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Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2020-12-14, 5:08 pm

sun-n-fun Moderator
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Rutte speaks tonight 14 Dec). Looks like there will be another lockdown until 19 Jan 2021.

From dutchnews.nl

"The Netherlands will go into a total lockdown from tonight, with all but essential shops closing, as well as schools, museums, gyms and hairdressers.

Prime minister Mark Rutte will announce the measures in a speech to the nation at 7pm, but many have already been leaked or confirmed via official channels, broadcaster NOS said.

However, reports that a curfew might be part of the package, particularly at New Year, have not yet been confirmed.

Both primary and secondary schools will be shut from Wednesday and will shift back to online education. Daycare centres will also close, but will remain open for parents who work in essential professions.

Gyms, pools and saunas must also close their doors, but dentists and physiotherapists can continue to practice.

Sex workers must also shut up shop until January 19.

Read more at DutchNews.nl:
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2020-12-14, 10:17 pm

Posts: 318
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this sucks!!

germany goes also into a total lockdown from wednesday... belgium has been since november.
I think I'll have to switch hobby to something else.... this sucks
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2020-12-15, 4:19 am

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Bad news! I haven't been to Amsterdam in a few years and at Christmas was planning to change that. Started making proper plans in January...who would of thought.

In London, we are going back in to a lock down (pretty much) but they said that massage parlours can stay open.

Happy endings all round!
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2020-12-18, 2:56 am

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Keep safe during lockdown.

Miss my holidays and bad habbits but rather keep safe.
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2020-12-27, 9:45 pm

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you need a negative PCR-test not older than 72h to get in the country.. with start from the 29th of dec.....
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2020-12-27, 10:32 pm

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averagejoe wrote:
you need a negative PCR-test not older than 72h to get in the country.. with start from the 29th of dec.....

For those in the UK, a negative test is already required (as of the 23rd December).

I flew from the UK to Netherlands yesterday and I was required to have a negative PCR test from a private company, which cost me £100. They were checking the test results very thoroughly at check-in, boarding, and arrival. I saw two people turned away at the airport because they only had NHS tests, which are not accepted for traveling.

I would not recommend coming here right now anyway; everything is closed and there's nothing to do. The only reason I did is because I live here and needed to get home before Boris fucked me up and put me in Tier 4.

Also... the rule only applies to travel by air and sea. You can still get into the country by rail or car without a test.
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2020-12-29, 9:25 pm

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yes super exepensive with these PCR tests... more expensive than the ticket itself.

I was supposed to travel next week. I only lost 73euro due to a rebook fee for changing dates in the last minute .... well, Shit happens. still not that much. I understand that hotels are really struggling right now.

new dates in february.

Im not sure if that would work out better, February might be the same as right now, well fingers crossed.
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-01-01, 8:13 pm

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jimmy_nova wrote:
The only reason I did is because I live here and needed to get home before Boris fucked me up and put me in Tier 4.

No UK lockdown or tier level has ever stopped people returning home.
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-01-01, 8:19 pm

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averagejoe wrote:

new dates in february.

Im not sure if that would work out better, February might be the same as right now, well fingers crossed.

It's unlikely non essential trips will be allowed now the UK is fully out of the EU. It will most likely be treated like USA and almost every other non EU country.
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-01-10, 6:19 pm

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it seems like the lockdown will continue until the end of the month. They wont open up the 19th....
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-01-20, 11:50 pm

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the windows called "my red light" are now permanent closed due to the second lockdown ....
that means even less windows when back to to normal.....

https://www.parool.nl/amsterdam/tweede- ... ce=twitter
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-02-26, 1:16 am

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"Sex workers will be hosting a "peepshow on wheels" on the square next to parliament in The Hague on Tuesday, in an appeal to be allowed to reopen again on Wednesday like other contact professions, ANP reports."

https://nltimes.nl/2021/02/25/peepshow- ... lea-reopen
hopefully no riots on tuesday as the police wont allowed this (and shut it down before it starts...?)
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-03-08, 11:05 pm

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some updates - the girls might be back as late as in july
https://nltimes.nl/2021/03/08/rutte-cur ... n-march-31
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-03-09, 11:50 am

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Yeah, I think that nothing will happen in that department before June. Enough vaccine doses will only start arriving in April and EU countries are really slow when it comes to actually getting people vaccinated.
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-03-11, 10:24 am

Shinken69 Power Kat
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That’s a very negative reading of an article that doesn’t mention sex services at all.
What I read is that they are vaccinating ~300k/day a population of ~17million and will increase this to 400k/day in April.
Unless supply of the vaccine is restricted, they should have far more than 60% vaccinated before the end of May.
As long as people follow public health advice and the numbers keep going down, further easing of restriction would be expected long before July.

Having said that, this article paints a different picture of just how many doses are available.

