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No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-07-29, 10:48 pm

peter craig
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https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-new ... o-13000278
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-07-30, 1:11 am

grimnul Power Kat
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Seems like more alarmist bullshit. Probably just the usual anti-prostitution/drug propaganda. “Oh, well, they have this area full of drugs and hookers, what do they expect will happen?”. Just more regressive leftist types trying to manipulate the narrative.
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-07-30, 4:35 pm

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We are leaving for Amsterdam this week , we have seen this before but never felt threatened . The Brits do get drunk and argue and fight among themselves . Used to have people offer to sell us drugs on the street .
Often see the kids on the scooters raising hell , but this is easily stopped .

I have always felt the Dutch police have had everything under control , I hope this still holds true . If not adios amigos.

Hell sometimes we get loud when we are drunk but want to harm nobody.
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-07-30, 5:22 pm

grimnul Power Kat
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Oh, I’ve seen the drunk brits and scooter kids too. Never felt like they were dangerous. The article even tacitly admits that. It talks about hundreds of offenses a night, then lists such atrocities as shouting, peeing in public, and taxis operating without a permit. The drug sellers you can just ignore, they tend to leave you alone if you don’t express any interest. As for street racing... well, anyone who’s been to De Wallen at night knows that’s bullshit. It’s too crowded to walk half the time, much less race.
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-07-30, 8:24 pm

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Why would anyone believe anything printed in the Mirror? This is a bullshit article, clearly pitched for political reasons.
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-07-31, 5:00 am

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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Most of the comments were from the city ombudsman.
I don't know if any authority comes with that title, but it seems that the solutions would start with more action on his part. If he is a city official, and he is whining about the police not taking any action, what does that say about his management skills?
Don't bitch in the press, dude. Have the police make more arrests. How hard is that?

I've been visiting for almost 40 years. Amsterdam is about as clean and docile as I have ever seen it.
Almost sterile in some areas. Street dealers and junkies are almost non-existant in the center now.
I hate the damn scooters, but I miss some of the other riff-raff. They gave the place a little edge.
It will be sad when it all turns into condos.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-08-03, 5:02 pm

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I know the Mirror isn't Daily Mail-awful, but it's still not a reliable source of anything. Let's only share information from reliable sources yeah?
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-08-03, 9:18 pm

HolyShitBSE Power Kat
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weasel9x9 wrote:
I've been visiting for almost 40 years. Amsterdam is about as clean and docile as I have ever seen it.
Almost sterile in some areas. Street dealers and junkies are almost non-existant in the center now.
I hate the damn scooters, but I miss some of the other riff-raff. They gave the place a little edge.
It will be sad when it all turns into condos.


Exactly my thought. Only been back and forth myself since 2010 but I can see the difference in that time and its so much more chilled out now. The Mirror is a cheap piece of shit UK rag and should be ignored :)

porno creep
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-08-05, 6:17 am

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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I'm not in a position to comment on the reputation of various publications in the UK.
The aticle featured quotes from an Amsterdam city official.
Real quotes. Reported in multiple papers.
A similar story was in the English language expatriot website Dutchnews.nl
Not fake news.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-08-06, 9:57 am

sun-n-fun Moderator
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From what I gather the "city official" does not even live in Amsterdam. Lives in Den Haag
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-08-06, 5:04 pm

grimnul Power Kat
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That, and the Amsterdam city council wants people to think De Wallen is a lawless shithole. It’s their entire justification for project 1012. I wouldn’t trust anything anyone affiliated with the government says on the matter. They definitely have an agenda.
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-08-07, 4:35 am

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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The people on this board have much more insight into what conditions are like on the street.
Want to know what is happening during the late hours at dicey addresses?
Ask a 'micer.
Amsterdam Councilmen are all having a cheese sandwich and glass of milk before putting on their orange nightshirts and retiring to bed in their posh homes. You won't meet them out at night.
Not that there is anything wrong with that. But they have already decided what message they want to send, regardless of the realities.

Go to Amsterdam. Before it is gone.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-08-07, 7:49 pm

Whoa Nellie
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Having just spent 4 nights in A’dam, the bulk of which were wow seeing the RLD, eating, drinking, smoking etc. I can safely echo the many calls of bullshit here.

