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Getting an escort to Hyatt Regency Amsterdam
Posted: 2019-06-19, 2:44 pm

Posts: 1
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Would it be a problem in call an escort or escorts to my room if I am staying at Hyatt Regency? First time in Dam and first time hooking up with an escort, do hotels frown upon you calling escorts to your room? Is Hyatt more like a hotel for families? Any help is appreciated.
Re: Getting an escort to Hyatt Regency Amsterdam
Posted: 2019-06-19, 5:24 pm

grimnul Power Kat
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It depends on the hotel. The hotel I always stay at is fine with it, don’t know about the Hyatt, specifically. What I’d advise is to email the agency you want to book with and ask if that hotel is ok. They’ll know better than us.
Re: Getting an escort to Hyatt Regency Amsterdam
Posted: 2019-06-20, 5:15 am

Aldebran LinkbatSupporting Member
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Looks like a fairly high end hotel - I doubt it would be a problem, although like grimnul says you could always check with the escort agency.

Some of the free magazines in Amsterdam hotels have escort ads in the back and I can't imagine the average corporate hotel being too shocked / offended / interested in what you get up to, it would be bad for business. There are one or two places which don't officially allow escorts (and tiny family-run places might not be too keen) but they are in a minority. Some places might have a policy that the girl has to notify the reception desk and show ID on the way in, I think that's fairly common.

Even if a hotel doesn't officially allow escorts, there is little to stop you meeting your 'friend' in the lobby of a large hotel and walking up to your room, and in most hotels there is nothing to stop escorts wandering straight up to the room if they have your room number (in a few places you need a key to call the lift or enter each floor). Guests in a big hotel are fairly anonymous and few receptionists will have the nerve to stop a sexily dressed woman (who could be a guest) and accuse her of being a prostitute...

"an 8-inch miniskirt allows the connoisseur the exquisite satisfaction of that shameful desire to put your hand up a girl’s skirt and touch her knickers".
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Re: Getting an escort to Hyatt Regency Amsterdam
Posted: 2019-06-20, 10:19 pm

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The Hyatt Regency is a business hotel. Plenty of escorts have been through their doors. Something else to consider is that the escorts are used to dealing with hotels. They will often know better than you whether there will be any problem with access.
Re: Getting an escort to Hyatt Regency Amsterdam
Posted: 2019-06-22, 7:06 am

neurosynthPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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FWIW the one time I stayed at the Hyatt I brought a working girl home from the (late great) Candy Club. They couldn't have cared less.

If in doubt, just have her text, and go down and escort her up. Do it with flair and you will earn gentleman points.

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Re: Getting an escort to Hyatt Regency Amsterdam
Posted: 2019-06-22, 11:37 pm

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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Two points for Neuro!
One for the Candy Club, and one for suggesting that attitude counts.
Meeting outside or in the lobby is always good.
Escort your escort in. They appreciate it if you act like a gentleman.
If anyone is obnoxious enough to ask, tell them that you are late for a date with the most interesitng woman in the world. Would you like to come up and watch?
That usually shuts down the nosy little fuckers.
Escorts know their way around, and are used to getting their way with hotel staff.
You would not believe some of the things i have seen one particular infamous escort get away with.
Face it--Stunning young women, impeccably dressed, get things.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: Getting an escort to Hyatt Regency Amsterdam
Posted: 2019-06-23, 12:35 am

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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A story:
I once met escort X at the Sheraton Pulitzer.
I was on time, she was early (as professional escorts are).
She is dressed head to toe in Versace, and has a small bag (full of sex toys)
As I walked up, she is being quizzed about her bag by some junior staff at the entrance..
She has no interest in giving up the bag, or having it inspected.
The staff is a little pushy, bordering on out of line.
I ask "Darling, is there a problem?"
I am dressed in my most powerful power business suit with all the bells and whistles.
She replies, as she gives me a little kiss "No, it has just been a long day, and I am really looking forward to our evening together."
The staff turns the whitest shade of pale, and retreats with his tail between his legs.
We take a seat at the bar, and the manager appears.
He apologizes for his staff being less than friendly.
He attempts a little small talk.
"Where are you visiting from?"
Escort X responds in her coldest, most intimidating voice:
She could have ripped his head off, and sucked all the blood out of his pulsing neck.
The manager beats a hasty retreat.
Our drinks are comped. Appetizers appear, also free.
Funny thing is, I wasn't even staying at the Pulitzer. I was in an apartment down the street.
We just use the bar to meet up.
On the way out, she had the doorman give us an umbrella for the rain.
I'm surprised she didn't make the manager lick her shoes.
The average joe working at a hotel has no interest in getting into it with a guest (or their escorts)
A good escort is the most stunning and intimidating woman in the room.
They don't get questioned by staff. They don't take shit from anyone. Period.
They rule all that they survey.
If your escort isn't like this, you need a better escort!


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: Getting an escort to Hyatt Regency Amsterdam
Posted: 2019-06-23, 2:07 am

The Kman
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If it's not a Marriott you will be fine. Some (but not all) Marriott hotels around the world can be a bit like monasteries.
Re: Getting an escort to Hyatt Regency Amsterdam
Posted: 2019-06-26, 6:44 am

Posts: 105
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Weasel9x9, have you ever been in Transilvania? I was born there, and trust me, it's not scary at all. I still appreciate the escort's attitude.
Re: Getting an escort to Hyatt Regency Amsterdam
Posted: 2019-06-29, 8:09 pm

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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I've never been, but I understand it is stunning.
She was just putting on a show.
She puts on some incredible shows!


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
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