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A few questions
Posted: 2006-05-04, 9:48 am

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Hi guys!

A few years ago I went to Atlantis and had a great time. I'm planning to be back in Frankfurt in a few weeks and thought I'd see if I could have an even better time! :)

First, thanks tremendously for all the information on this site - I have spent quite a bit of time going through it and it's been really helpful. I do, however, have a few questions I couldn't find answers to and would appreciate any info you could provide:

1. What is Kino? Best I can tell it is a room that exists in some clubs where the sex is public. Is it the same as a room only in full view? Is it cheaper / free? Can you just go into one of these rooms without a girl and watch others? Do you recommend it or should I just stick to the rooms with the girls?

2. I haven't found many reviews on clubs in Cologne / Dusseldorf. I will be there on the first day of my trip. Are their any clubs you recommend?

3. I know there is no right answer to this one, but if you only had one night in Frankfurt and had to choose between Palace, Oase, and World (I am looking for quality european women), which one would you choose?

Thanks tremendously in advance - I greatly appreciate it.

Re: A few questions
Posted: 2006-05-04, 6:05 pm

Shiatsu and Cordelia
Posts: 94
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Kino - the same rules apply whether you have sex in public, in a room, or in the Kino. Once you get to the oral sex stage you are really committed to a session - anytime before that you can stop without paying (as long as you are not spending too long with the girl in physical activity). Talking is free.

The Kino is basically just an area with a large screen and couches, with people wandering in and out. It is usually quite dark. You can go in by yourself - but expect to be approached by a girl especially in Oase. If you are interested in watching then Oase is your best bet. But if yo are happy just to see the oral sex bit then downstairs at World is probably your best bet

As for which club around Frankfurt, I wouldn't even begin to recommend. Palace is apparently on a bit of a down at the moment. My preference is World, but ST and others will plump for Oase

Re: A few questions
Posted: 2006-05-04, 6:31 pm

DedalusPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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Either World or Oase would be good. Oase is closer to Frankfurt and this could be a factor for you.

"Kino" means Movie Theater in German. "Ins Kino gehen." means to go to the movies. a "Sex Kino" is a place where pornos are shown. All three Frankfurt clubs have a "small" movie theater that shows pornos and has beds and couches where public action can (and often does) take place.

Which day is your "one day"?


Dedalus, der "ins Kino" gern fickst.
Re: A few questions
Posted: 2006-05-04, 8:52 pm

STPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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I will concentrate on your question 3:

Shiatsu has said that I would automatically argue for Oase. Well, my suggestions as to the "best" club are, by nature, very subjective, but I can tell you that the situation in these clubs can change fast, week to week, even by the day. Now just back from a week surveying all these 3 clubs, I can tell you that, in my opinion, Oase did have the best line up of "quality" EE women. I was impressed by the line-ups at World and Palace too, btw, but I just found Oase to have the best constistency and diversity. I mean, a the best selection and mix of body types, ethnicies, age ranges and both established "stars" plus quality new material. I was impressed by World one night, but then let down the next. Palace was much better than my expectations, and I would have to give that the nod as well, perhaps over World, because of the proximity and easy access. World I love truly, but there is a bit of a "schlepp factor" in going/coming back from World, esp for a man who is relatively unfamiliar with the Hessen area and may be confined to public transport and/or taxis. Thus here is my order as of recent observations:

1. Oase
2. Palace
3. World

Let me add that you could choose any of the above three and still come out a winner and be happy with your choice. True there are certain days when all these clubs have +s and --s, such as Dessous nights and Entrance fee incentives, etc.

Also, if you are really serious you could start the day at Oase and if by early evening the place "doesn't work" for you, you could still have ample time to visit Palace. I would also add that I found Palace surprisingly good in late afternoon/early evening this time around, contrary to previous visits a year or two back where Palace did not have positives for me before 19.00.

Just go to any one, and you will be happy....

A few questions
Posted: 2006-05-04, 9:34 pm

Shiatsu and Cordelia
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How come I missed you again - I was around over the weekend!

Re: A few questions
Posted: 2006-05-05, 12:22 am

STPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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I don't think we overlapped: I left 23/04...so it was actually 10 days ago...

Re: A few questions
Posted: 2006-05-09, 3:35 am

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Thanks guys - I really appreciate the information and quick responses!

