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Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-24, 7:33 am

Posts: 71
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I'm ashamed that the UK has voted to leave the EU.

What do we think will be the effects on DW, given that (I believe) British people make up a huge % of the sex tourists in the market. It will be more expensive to travel so do we think that there will be fewer people and prices might potentially decrease, stay the same, increase?
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-24, 8:25 am

greenhoffSupporting Member
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[quote="bt12610"]I'm ashamed that the UK has voted to leave the EU.

Im bloody delighted we have left !!!!


Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-24, 8:48 am

grimnul Power Kat
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I'm wondering what's gonna happen to the Euro. I imagine it will go down. It'd be nice to be able to pay less than $1.40 to the Euro this next trip. These exchange rates the past couple years have been killing me.
Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-24, 1:33 pm

george47 Power Kat
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Free at last, fantastic!! I will gladly sacrifice a few £ for the benefits.
I don't see any massive changes in the Euro - Pound rate because the Euro will be weak too as it creates uncertainty for the whole ridiculous EU. Should Brexit lead to the break up of the EU I guess it could affect the EEs coming to the RLD. That wouldn't worry me as long as we got some Dutch hotties to take their places.
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-24, 3:05 pm

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george47 wrote:
Free at last, fantastic!! I will gladly sacrifice a few £ for the benefits.
I don't see any massive changes in the Euro - Pound rate because the Euro will be weak too as it creates uncertainty for the whole ridiculous EU. Should Brexit lead to the break up of the EU I guess it could affect the EEs coming to the RLD. That wouldn't worry me as long as we got some Dutch hotties to take their places.

Not to be contrary but Brexit is looking like it might be the end of the U.K. Long before it is the end of the EU.

I'm calling a split off of Northern Ireland and decreasing role for Britain on the world stage. We'll see if it stays as relevant as a finance hub, English language and history are important though. That said, tourism is likely not going to change much, in the medium term really.. I see less Brits than other folks in Wallen.. Ibiza though was all Brits.
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-24, 7:25 pm

george47 Power Kat
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Exnocomment wrote:
Not to be contrary but Brexit is looking like it might be the end of the U.K. Long before it is the end of the EU.

That's fine by me. Both would be nice. Smaller communities controlling their own destination is better than the splits and resentment larger communities cause. England will do just fine on our own thanks.
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-24, 8:26 pm

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For me, it has the effect that I'm now seriously considering Dutch naturalisation so I don't have to consider myself British any more. :)

As far as exchange rates go, right now it's looking slightly worse for Britons holidaying in the EU, but really, anything could happen in the long term. Honestly, I'm not sure what - if anything - will change over the long term; that's just the uncertainty that came with the Leave vote, which hopefully most people should've been aware of by now. Personally, I'm not expecting huge changes in any case.
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 10:05 am

neurosynthPower Kat XXX
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If this is the first domino falling in a wave of xenophobic intolerance across Europe, it won't be good for anyone...not even racists...


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Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 12:27 pm

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The EU is weaker but will recover faster than the UK. The logical next step would be to make an example of the UK and be sure to offer unfavourable trade terms so no one else in the EU even thinks about leaving. This is likely to restore confidence and the euro should pick up again. Meanwhile the UK will still face economic uncertainty.

In 5 hours, the UK lost more money than it would have paid into the EU in 5 years. Our currency will never be as strong as it used to be. Moreover, the UK economy is largely made up of tertiary financial services - most of which will relocate their headquarters to Europe as the UK is more unstable and no longer the power house that it was. The ironic thing is that a large proportion of the people who voted leave are uneducated, older, poorer and possibly rely on their pensions - they've just made themselves even less well off.

Some of the economists I know are really worried about the high chance that in the long term, the UK will become the new Athens - right wing politics and a broken economy (we're already seeing it happen). In the short term a stable GBP is what they'll go after and risk economic growth.
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 1:18 pm

danny69 Power Kat
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I'm with Greenhoff and George, yesterday morning I was very proud to be British, more so than maybe since I was a kid and our forces took back the Falklands. ;)

I can remember how the change to the Euro (from the Guilder) pushed the prices up for us Brits in DW etc. I can also remember, when the exchange rate (pound to euro) fell from an early high, I didn't see any sign that these impacted on DW's appeal for the British.