So many windows, so little time.... or is that money
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-03-11, 11:11 am

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we'll.... check this article .
article is only 18hours old so rather fresh news.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/ ... u-concedes

34 million doses have been exported out of EU. thats probably why everything goes so extremely slow at moment. I bet a quick ban will be introduced asap. this is most certainly going to stop now.
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-03-11, 12:22 pm

Shinken69 Power Kat
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That article doesn’t answer the question how many doses are available to the EU and the Netherlands specifically.
Pfizer alone plan to produce 2 billion doses this year.
It’s obvious that the EU were late negotiating these deals and Pfizer et al have prior contracts to supply others.
There is very little information available on the delivery schedule.
AstraZeneca say they will delivery 180 million doses to the EU in Q2 of 2021.
There was talk of them delivering only half that amount, but it looks like they have a recovery plan, perhaps under threat of export restrictions?

An internal EU briefing puts the total numbers at 300 million doses expected between April and June, but who knows the assumptions made to generate that figure.
It will be interesting to see how they act to secure their supply chain.

This report covers what they have done, but not what they have the capacity to do moving forward.

Vaccine companies are rapidly increasing their capacity to produce and other vaccines are in the process of being approved for use within the EU.

As I have a trip booked for early June, I hope the estimates are conservative and they get it under control sooner than they predict.

So many windows, so little time.... or is that money
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-03-11, 3:41 pm

Posts: 393
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They are starting to vaccinanate everyone in Texas . If you are in one of the grocery stores that give them after 5:00 you might get stuck in the arm . People schedule then don’t show up so they will not let the the vaccine spoil .We got our second shot last week Moderna .....But now the J&&J shot is big because one dose.
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-03-11, 6:27 pm

Posts: 318
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Shinken69 wrote:
That article doesn’t answer the question how many doses are available to the EU and the Netherlands specifically.
Pfizer alone plan to produce 2 billion doses this year.
It’s obvious that the EU were late negotiating these deals and Pfizer et al have prior contracts to supply others.
There is very little information available on the delivery schedule.
AstraZeneca say they will delivery 180 million doses to the EU in Q2 of 2021.
There was talk of them delivering only half that amount, but it looks like they have a recovery plan, perhaps under threat of export restrictions?

An internal EU briefing puts the total numbers at 300 million doses expected between April and June, but who knows the assumptions made to generate that figure.
It will be interesting to see how they act to secure their supply chain.

This report covers what they have done, but not what they have the capacity to do moving forward.

Vaccine companies are rapidly increasing their capacity to produce and other vaccines are in the process of being approved for use within the EU.

As I have a trip booked for early June, I hope the estimates are conservative and they get it under control sooner than they predict.

thanks! some good info here

I think its around 10% in most EU countries. 1. all risk groups 2. people working in health care. we the rest are on the waiting list. I heard that Denmark is currently stopping the Astra Zeneca vaccine for some reason? might been some trouble there....

germany / sweden and probably the rest are all for an export ban. so def will see some speed within this month.

Im going in july for 5days. might even book a trip later on this autumn while prices are low. my guessing is that prices will go up alot once travel ban is lifted
Re: Lockdown - again starting 15 Dec
Posted: 2021-03-12, 8:57 pm

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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Denmark and some scandanavian countries have halted the Astrazenca vaccine over concerns about blood clots.
This is a widely reported complication of COVID, so not totally unexpected.
I don't know if this is a single case, or more.
This will take a few weeks to review.
I doubt the ban will go worldwide, but it does cause concerns.
Some governments (including the Mayor of Detroit) may refuse to accept this vaccine, and try to get replacements from another manufacturer.

Halting export of vaccines is problematic.
Many of these vaccines were pre-purchased, and breaking these contracts to keep the vaccines for the country of manufacture will lead to outrage and lawsuits from the countries that helped fund them in the development stage.

The Netherlands put a huge pre-order in for the Larsson/J&J vaccine, which is produced in part in the Netherlands.
Unfortunately, it was one of the last to get EU approval, so they are far behind countries that put their money into Pfizer and Moderna.

With 4 vaccines appproved in western Europe and North America, it is possible to produce over 500 million doses a month.
The Chinese Sinovax and Russian Sputnik vaccines could match that.

By the summer, it is possible that everyone in the western world that wants a vaccine will have one.

Unfortunately, there are no vaccines approved for children. Pregnant women, and those considering getting pregnant, are advised not to get vaccinated, and up to a third of the population has no interest in vaccination.
This makes erradication through vaccination impossible, and really causes problems when trying to re-open.

The good news: Most people that had COVID were never tested. The number of people with natural immunity from the disease is probably 3-6 times the number of people who have tested positive. In the western world, there just aren't going to be many more people left to become infected by summer.

The bad news: Poorer countries unable to mount an effective vaccination program are going to struggle with this for a few years. That leaves a huge pool of active infections, ones that will continue to mutate. If one of those mutations is bad enough, we will all have to start over. Ugh!


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
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