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FKK World Yet Again
Posted: 2006-05-03, 12:47 pm

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
Location: UK
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From Shiatsu

Spent two days at World. I had a long list of other clubs to visit but as so often I got ensnared at World.

The first day was a Party Day, which is my idea of hell on earth normally. But the selection of girls was so wide (in some cases literally) that I stayed. There were around 50 girls and,I would guess, on average about 40 rather inactive men. Lots of “look – look “ men. “guck’ mal”. So the girls in general weren’t at their most cheerful. As is usual with parties many of the regular girls seemed not to be there. But there were loads of new girls. There were tall ones, thin ones, fat ones, short ones, enhanced breasts, no breasts (almost) etc etc. The tendency of World to be a bit of a monoculture seems to be in the past (although judging by facial structure there are more Rumanians than perhaps admit to it)

Many of the old regulars turned up the following day. Some of those who are there are Anka, Camilla, Stella, Martha, Sharon, Jana and Cordelia. No Anna Maria, Magda, Steffi, Claudia, Olga, Ines, Irena, Daniella

Why do I hate the parties?– there is secondrate pole dancing by paid performers to unimaginative over loud music. This would be fine except that it kills the place stone dead while everybody watches. (although the fire breathing caught my attention – judging my the heat from 4 metres away it must have been real petrol???) And the ultimate suffering – they removed the tea bags and hot water flasks!!.

.....and the food – well, they put a lot of effort into a spread of cold meats and cocktail sticks. But if you didn’t like meat and dairy products you were in trouble. Like flying Lufthansa (which by the way is offering return flights to Frankfurt from UK for £70 or less)

....and what other miseries?– as always I failed to win a prize on the Sunday Glucksrad as I entered, and I wondered how much money must the club be making in order to pay for the prizes on the forthcoming 3rd anniversary. Mmm – three years of my life revolving around Pohlheim

.....and the tendency for less and less couch action in the main room gets stronger and stronger (although there is still a fair bit downstairs – but not by the newer girls)

So why did I stay? Well, it is a spotlessly clean club. And you get told off if you have bad habits, like parking your betowelled posterior on a glass table.

The bar staff and entrance staff are unfailingly nice (provided you don’t indulge in any of the unsanitary habits which some of the male guests do…)

Oh - And the selection of girls was very good. Which is what counts. For the first time ever in a club I had a short list of half a dozen I was interested in. By a series of misfortunes I only got round to two of them – and neither disappointed.

First there was Alicia, who claims to be from Spain (which may or may not be the case). She is slim, has long legs, enhanced breasts, straight fine black hair. And a strange pick up technique. She tends to sit down near a man and indulge in desultory conversation, which can peter out completely. She might appear a bit sullen or uninterested but this is a false impression. I went to a room with her and she started off the session in a very unusual way , standing me up with my back to the wall, and gradually going into a very professional session. What really surprised me was when she started pulling my hair!!!. Hard. Very hard. I talked to her about this afterwards and she explained that she adapts her self to whatever she thinks the man might want. She does not kiss, but I would still give her a very very high recommendation. Later in the evening she came again to talk to me about various things whilst relaxing by the pool – this is something which almost never happens in the club any more but which was most welcome to me. She is very attentive to what you say - she will feed it back to you later (part of the professional skills). Reminds me of the news story explaining a retraining programme in NordRheinWeshalia for prostitutes - for them to be nurses because they are good at looking after people

Then there was Jana who I had many sessions with. Spot her by the “Are You Being Served” Mr Humphries walk and the thick leather black belt round her midriff. As others have reported, she is not an obvious “looker” in the conventional sense but she is a lovely person who is good at sex, enjoys the work very much, and is capable of having a perceptive and intelligent conversation. She is honest and straightforward - no holds barred genuine sex. Very few and far between like that - possibly only one other worker like that currently in the club. And one of the few remaining workers who are not shy about public foreplay downstairs) So few words about a very nice worker. I can recommend her as an excellent worker – it seems that all the Czech girls from last year were all excellent (apart from one). Emigration by me to the Czech Republic seems to be a good option . Yes, I know Jana is Slovakian born but she is to my mind an honarary Prague citizen. I owe her thanks anyway - when ex-worker Andrea was unsure in the past whether to go with me as Cordelia was in the club, Jana told her not to worry. Jana is a very very level head.