Perhaps the Pride weekend meant a bit more tourists and police (not measurable against other busy weekends mind you), but if anything it seems safer than years ago when the hard sell dealers were many and the top of the Zeedjik on the big canal sketchy late night.
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-08-07, 10:34 pm

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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And now this:

Amsterdam City coucil in a statement on Tuesday issued plans for dealing with this menace.
They include:
1) Closing streets in the Wallen to allow for cleaning
2) Closing streets in the Wallen during periods of overcrowding
3) Patrols in the Wallen (Not Police) that can issue fines and collect via chip card on the spot.

Be sure to visit Amsterdam before it is gone.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-08-11, 9:37 pm

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Ive been going to Amsterdam for 19 years and i can safely say the Wallen area has never felt so safe. I remember when every corner had a dealer whispering Chalie, Pills, mdna etc, Thats when it was really bad.

Ive just come back from 2 nights and never felt any danger or slightly uncomfortable even at 3am.
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-08-11, 11:17 pm

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I visit regularly and last week I was discussing this with one of the ladies as we were walking through DW and she has been there many years and also is in agreement with everyone on this matter that it is complete BS. As she pointed out during the time period we were walking around we should have seen a couple of dozen crimes, it’s all about agendas and they are slowly killing the area.
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-09-24, 1:52 am

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We just got back from Amsterdam / Europe . We seen no problems and really it was kind of dull . This was our 21st visit to Amsterdam it used to be so much fun. Now it seems like a worn out dairy cow. LOL.
My wife is an exhibitionist and we take lots of pic's of her partially nude around statues and buildings . We didn't even do it this time , it just seemed Amsterdam was quiet .
We were in town during pride and seen lots of drunk people , but the people we seen were respectful.

Over the years we have made friends with a few city officials you see city officials in Amsterdam are people like
us . One night this trip we spent the evening with a mayor and his wife of one of the villages outside of Amsterdam . We talked about exactly what everyone is talking about here . We were laughing and he said we are all getting older and who knows who is driving the ship . He told me the world is changing everywhere .

Wife and I talked it over We go every year to Fantasy Fest in Key West . FF is the most hedonistic party in the
US . Every year a few people would get arrested …………..Never more then a half dozen . People would get busted for stupid stuff like a girl having sex on a police car , or BJ in the street . They still have the BJ bench in Captain Tony's . Seem lots of MILFs go to FF to play.
Now we hear terrible fights have happened , bad drug deals , sex in the streets . Like I say we try to go every year , and we have never ,,,ever seen a drug deal or fight . Buuuuut they are now cracking down, all women must wear pasties on the street . No nude bottom unless painted , They used to have the body painters from TV painting nude models on Duval Street ..but no longer ……. The big coed Foam party is going to be tamed down . But Ron Jeremy will be back LOL

I guess if we ever find out who is driving this ship and we don't get too old to soon . Maybe we can stop the world from changing.

But we seen nothing beyond the normal this time and the normal seemed boring.
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-09-25, 9:01 am

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Sounds like any city in an industrial city. Even here, and I live in a fairly small town, it is quite common to see such a thing. Except the stealing on open street maybe.
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-09-25, 11:55 pm

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I don't know if it has been talked about but they are encouraging cars to stay out of the Centrum area . They now have guys directing traffic . I think this is a good idea my friend explained they are trying to get people to use the transportation system , walk or bike . They want to keep the taxi's and tourists that do not know where they are going to just jam traffic up . In early August it was bad and the traffic directors were taking a lot of flak .
Re: No longer safe?
Posted: 2018-09-26, 5:44 am

grimnul Power Kat
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Anyone who tries to drive through De Wallen, especially on the weekend, and especially at night is a fucking moron.

I remember a few trips back, I was there on a Saturday night, and some guy was driving down that street with the Febo on the corner heading towards OZA. He wanted to turn onto OZA, but there were tons of people coming from behind him, tons of people crossing the bridge in from of him, and tons of people coming from both sides. He just got stuck and couldn’t move. I wound up having a session with Agnieszka, had to have been in there at least an hour. When I left, the dumb bastard was still stuck there.

I always shake my head when I see some idiot trying to get his car through the crush of people. Some people are just dumb, I guess.
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