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Re: More Changes Afoot
Posted: 2019-07-15, 5:50 pm

grimnul Power Kat
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The only problem with that is they’d need to open way more windows in that area, possibly even on new streets where there weren’t windows before. OZA and those streets are the bulk of the windows, they’d be taking away a ton of workspaces from the girls and competition for kamers is already pretty intense. They’d be driving a lot of girls into underground prostitution.

Even if they did open new windows, the girls tend to be very wary of anything government-related. Many girls refuse to rent windows from Myredlight because they don’t trust the government. Honestly, the best thing they can do here is nothing at all. Just let things be. Things really aren’t any worse than they’ve ever been in terms of rowdy tourists and it’s just one small area of the city, for the most part. I get that people live in De Wallen and don’t like all the noise and crowds, but to be honest, they knew what they were getting into when they bought a place in De Wallen, as far as I’m concerned. It’s not like they moved there and all this stuff just suddenly sprang up out of nowhere. It’s been this way for hundreds of years, there’s no possible way they didn’t know what kind of area they were moving into. It’s kind of like moving next door to a fertilizer plant then demanding the government shut the place down because the smell bothers you.
Re: More Changes Afoot
Posted: 2019-07-16, 12:42 am

HCSupporting Member
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weasel9x9 wrote:
I expect several waves of new rules, all of which will be clumsy and burdensome, followed by the inevitable:
"See, we tried, but we just can't make it work."

That would be my guess too.

The first Meeting has taken place.
Re: More Changes Afoot
Posted: 2019-07-16, 1:44 am

grimnul Power Kat
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So, it seems like closing the windows isn’t even the table. It seems like they were talking about physically closing the curtains so tourists aren’t coming to gawk at the women. No idea how the girls would be able to do any business that way. I don’t expect that one to go anywhere.
Re: More Changes Afoot
Posted: 2019-07-16, 9:06 am

HCSupporting Member
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grimnul wrote:
So, it seems like closing the windows isn’t even the table.

Yes and no.

Scenario 1: the curtains of the window brothels close.
For example, sex workers and their workplaces are no longer visible from the street.

Scenario 2: fewer window brothels in the city center.
Part of the windows in the city center will close. New workplaces are created at another location in Amsterdam. They can be windows, but you don't have to. The establishment of a prostitution hotel is also possible.

Scenario 3: window brothels in the city center close.
All window brothels on the Red Light District and around the Singel will close. New workplaces are being created in another part of the city. They can be windows, but you don't have to. The establishment of a prostitution hotel is also possible.

Scenario 4: more window brothels.
The current number of 330 window brothels in the Red Light District and around the Singel will be expanded to include more workplaces. They can be windows, but you don't have to. The establishment of a prostitution hotel is also possible. Expansion is only an option if the basic principles: guaranteeing human rights, preventing and combating trafficking in human beings, money laundering and fraud and less nuisance for residents and other entrepreneurs are met.

https://assets.amsterdam.nl/publish/pag ... itutie.pdf

Scenario 3 was what was promised 6 years ago in Utrecht. Still waiting. The result there (complete conjecture on my part) may be an increase in the situation the politicians claim to want to prevent i.e. poor working conditions for the SW's who operate there, now invisibly.

Re Scenario 1, I'm assuming the closed curtains is either a euphemism, or bad translation somewhere, and instead refers to restricted access. Closed off streets where you pay to enter? Is that how the Reeperbahn works, or Villa Tinto? Not visited either.
Re: More Changes Afoot
Posted: 2019-07-16, 10:55 am

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I suspect the NIMBY sentiment (Not In My Backyard) will confound any effort to move windows into a new neighborhood. I would hope that the proposal of reducing the number of windows will be resisted by the practicality that that would increase trafficking and illegal sex work.

If the goals are to
  1. curb trafficking
  2. protect SWers
  3. reduce overcrowding

It seems like concentrating the area by closing windows with project 1012 would have had the exact opposite effects. Reducing the number of windows would push more SWers to go underground. Closing windows on the edges of the RLD, thereby increasing the window density in the central areas, would naturally increase overcrowding. As politicians, they naturally cannot admit failure.
Re: More Changes Afoot
Posted: 2019-07-16, 6:02 pm

grimnul Power Kat
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See, again, though, I don’t think that whatever the mayor and the city council decide to do will actually wind up being what happens necessarily. It’s not about what they want to do, it’s about what they’ll be able to do.

As IQ said, it’s going to be hard to relocate the red light district, because many people won’t want that in their area. Also, the girls don’t want to move and they’ll protest, and the window owners don’t want to lose their cash cow. Also, without the windows, De Wallen will have far, far less foot traffic, and that’ll be bad for the bars, coffee shops, sex shops, souvenir shops, etc. in the area. There are just too many people who have a financial stake in De Wallen staying the way it is. The government doesn’t have money to buy them out, we learned that with 1012, and I don’t think they want an extended legal battle that could drag on for years and scuttle any attempts to make any changes whatsoever. Also, if they do move everything out of De Wallen, they’re now stuck with all these historically protected properties that will be very difficult to develop.

Again, there’s also the political angle. The mayor kind of loses no matter what she does here. That’s why I think not much will ultimately happen. I know the city council has had a bug up their asses about De Wallen for a while now and want it to go away, and they do seem like they might be stupid enough to try it again, but they very simply don’t have the power or resources to forcefully shut everything down. I think it would take nothing less than a change of the laws at a federal level and major investment, either by the federal government or by a very rich third party to make significant change in the area.
Re: More Changes Afoot
Posted: 2019-07-16, 6:36 pm

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I totally agree Grimnul. The fact that the mayor held a community meeting and floated completely opposing proposals indicates that no one in power has a clue what to do.
Re: More Changes Afoot
Posted: 2019-07-17, 1:40 pm

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Do you think that’s why the canal work has taken so long? Stoof bridge went a way quite a few years ago now and it’s been an eyesore there ever since with the fencing and construction gear. It’s funny you never really see them working either. It’s like just a storage for stuff. Hahah
Re: More Changes Afoot
Posted: 2019-07-17, 3:42 pm

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The pace may be slow due to the workmen being heavily distracted during their work. They must have the best break times imaginable.
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