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Out of the FKK & into the hotel room
Posted: 2006-09-09, 10:57 pm

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How much should I pay -per hour - for an FKK girl to visit me in my hotel room ?

Last Sunday, I experienced this. She quoted a total rate which was running at between EUR 125 to 165 per hour. In the end, I paid her EUR 450 for an hour and a half session, which comes in at EUR 300 per hour. Therefore, I know that I substantially overpaid her and I don’t want to make a rod for my back in the future, particularly, as I’d like to spend 3 prolonged weekend sessions with her the next time that I’m in Frankfurt.

She told me something interesting. In the Palace, the girls – like the male clients - have to pay the EUR 65 entrance fee. Further, they are obligated to stay at least 10 hours per working shift and to make at least 3 shifts per week. On that basis, I would have thought that escort work would be more attractive - if they can secure enough of it. Better in terms of flexibility, rate per hour and avoiding the need to fuck on an industrial scale in order to make a decent total amount.

Re: Out of the FKK & into the hotel room
Posted: 2006-09-10, 1:02 am

DedalusPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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You are correct, but you have to book the girl for a LONG session for it to be worth her while. This of course depends on the girl. Some girls earn less than others and they may, if they are comfortable with you, be willing to work for less than 100 per hour, but you may have to book about a 5 to 6 hour session.

There are those on this board who may be willing to share some insights regarding this. I only know what several ladies have told me regarding their thoughts on the subject.


Re: Out of the FKK & into the hotel room
Posted: 2006-09-10, 2:34 am

Posts: 418
Location: Europe
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Hi Hal,

Why did you pay her 300 per hour when she quoted you 125 - 165 per hour?

The girls do pay to stay in most of the FKKs. It varies from club to club how much and also what is included (in some clubs they pay weekly rate including accommodation).

Working as an escort also has its disadvantages. There is a social element, security element, and then last but not least, many of the girls working in the FKKs are not aware of all the options available.

Re: Out of the FKK & into the hotel room
Posted: 2006-09-10, 2:49 am

fredSupporting Member
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“Working as an escort also has its disadvantages.”

Absolutely, Chivaz. Escort girls can get into serious trouble if the guys in the room get too drunk, used drugs or placed drugs into the girls’ drinks. They can pay for drivers or bodyguards but that would cut into their earnings. In the FKK clubs, the clubs have security and they can call the police.

Escorts have to market their services on their own or through agencies. One girl in Warsaw told me that she paid someone else to manage her emails. She did not have time to use the Internet.

I have met FKK girls who branch out into full time escorts and then loop back into FKK. I have met FKK girls who started out in the private house or escorts.

Re: Out of the FKK & into the hotel room
Posted: 2006-09-10, 10:49 am

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The reason why I paid her the rate I did, was that I stuck to the total amount that we’d agreed i.e. EUR 400 and, at my discretion, I gave her a EUR 50 tip thereafter. The variable in this equation was the time factor, which worked out unfavourably for me but that’s partly my fault for being in a hurry to get back home. My only issue with this is in terms of the future expectations which it might create. I would have liked for the time of my physical engagement with her to have lasted longer & now, I’m not sure if that was my fault or whether she was curtailing me. Certainly, she wasn’t as proactive as I would have liked but, as you know, women are a chemical soup of emotions and I’m working on getting inside her knickers - which I realize will take time. I’m sending her the occasional poetic text message to melt her gently.

This is my plan for my next Frankfurt visit with her :

Friday night : 3 hours for EUR 400
Saturday night : 4 hours for EUR 500
Sunday night : 5 hours for EUR 500 (including time taken for evening meal)

Let me know if you think that this will work.


We are all wimps who cave-in to the aggressive types in order to avoid trouble. I don’t think I’ve ever read a report where the guy stands up to the girl’s unreasonable demands. Sometimes, I wish I would. This should be even more true of the connoisseur of escort services, where, I suppose, by definition, you have to be upper middle class to afford such services - at least on a regular basis. So these guys are even less likely to behave in a manner dangerous to the girls. Unless, of course, we are talking about the odd drug dealer, rockstar like Tommy Lee or actor like Russell Crowe.

This girl told me that she once spent an entire week in a luxury hotel in Berlin with a businessman who’d hired a whole suite. All he wanted was to watch her making-out with her friend and the occasional fellatio. Sounds like one of those older, limp German businessmen you see hanging around in FKK’s, not doing much apart from sleeping or hanging-around in the sauna. Let’s hope that we’ve got more juice in the tank when we get that old !
Re: Out of the FKK & into the hotel room
Posted: 2006-09-10, 12:48 pm

Posts: 418
Location: Europe
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Hi Hal,

Fair enough, but I would suggest you skip the tipping. Why would you need to give a tip? If the service was great. then the girl earned her agreed money. If the service was not great, she lost a customer and if the service was excellent, then she got her self a repeater.

As for the pricing in general, I would think one should be able to get an overnight with FKK girl for aprox. 500-600 euros. She should be taking into account her lost income from the club, but also that she will save the entrance fee to the club, and does not have to fuck 5-10 guys to get her income. The most succesful ones would probably charge more though.

quote: "upper middle class to afford such services - at least on a regular basis. So these guys are even less likely to behave in a manner dangerous to the girls"

Interesting point of view. Personally, I think social status has nothing to do with ones behaviour towards a working girl, but it is just my hunch, I have no data to back it up.

Re: Out of the FKK & into the hotel room
Posted: 2006-09-10, 2:46 pm

fredSupporting Member
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"We are all wimps who cave-in to the aggressive types in order to avoid trouble."

Hello Hal,

I disagree on that. You can see my reports on:
1. Alexandra from Romania at World (2005)
2. Sasha from Ukraine at Palace (late 2005)
3. Diana from Germany / Russia at Palace (2006)

If the girls are very sweet and possess all the natural talents, I would borrow the phrase of another inspector, "my wallet is open...."

I am glad that you find someone you really like. Some of them can make you search for the formula to keep yourself forever young.

Re: Out of the FKK & into the hotel room
Posted: 2006-09-10, 4:19 pm

Posts: 25
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You are one tough motherfucker Fred !
Re: Out of the FKK & into the hotel room
Posted: 2006-09-11, 5:18 am

fredSupporting Member
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Thank you, Hal.

It's our duty to promote fair play. If a sweet girl works hard for her money, why would we let some bad apples take the easy ride?

When the girls have problem with accurate time keeping, it's time to discuss that in a civil manner privately. If necessary, we can take the matter to the front desk. There is no name calling. You just present your case and let see who's more believable.

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