I am in Cologne on a Sunday night (May 21) and will likely go to Samya. I know that much hasn't been reported and I am better off going to PHG or GT, but given the proximity to the city center and the fact that I think they deserve my money for developing such a great website (even if it is all lies), I think I'll give it a try.

As such, I will be in Frankfurt on Monday night (May 22). I don't get into town till 7pm or so that day so I may only get to go to one club. Oh but which one. Such a hard choice! :)

Thanks again!!
Re: A few questions
Posted: 2006-05-10, 5:23 am

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The word Kino is German for Movie, or movie theater. Clubs that have Kinos usually define this as dark room with a big screen TV or wall projection system. Sometimes the show sports events but most of the time its porn. At Oase the women seem to make the Kino a stop on round trip walk of the club looking for their next customer. While at one time couch action was not really added to your time in the room most women will start the clock the minute they make contact no matte where they are in the club. It all depends on the gal of your choice, some women are more generous with time while others use stop watch style timing. I usually take advantage of the Kino to start my session there with some kissing and oral. Then stop the action and ask to take the session to a room. This gives you a bit of a breather and break, which you can continue with more kissing and oral in the room.

Having been to all the big clubs over the years and after the major changes each club offers some different.

It's closest to the airport and city center which means less cost getting there via taxi or public trans. Women that get booted from most clubs end up here, the club has a rep for aggressive women and clock watchers. While you can find good women at almost all the big clubs from my visits this club is the last on my list.

Probably your best bet for the MOST WOMEN, Oase is by far the biggest staff wise. Location is a bit harder to find and a taxi will be needed. Food is probably the best of the big 3.

This club is the biggest by actual land mass and is also almost an hour away from Frankfurt. I know that the club tells people it is much closer but even driving at high speeds and knowing where you're going it's a good distance to drive. Almost all the women are undocumented at this club. They lost much of their steam after big raid in November of last year. Food is usually not up to paar with the other clubs. The place is almost too dark when the sun goes down so it's hard to see the women. Most are eastern block Romania, CZ, Bulgarian etc. While there are a few stars of the past left, most have left for greener pastures.

If you're new to this you might want to consider one of the day guide services such as CFIT FKK TOUR which you can find on google. I think for a fee they include driver, guide and will pick up from hotel or airport. I once used them as it was cheaper then paying cab fare both ways to the club.

If it were me and I wanted selection then Oase would be my choice, if transportation and time were an issue then Palace. World at the moment comes in 3rd and only if I know the gal that im going to see.
Re: A few questions
Posted: 2006-05-10, 5:45 am

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In regards to Samya, I've heard mixed opinions but from 2 actual visits just a week ago I can conclude that it's a good club. It gets better in the evening, there is a slow start when they open till around 5pm. I actually prefer this club to PHG as they have the best bar in all of Germany, the selection of drinks is tops, they even have 3 types of mineral water. Apple juice and carbinated apple juice. Afternoons there is grilling or better known to us as a BBQ with several types of meats, sausages etc.

Talent wise the majority of women are Polish, there is also a Finnish gal when available that I know from GT who is very petite, a bit pale, has a circular tattoo around the naval, so is known for good service. You can also give Dahlia a try who is a curvy Turkish gal who gives the only couch action in the club including oral and french kissing on the couches. Stay clear of the German women as the majority are very attractive but service is below average. Sabine a Polish gal is probably the best bt for the Polish gals. There was a group of guys there the day I visited who were with the CFIT FKK TOUR guide, who were at some sort of convention and doing a day tour. Sabine and Dahlia were recommendations by the guide and they seemed to be right on.

I've been to this club about 4 times since they opened, a taxi is a must as it's in an industrial area and a bit hard to find. Sudbad may be a bit closer for you, it's been fairly good lately as they have changed their pricing and method of operations. There is a good list of Koln clubs below
Koln Club List is HERE
Thanks Derk, but a bit out of date, no?
Posted: 2006-05-10, 5:50 am

STPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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Thanks for your interesting essay. But I'd have to disagree with you on some points:

First, I would personally NOT recommend anybody go visit FKKs with so-called tour operations like CIFT or the like! They're fees are much too high, and I don't think the FKK experience is at it's best when you walk in as part of a group of guys, no matter how small. These operations prey on the ignorance of first-time visitors and often benefit by free entrance to the clubs for the group leaders, etc. This site contains all kinds of information on visiting clubs on your own. If you research well, eg. by reading posts by Pepto, Dedalus, Shiatsu and others, you will see how to reach even distant clubs like World for hardly any cost at all, except time. Oase is pretty easy to reach for a decent price if you follow the directions.