Biggest impact, I noticed on the womens' business came from the worldwide recession from around 2007/8 and DW and the Brits we survived that.

Could we credibly have stayed, given the dissatisfaction so many people had with the EU?

I found the remain campaign negative and scaremongering, even the word remain sounds a bit dispassionate.

Welcome to a brave new world with a 1.19 Euros to the £ exchange rate today according to the PO. We've had worse than that!!
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 1:22 pm

george47 Power Kat
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neurosynth wrote:
If this is the first domino falling in a wave of xenophobic intolerance across Europe

It was precisely comments like that from politicians and others that contributed to people ignoring the advice to vote remain. There's only one wave spreading across Europe and it's certainly not xenophobia. And that comes from someone who's lifetime top 100 moments were with Dutch, Thai, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Czech, Romanian, Venezuelan, Slovakian, German, Albanian etc people.
Artificially putting countries together seldom works and hopefully the EU will disintegrate over the coming years and everyone can get back to running their own countries again. England is simply leading the way. Looking forward to using Guilders again.
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 2:18 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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I long to have back my BLUE passport, citizen of GREAT BRITAIN written on the front of it !!


Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 5:42 pm

Aldebran LinkbatSupporting Member
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If we leave the EEA the new passport will be something to look at while you stand in the long passport queue for non-EU citizens at Schipol ;)

"an 8-inch miniskirt allows the connoisseur the exquisite satisfaction of that shameful desire to put your hand up a girl’s skirt and touch her knickers".
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Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 7:04 pm

george47 Power Kat
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greenhoff wrote:
I long to have back my BLUE passport, citizen of GREAT BRITAIN written on the front of it!!

I designed a brand new one.

FuckEU.jpg [ 353.71 KiB ]
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 7:39 pm

Charlie J
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Wonder what happens if this Geert Wilders gets his way, and a referendum of the EU membership
becomes a reality. Will the Dutch say Yey or Ney ?

Hope they will stay in, the freedom of making any EU country your home is awesome for us that likes
to move around in this union….

Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 7:55 pm

Posts: 105
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If Dutch will say No, what will happen with all those girls from Eastern Europe? May they be legally able to work in a window or prive? I don't know. Think about that.

Last edited by algernon27 on 2016-06-25, 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 8:08 pm

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Apparently the possibility of a second referendum will be debated by the UK government. :)

I hope this happens. In just two days since the result, the Leave campaign have already back-pedalled on their promise of £350 million a week for the NHS, and the restriction of free movement. Many people voted Leave based on these lies. I wonder how much more of their campaign were lies? If the Leave campaign had been honest and truthful, Remain probably would have won. But instead, Leave pedalled a campaign based on lies, fear, misinformation, ignorance and xenophobia. Democracy failed.
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 8:27 pm

Charlie J
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There will be exiting times ahead it seems, whatever happens i hope the Dutch people decides to stay.
Mostly because i want to live in this country, no big picture thinking involved from me :o

Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 8:29 pm

grimnul Power Kat
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algernon27 wrote:
If Dutch will say No, what will happen with all those girls from Eastern Europe? May they be legally able to work in a window or prive? I don't know. Think about that.
I think likely there will be fewer Eastern European girls, but I think the ones who are popular and make a lot of money will stay. There are some Russian girls like Veronika, and they're not EU members, so the Netherlands leaving the EU would just make it somewhat more difficult for some of the girls.

In all likelihood, the cynical rip-off girls who clearly don't really want to be there will fuck off back to Romania and Bulgaria, because it won't be quite as lucrative anymore, and the ones who make a very good living and aren't angry bitches will stay. I may be wrong about this, though.
Re: Effects of Brexit
Posted: 2016-06-25, 9:19 pm

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
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I'll just leave this here...
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/po ... 02516.html

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