In my book finding two such good workers, of such different types, was like a seam of gold. And that left at least another four I was interested in.

By the way, I can confirm the reports of other members that Anka, whilst appearing initially offputting, is, once she engages, meltingly soft – I had to give her a message and she was delightful. I notice she often likes to spend a lot of time talking and cuddling and doesn’t try to process like a machine. With Anka - I think it is probably a pot luck. It looks to me that you need a good day, a skilful ear, patience, but sometimes she can be lovely. But there have been really bad reports also - lots of whingeing by her etc

One thing I always mean to mention the choice of music. Most of it is in English but I think there is little thought about the words. For example, this time "Hotel California" was played - the style was a welcome change from the norm - but halfway through the song I saw a group of girls in hysterics. I asked what the joke was - and it was pointed out to me that the words of the song were very appropriate for FKKs. This was funny and illuminating - the girls' grasp of English is sometimes brilliant, and it shows how they see the work. The same day I heard elsewhere another girl call FKKs "devil's circus"

And of course, "It's Raining Men" can never be the same again. I always think of it as the FKK girl's morning prayer...

Don't get me wrong - I am not knocking FKKs. Some of the girls love FKK - one girls told me she preferred it to home - she says where else could she earn money, be free, and enjoy herself. (Of course there are other girls with bad pimps etc etc)

So the girl selection was good - the only thing the club needs is more customers. With so few customers going to rooms many girls end up in despair.
Re: FKK World Yet Again
Posted: 2006-05-03, 3:38 pm

fredSupporting Member
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Hi Shiatsu,

I plan on pointing out Alicia from Spain to Dedalus. She has the same body type like his beloved Inna from Bulgaria......

Hotel California - make up your own mind
Posted: 2006-05-03, 8:29 pm

MikeDeHavillandSupporting Member
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Personally I think the third verse is quite chilling.. and the bit about the Mercedes bends and lots of boys she calls friends..hmm. nice call Shiatsu..

On a dark desert highway
Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas
Rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance
I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy, and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
This could be Heaven or this could be Hell
Then she lit up a candle
And she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely place (background)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year
Any time of year (background)
You can find it here
You can find it here

Her mind is Tiffany twisted
She's got the Mercedes bends
She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
That she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard
Sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember
Some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain
Please bring me my wine
He said
We haven't had that spirit here since 1969
And still those voices are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely Place
Such a lovely Place (background)
Such a lovely face
They're livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise
What a nice surprise (background)
Bring your alibies

Mirrors on the ceiling
Pink champagne on ice
And she said
We are all just prisoners here
Of our own device
And in the master's chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember
I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
Relax said the nightman
We are programed to recieve
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave
Re: Hotel California - make up your own mind
Posted: 2006-05-03, 8:42 pm

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
Location: UK
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Hats off to you Mike fro reprinting the words and thereby making sense of my vague allusion. I think the last two lines are especially chilling. FKK as an addiction (a well-rehearsed topic I know)

Fred - you are the master tour guide at FKKW. When I say the girls need more men, I mean men like you.

I saw one very interesting pick-up line from Denise (older german girl with tatoos, who is popular and speaks good English). She stood by the pool and said to her intended "All I want is your money" Who said romance is dead?

Re: Hotel California - make up your own mind
Posted: 2006-05-04, 6:55 pm

DedalusPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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I almost paid a visit to World yesterday so that I could seek out the fair Alicia. However when I called World they said that no one by that name was working there. I am sure that it was some sort of mistake, but since I knew that a weekend visit to World is on the docket, I opted for a quick trip to Oase.

I am dying to meet this "Spanish" lovely.