Btw: I am a fairly frequent visitor to World by self-drive car. If you don't get mixed up in traffic jams it is 35-45 minutes tops to World from central Frankfurt.

I think it is clear that all the clubs can produce the kind of aggressive, clock-watching girls your commentary limits to Palace. It is well known that Palace has it's fair share of these girls, but there are also some of the nicest finds at this club. The same can be said of all clubs really.

As for food, well, in my opinion Palace has the best food. World can be hit or miss and Oase is fairly decent but by no means the best. At least at World they always have food no matter what time of the day/night, whereas at the other clubs, once it runs out, so does your luck...

But my advice: Stay away from CIFT and do it yourself...

Re: Thanks Derk, but a bit out of date, no?
Posted: 2006-05-10, 8:23 am

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Have you ever used the CFIT tour service? If not I don't think it makes sense to knock a service that I've heard nothing but good things about. My reason for suggesting them makes more sense for that traveler who wants to say visit Oase or World for an evening and has no car. I believe they charge a fee of aroudn 175 Euros for 8 hours and this includes your ride to and from the club. This comes to at the most 87 Euros each way for transportation. Plus having someone that speaks the language fluent and knows most of the staff and management helps. Im talking from experience not only from what others have told me. Thus I think it's unfair to judge them if you have not used them. You're not with a group when you use the day service. Not everyone is so adept or comfortable at getting to and from the clubs. Even when with a the group trips I don't think its a very big group perhaps half a dozen other guys. Which is what you'll find when you see the other German forum groups or NL forum guys who visit in force. Have you noticed the price of petrol in Germany lately, it's not that cheap to rent a car anymore either plus add in the fuel.

Going with or without a group has its positives and negatives, im not the loner type and prefer to travel with friends so something like that works for me. Food, clubs, women and how you travel are all up to each person, we each make up our own opinions from our own experiences. I've read just as many bogus reports as good ones, the web is not what it used to be. While one guy raves about one club another dislikes the place. Same goes for the women, one guy can have a totally different time with the same girl. The one thing I do know is NOT to judge people, places or things without having tried them myself.

Then again we all have opinions and a choice, while I disagree with your opinion of clubs as well, everyone is allowed an opinion. Sometimes another persons opinion can change my own which is why it's nice to have different opinions. I can recall when this site first started and FKK clubs were not the main focus, well they still aren't today but ask anyone even the Dutch where the best sex is and most will not say the Neitherlands. Thus GT, PHG and other clubs are packed with the NL. Your opposite opinion had value to me as it makes me think about another view. Which I suggest you do the same.

World never did blume into what they had planned it to do, if you were there when they first opened they used to have a shuttle bus which would run you from the parking lot across the street to the front door. Food wise we can go back anf fourth about but I've never found the same selection of hot food at World as what they serve at Oase. Perhaps this is due to our different taste in women, while I prefer documented women to non-documented and World has the highest ratio of undocumented women period. This also has some medical issues that worries me which might be why I tend to not favor World.

So I prefer to recommend and use a Tour group, thanks for the warning but without first hand knowledge I don't see how can conclude anything. That would be like talking about World, Palace and Oase and haveing never have been to any of them. Makes no sense....
You could have paid for the advertising
Posted: 2006-05-10, 9:03 am

MikeDeHavillandSupporting Member
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I am not one to criticise someone doing business or earning a buck, but you could have paid for the advertising.

You made the same mistake under several other forums that offer paid advertising, by in effect spamming the list.

My advice is, get your money out and pay for it, then let people make up their own minds.

Agata from Golden Times says "Hi" by the way, but she doesent work there.

Just for the record, I think you are much too expensive also.

Posted: 2006-05-11, 10:00 am

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Hi guys:

Thanks again for all your help! I have made up my mind - Sunday night will be Samya and Monday night will be Oase. I have a car so I should be ok - I just need to get a good map and try not to get lost. :)

I will definitely put up a trip report when I get back. Thanks again!
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