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Trying out escort
Posted: 2016-10-14, 1:02 am

Posts: 177
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Hey guys. Im going to stay in a hotel for a couple of days in amsterdam and im wondering if there are any good escorts you know of. Im thinking around 150-200e max per hour. (Unless i find her so gosh darn sexy enough to actually pay 250 or something) So unfortunatley no SS or GG or GA since its too high for me :(

I like girls at all ages. 20-35 is probably the range and its probably only going to be for 1 h.
Do you know if you are allowed during that time to cum more than once?

Ive been browsing allt and saw girls company clyb crystal and so on but the reviews are lacking. Tried to check the hookers nl site but its pretty annoying using google translate and there doesnt seem to be alot f reviews on lower price girls on there.
Re: Trying out escort
Posted: 2016-10-14, 9:36 pm

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Guess i will just have to begoing blind and be the onw to report back. :P
Re: Trying out escort
Posted: 2016-10-15, 2:34 am

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
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Yeah, we're not really an escort-oriented site so you're better off doing that research elsewhere. Thing is, given that at least 90% of escort websites post fake pictures (easily verified with tineye.com or Google images), which clearly constitutes fraud, it's not really an area we're interested in covering. If you're still tempted despite the rampant criminality, kinky.nl (also operated by the hookers.nl people) has pictures and sometimes reviews (recensies) so it's probably your best bet.

Matri13 wrote:
its pretty annoying using google translate

Yes, I agree... much better to just learn some Dutch, like you would have had to do before things like Google even existed. :-) But I know what you mean; it really doesn't handle Dutch <-> English well at all. After a few Dutch lessons, I never tried using it again... it's okay for looking up individual words, but actual sentences, not so much.

A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: Trying out escort
Posted: 2016-10-15, 4:21 am

grimnul Power Kat
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Yeah, given how much bullshit is out there, I stick to high-end agencies and girls like Dita. There's just not enough information out there for me to feel comfortable using a cheaper agency or independent. As far as I'm concerned, the higher price you're paying is for a guarantee of a certain level of service and saving you the potential headaches involved in using lower-end services.

Anyway, there are some people with good information on the escort board on this site, but yeah, it's not really our forte.

And yeah, I've been trying to learn some Dutch, too. I'm fucking awful at languages, but at least I've managed to pick up a few useful phrases and how to not completely butcher street names when asking for directions.
Re: Trying out escort
Posted: 2016-10-15, 12:51 pm

Posts: 194
Location: Lebanon
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yeah whats with all the aaaaaaa and other stuff in the dutch language.. centraal instead of central. harlemstraaat instead of harlemstreet, den haag insead of the hague.. ah fun times.. i told the carrige dude to take us to centraaaaal station and focused on the a hahahahahaha he looked at me like im some asshole cunt and said yes hop in lol

a nice and happy life consists of travelling to amsterdam 4 times a year, each time for 3 months
Re: Trying out escort
Posted: 2016-10-15, 9:41 pm

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I guess the biggest issue i have with the translation is that im using the phone for my research and its a pain in the butt xD

Actually my language seem to translate better than english so imma do that some other time. Hopefully i will be able to check on internet so i can get the translate page feature instead.

But ive spent most of my time for the last 2-3 days searching so far (night usually) and i just get further away from a decision for every minute.
Gets me ao frustrated :( i will come with a list of the girls so far that i aminterested in and if you want you can butt in if u want. (Opinion and not the actual session haha xD)

Dont know if im allowed to post links though? Will see :P
Re: Trying out escort
Posted: 2016-10-16, 2:49 pm

Aldebran LinkbatSupporting Member
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There isn't much escort info here on Ignatz but do have a trawl through the 'Escorts and Clubs' section of the message board. Reading some stuff on there, the escort agency that intrigues me is http://roksolana.nl but I really have no idea how legit they are. There are a few reviews from a guy called Starphoenix (e.g this one - Den Hague, Tassia Shanti(pornstar), Roksolana ) which has some links to videos of the girl in question (see my reply in that thread). Roksolana seem to operate from the Ukraine with girls going "on tour" in Germany, Holland and Belgium at various times. I don't think they have any Netherlands dates on the website at the moment but Belgium isn't really that far away for an incall appointment I suppose (day trip by train for an afternoon appointment might be possible). It's something that appeals to me, although I'd be worried about ending up in the trunk of a car being driven out to some patch of wasteland by Russian gangsters.....LOL. I suppose an appointment at your hotel is safer...

Another possibility is to ask any of your favourite RLD girls if they do escort appointments. I suspect most RLD girls will charge quite a lot for this, but you never know, if you have a hotel close to the centrum I suppose a girl might consider visiting you there before she starts her shift if you suggest a reasonable price...

Also it would be worth checking which agencies are actually properly registered with the city council. It's not easy to get a license to operate an escort agency, so if you can find a list of these official agencies it might be a useful starting place. There's no guarantee that they will be good (they might still do annoying things like send a different girl or use old pictures) but they are perhaps less likely to be a 100% rip-off if they have an official license.... you would hope! Then again you might find that a list of these just takes you back to the more expensive options......