There was no sign of Steffi at Oase yesterday. Inna was also not there; apparently she was taking an off day. She is entitled. Rest up, baby!!! ;-)))

Cheers all,

Posted: 2006-05-04, 7:03 pm

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
Location: UK
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Maybe I misheard it, or she uses other names at reception. She was definitely still there yesterday. Anyway she is easy to spot - her hair is cut about chin level and straight, jet black, slightly aquiline nose

Re: FKK World Yet Again
Posted: 2006-05-04, 7:05 pm

DedalusPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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Shiatsu wrote:

"One thing I always mean to mention the choice of music. Most of it is in English but I think there is little thought about the words. For example, this time "Hotel California" was played - the style was a welcome change from the norm - but halfway through the song I saw a group of girls in hysterics. I asked what the joke was - and it was pointed out to me that the words of the song were very appropriate for FKKs. This was funny and illuminating - the girls' grasp of English is sometimes brilliant, and it shows how they see the work. The same day I heard elsewhere another girl call FKKs "devil's circus"

And of course, "It's Raining Men" can never be the same again. I always think of it as the FKK girl's morning prayer... "

I usually try to speak German with the girls but some insist on English and I am often surprised at this "grasp of English" that you mentioned. Georgia was always very good at this. She is at Palace now, btw.

The last time I was at World, Annette was playing some Billie Holiday downstairs at the bar. I wanted to marry her. If she finds a Miles Davis cd, then you can fit me for a top-knot.


Re: Hotel California - make up your own mind
Posted: 2006-05-04, 7:17 pm

DedalusPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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I may bring this little Billie Holiday/Cole Porter gem to World on my next visitÖ

"Love For Sale"

When the only sound in the empty street,
Is the heavy tread of the heavy feet
That belong to a lonesome cop
I open shop.
When the moon so long has been gazing down
On the wayward ways of this wayward town.
That her smile becomes a smirk,
I go to work.

Love for sale,
Appetising young love for sale.
Love that's fresh and still unspoiled,
Love that's only slightly soiled,
Love for sale.
Who will buy?
Who would like to sample my supply?
Who's prepared to pay the price,
For a trip to paradise?
Love for sale
Let the poets pipe of love
in their childish way,
I know every type of love
Better far than they.
If you want the thrill of love,
I've been through the mill of love;
Old love, new love
Every love but true love
Love for sale.

Appetising young love for sale.
If you want to buy my wares.
Follow me and climb the stairs
Love for sale.
Love for sale.
Re: Alicia
Posted: 2006-05-04, 8:10 pm

fredSupporting Member
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That's her name.

"I am dying to meet this "Spanish" lovely."
Dedalus, she has the same slim body, enhanced breasts and long legs like Inna from Bulgaria. I think you are the one who need to rest up....


Posted: 2006-05-05, 9:16 am

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
Location: UK
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Fred - thanks for confirming I got the name right (Alicia) . I was so taken with her I gave her a tip - the first in three years - in view of her ingenuity. Not GFE sex, but she entertained me. I hope to go back to see her again soon.

Dedalus - Love For Sale - nice one. Perhaps we should provide cds for Annette....If you see Alicia and get on well can you see if she is likely to be around May 20/21? (She is supicious of questions so you may need to tread alittle diplomatically at first - for all she knows you could be a Steuerberater (have I spelt it right - tax inspector)


Posted: 2006-05-05, 11:04 am

Posts: 153
Location: Las Vegas/Los Angeles
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Nice report...I'm planning on coming out for Memorial Day weekend in the US, hope to meet some of you then.

I'm quite fond of World, while the selection at Atlantis will likely never be beat, there is much more intimacy and warmth at World and less of a "factory" setting.

Posted: 2006-05-05, 2:41 pm

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
Location: UK
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The selection is currently very very good, and the number of girls keeps om increasing. Yesterday Cordelia told me the men were complaining that there were so many girls they (the men) were getting confuse.

When are you going - sorry i don't know US holidays


Posted: 2006-05-05, 2:50 pm

DedalusPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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Hey Shiatsu,

If I am lucky enough to meet this Spanish wonder, then I will charm that information out of her.

You spelled "Steuerberater" correctly. But a Steuerberater is a tax consultant, not a tax investigator. What she needs to worry about is a "Steuerfahnder" von dem Finanzamt. Those people are the pricks. Don't ask me how I know this.


Dedalus, who would love to celebrate "Cinco de Mayo" with Alicia, but will settle for "Seis de Mayo" with her

Last edited by Dedalus on 2006-05-05, 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: FKK World Yet Again
Posted: 2006-05-05, 3:35 pm

fredSupporting Member
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Hi Shiatsu,

I have never seen Alicia getting a drink at the bar downstairs. Does she drink at all?

