by another shower, it was 11:45 PM. I told Captain that I would save some resources for the following day. We sat in front of the TV, enjoying the live boxing match until the winner was determined at around 00:45 AM. As we were about to drive off the parking lot of GT, Lisa came out of the gate in a white top and blue jeans. She was in very good spirits - she smiled back at me as I waved at her with a big smile, “bye, Lisa….”


P.S. Coach Skip, what’s all these “7 days, 7 hours”? Are you looking for the “Magnificent Seven” through the web cam?
Re: Endless Summer - Fantasy Saturday at Goldentime
Posted: 2006-09-30, 3:43 pm

skipexcaliburSupporting Member
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I'm flattered that you actually read what I write. You've discovered that I'm a numerologist.! The 7 hours came from your post where you said that you were going to have a party on the ground in 7 hours at GT. The 7 days for Gaston is that he generally visits GT every fortnight and he happened to have 7 days left at that time. Then he changed his routine. Now, if I had found three 7's............

Great report. Nothing like a lass from Finland, in my book and I would probably have stayed four (or maybe 7) hours with her. I don't know what it is about them, probably because they live most of their lives in the dark and are so happy to escape. Anyway, they are a real catch. Apparently allowed you to forget about Melissa.

Perhaps I should direct Grasshopper to fish for Finn's...in a FORTNIGHT!

A very envious (and bored),

Finish with a Finnish girl............
Posted: 2006-09-30, 4:30 pm

peptoSupporting Member
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One can only hope.

Re: Finish with a Finnish girl............
Posted: 2006-10-01, 2:33 pm

fredSupporting Member
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Hi Skip,

If you re-read my comment “A special task force should be on the ground within 7 hours. Let see if they can identify Melissa if she's there.”, you would notice that I used the word “they” rather than “we”, I need to conserve my resources as “the honest man”, a former business associate based in Asia will be in Frankfurt at the Messe between October 4 and 8.

I really like this Finnish Katarina. She’s very graceful yet firm in dealing with that grumpy man and those two Dutch guys. When we are one-on-one, she's so.....

“Apparently allowed you to forget about Melissa.“

The total experience with Russian Melissa that day when both Gaston and Yooroo were on site will be in my memory for a very long time. I must go back to my Russian language instructor - Masha from Belarus very soon so that I can communicate better with Russian Melissa. If I can get the M&M from Poland and Russia together, it would be the wildest fantasy come true.

“Perhaps I should direct Grasshopper to fish for Finn's...in a FORTNIGHT!”

I certainly hope that Katarina would stay at GT or better yet, come to work in Frankfurt. She plans on working 3 to 4 days a week and she has not decided which days she would work at GT yet.

Best Regards,

P.S. Pepto, I know what you mean …..
Re: Finish with a Finnish girl............
Posted: 2006-10-02, 4:52 am

SnertSupporting Member
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Katarina went by the name of Pamela at PHG and I agree, she is fabulous. I understood her to say she was only working during the summer to pay for school, so it is a nice surprise to find out she is still in the area. Might even be enough to tempt me to go to GT.


Oh, you men are all alike. Seven or eight quick ones and then you're out with the boys to boast and brag.
Re: Finish with a Finnish girl............
Posted: 2006-10-02, 5:20 am

fredSupporting Member
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"Katarina went by the name of Pamela at PHG and I agree, she is fabulous."

Hi Snert,

It's good to hear from you! Katarina really has a gorgeous face and body with amazing grace and fabulous performance. Her multi-lingual abilities are very impressive as well.

Speaking of students, I met a Polish student named Sandra at PHG in June 2005. She told me that she would work in Germany for the summer break to save money for tuition. Have you seen her back at PHG this summer?


P.S. Would you appoint me as the Vice-Chairman of (Finnish) Katarina Appreciation Society?
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