I think a problem with Amsterdam is that it will be a magnet for fake escort websites and profiles. If you can't get a solid recommendation from someone you trust for a cheap, reliable independent girl, and you can't afford the more expensive but more trustworthy agencies like Society Service, then I think a privehuis is actually not a bad substitute - one hour in a privehuis bed with a decent girl is not all that different from one hour in a hotel room, and at least you can get a look at the real girls before choosing one!

In your situation, if you can't get any good recommendations, maybe consider saving up for an escort appointment from one of the top agencies on a future visit, perhaps when you have something to celebrate like a birthday or work promotion. Take your time to research some ultimate fantasy girls, its a nice daydream even if it never happens!

Also depending where you live it might actually be easier to find a good independent girl closer to home...

"an 8-inch miniskirt allows the connoisseur the exquisite satisfaction of that shameful desire to put your hand up a girl’s skirt and touch her knickers".
Latest Trip Report - Aldebran Linkbat July 2022 - Finally back in Amsterdam
Re: Trying out escort
Posted: 2016-10-16, 3:35 pm

Posts: 177
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Yeah i have noticed that its hard to find much here. Most i found on hookers nl was independant girl or from really high class girls like SS or something.
My issue with these agencies is that i dont mind paying 300 euro for an hour. But i have yet to find a single one high class agency that allows the 1h appointment. I guess i understand why they do this system and that it is better for a more relaxed session. And from my RLD experience i now know that i can hold on for more than 30 minutes of foreplay and sex xD which leaves alot of time for talking and for maybe round two if i do book a 2h session.
But paying 700 euro for a SS girl is like way too much for me. I will have around 2200 euro (not that i want to spend all my money) but i estimate 200 euro for my stay in amsterdam when it comes to the place im gonna live in and then maybe another 100 euro for beer and food (i love the beer here, ok!? xD) not gonna party though. So i'm left with around 1800-1900 euro. 1000 at most for the fun stuff :P So it's a little bit more than i had last time when i ventured to Amsterdam.

But yes you are right i will probably try to save more money next time and hopefully i will be able to save up enough for a propper session with a good SS girl.
However this trip i will gamble with a 1h session with a lower class agency.

I will check Rokoslana though and follow that advice when it comes to the license thingie.

PS. the reason why i dont wanna book a 2h session with a lower class escort is that i dont know what i will be paying for which is fine if its only 1 hour but if its 2h and i dont happen to like the girl then im in trouble. 300 euro for 2h isnt that high but still thats 3h sessions in park118.

I will only be staying in the hotel for 1 night which is why i want to do the escort thingie at the start since i wont be able to for the rest of the trip.

BTW do u know if i can post links to agencies here ?
Re: Trying out escort
Posted: 2016-10-16, 9:44 pm

Aldebran LinkbatSupporting Member
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I see your point about not wanting to commit to more than 1 hour with an unknown girl, I guess you will just have to research as much as you can and hope for the best! "You never know your luck in a raffle" as they say ;)

I guess as long as you are realistic about the fact that the girl might not look quite so hot as her photos, it could be an interesting experience, you might 'click' with the girl or not, similar to a privehuis experience. Just watch out for scams e.t.c

I used to do a lot of 1-hour appointments with one independent escort and a lot of 2-hour appointments with a different one (both girls since retired). I found the 1-hour sessions were good for a bit of a chat, followed by some unhurried sex, but the focus was mainly on the sex and it suited me with that particular girl, we just chatted and fucked and always ended up talking about food for some reason......

With two hours you have a bit more time to open a bottle of wine, relax with each other, cuddle in bed or go for "round two" like you say, although I'd feel more comfortable doing a 1 hour session first with a relatively unknown girl from a budget agency. With the seriously professional girls it's part of their role to put you at ease and know what you want before you do... I could handle a couple of hours with a high-class call girl without worrying too much about anything except the money!

Be careful that if you start to get to know a nice escort on a more intimate, personal level compared to the RLD, and you really like her....... it will really fuck with your bank balance because you will want to keep on seeing her!

hopefully i will be able to save up enough for a propper session with a good SS girl

I know you are talking about Society Service, but I can't get an image out of my head something like this one:

Amazon - She Devils of the SS (Blu-Ray)

or this one - Amazon - ILSA: She Wolf of the SS (DVD)

But I'm pretty sure you have in mind something more like this one: Amazon - Secret Diary of a Call Girl - Billie Piper

BTW do u know if i can post links to agencies here ?

No problem unless it's someone spamming the site to promote their own business or post fake reviews e.t.c

I think there's a minimum post count or minimum membership time before you can post links on here but I think you must be past it by now.

"an 8-inch miniskirt allows the connoisseur the exquisite satisfaction of that shameful desire to put your hand up a girl’s skirt and touch her knickers".
Latest Trip Report - Aldebran Linkbat July 2022 - Finally back in Amsterdam
Re: Trying out escort
Posted: 2016-10-17, 12:56 am

Posts: 177
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Yeah no worries, i dont have high expectation but i will go with one that feels the most right. I was thinking of making a new thread to just post them all and see what people thing etc. So it might help me to decide, some might be fake or something so that might help.

Yeah the too much feelings thing might be a problem. But i in general have a hard time falling in love so im not very worried :P.

Hvnt seen any of the first two but i know i would love an experience like the one in the billie piper one XD.
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