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Questions for a first time visitor
Posted: 2021-08-20, 8:39 pm

Posts: 15
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Hi everyone!

I just booked my trip coming from America to Amsterdam in 2 weeks and I'm very excited! As this is my first time in Amsterdam, I figured that it would be fun to checkout a few window girls and maybe an escort service. So I guess I've been reading through the forum for about the last month just trying to learn everything I can before I go.

So I was curious do you think that I will have any problems with window girls as I'm an american born chinese male who looks young for his age? I'm in my mid 30s but have always gotten the whole I look way too young for that maybe closer to early 20s?

Should I bring my passport or ID to prove my age?

Lastly I know this might be a dumb questions but when I get undressed to do the deed is are my belongs safe?

Also any advice or recommendations would be great!

Thank you so much in advance!
Re: Questions for a first time visitor
Posted: 2021-08-20, 9:54 pm

Posts: 24
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Ideally you will have a hotel with a safe and store your important belongings there.
Also only carry small amounts of cash with you at any one time.
In my years as a solo traveller I have never had any trouble in Amsterdam.
I wouldnt have thought you would have much trouble with the age and your looks.

Be sensible around town and your be fine.
Best way is a local hotel thats easy reach of the red light district to go back to for a shower bathroom etc in between visiting girls.

I used to walk around with about 100 euro on me so if anything did happen it would be a Minimum amount you would lose.

Albeit amsterdam is a very safe place to walk around.

Re: Questions for a first time visitor
Posted: 2021-08-21, 4:49 am

Posts: 15
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Thanks so much for the advice! I am staying at a hotel that's a short 3 minute walk to the RLD. I'm guessing you would suggest leaving the iPhone back in the hotel as well while visit the window girls? I'm directionally challenged haha!
Re: Questions for a first time visitor
Posted: 2021-08-21, 10:32 am

Posts: 317
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dont bring your ID if you are in the mid 30's... just don't. its not necessary and most important - its def not cool for you look... (the impression will be that you are a insecure person. just a friendly tip)

your items are 100% safe in a window. There is only you and the girl inside. No one else.

bring your phone with you if you want. no one is stealing phones. you can't open an iPhone and resell it like before , I think that phenomena is dead (I might be wrong). Amsterdam is safe city. I always bring my phone as its good for navigation and all the other stuff...

another tip: dont buy drugs on the street.
Re: Questions for a first time visitor
Posted: 2021-08-21, 11:18 pm

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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Technically, you have to have ID to be in bars and coffeeshops.
This is never enforced.
If you look young, the bartender might ask for ID.
You need a passport to rent a bike, boat or car.
I used to carry a copy of my passport, but police want to see the real thing, and will escort you back to your room to get it.
(Don't ask how I know this)
Now I carry it everywhere, and keep copies in every bag in case something gets lost.

The only girl that will steal out of your pockets is Kiera
(again, don't ask)

Unless you are drunk out of your mind, with cash falling out of your pockets, you will be fine.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: Questions for a first time visitor
Posted: 2021-08-22, 9:01 pm

Posts: 37
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I think (could be wrong!) there is some official Dutch rule called the Identificatieplicht or Compulsory Identification Act that requires everybody to show acceptable ID. Must be in the form of an original document, not a copy. This is to prove to authorized persons (such as Dutch police) you are who you say you are. The acceptable ID for foreign visitors is a passport. Dutch police are supposed to have a real reason to ask for ID, not just go around at random asking for it.

https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpe ... atieplicht

https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identific ... _Nederland

There's probably more to it. Are you really required to carry ID around with you, or are you only obligated to show it to the police within a reasonable amount of time? To be on the safe side I carry it.
Re: Questions for a first time visitor
Posted: 2021-08-23, 12:05 am

Posts: 305
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I carry my phone and as much cash as I plan to spend in a night. Sometimes I might also carry a single credit card in case I get stuck somewhere (like some Albert Heijns) that only takes cards. Limiting the cash I carry also protects me from myself since there have been times I was willing to spend way more than I should, if you know what I mean.

However, I’ve never had a problem with theft inside a kamer. Walking back in the wee hours, I’ve always felt better with empty pockets and still never had an incident.
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