"Cordelia told me the men were complaining that there were so many girls they (the men) were getting confuse."

Did you see the sister acts from the Vienna squad with the same belt? Not to worry. We'll manage to ease the confusion.

Re: FKK World Yet Again
Posted: 2006-05-05, 6:28 pm

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
Location: UK
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Dedalus - thanks for the lesson. You never know when these words will come up in a session in a room.....(well, at least in my sessions)

Fred - I didn't see Alicia go downstairs to the bar at all. She may ot drink - as I say sh eis very professional and I can't see her allowing herself to be diverted by drink (unlike somegirls). She only went downstairs a couple of times each day to scout around. No I didn't see the pair you mention - as I say there was a long list of possibilities and it was hard to keep track of everybody
Re: FKK World Yet Again
Posted: 2006-05-05, 8:16 pm

DedalusPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
Posts: 672
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Hey Shiatsu,

Some of those ladies are pretty good with figures. I have yet to meet one who is honest with the Finanzamt.


Re: FKK World Yet Again
Posted: 2006-05-10, 7:37 am

Posts: 8
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World seems to have it's ups and downs, I've run across a great deal of X World girls who seem to complain about the same thing. Too many new girls who seem to cause problems with the long time girls. Most of the popular RO gals are not to be found with the exception of Daniella and Carmen who are still around. The other weak point with World is the fact that they staff the place with almost all undocumented women, while no one will ever admit to this I've heard it from numerous women who themselves are without papers. This might explain the reason things have gone a bit downhill since the November 2005 Raid.

My most recent visit a few days ago I spent some time with Jana who I've come to know very well over the past year or two. While she's been gone for a while and did some non work things like a vacation she is back for a while she tells me. Evette her X buddy has left, last I saw her was a couple of months ago pre Feb 2006. Jana does seem to buddy with CZ gals but from what I know she stays in SLO near Vienna. She's been to Prague only to visit with her club friends. While none of this really matters its interesting to hear the different stories.

While she does put on a great act she does not really enjoy sex with all her customers. She's a business woman and there to make money, she's very good at making you feel as if she is into you I'll give her that. She is also a clock watcher and demands her money for services rendered. I've never had a problem getting couch action from her either upstairs or downstairs. The other women seem to look at her as crazy when she does this sort of thing. While I spent a good 15 minutes on the couch near the bar making out with her the other day, the women around us were all eyes and had looks of "what the hell is she doind". Jana on the other hand does not care, she is there to make money and nothing else. She has a goal of several years left till she claims she'll quit. I've heard 5 years and then recently only 2. She got into this business since she has no other skills and did not go far in school. I've spent some considerable time with her talking about customers and how she continues this line of work with the gusto she's famous for. "You become accustomed to the work" it becomes habit, while she obviously does not like certain men or races she provides them with service and turns her distaste off. I've seen her just after she comes out of the room and returns from the powder room to freshen up. She will flush her body with perfume to rid the smell of a man. She also try and finish the session as fast as possible. Yet that man will rave about how much she wanted him, it's actually kind of sad. On one hand you can never be sure how she feels about anyone even if she opens up a little and shares some things about herself. Janna is in this for the cold hard Euros, lets not mistake that for anything else.

She is a sweet woman and when into her work can give you a ride for your money that is unmatched. I think just about the only thing she won't do is anal, but correct me if Im wrong she may even do that. While she's not the typical young hard body at a few years shy of 30 she has put on a few extra pounds. Seems she has also done some tanning, perhaps while away or with the downstairs booth. Her signature wide waste belt and wrist cuffs she is not hard to spot. Im told she will have some hair extentions added soon so be prepared for a new look.

Daniella is another interesting gal from RO who has a strong following among Germans and visitors. She's a bit on the crazy side if you know what I mean. She's changed a bit due to a relationship with a customer which did not turn out the way she planned but they never seem to.

Posted: 2006-05-12, 10:39 am

Posts: 153
Location: Las Vegas/Los Angeles
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Hi Cordelia-

Around the 28th...Memorial Day (US) is the last Monday of May. I'll make it a point to reintroduce myself.
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