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Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-28, 11:17 pm

Posts: 57
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Anyone know how to contact any RLD girl listed on this site??
Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-28, 11:22 pm

Wim Admin
Posts: 2313
Location: Amsterdam
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Start with a postcard from your country ..... , they will appreciate that .....
Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-28, 11:27 pm

420 Power Kat
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So Wim,, do you buy postcards on Damrak and walk them over to their kamer,, or buy one at the Gas station en route to PHG??

Pura Vida
Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-29, 12:23 am

Posts: 426
Location: A'dam
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Start with a postcard from your country ..... , they will appreciate that .....

LOL, actually, I did that once.
Before I went on a holiday I told a girl I saw regularly that I'd send her a postcard and she was like...mmm, yeah, right....
So I remembered her room number, looked up the corresponding zip-code, and sent her a card a couple of weeks later, figuring it would probably never arrive.

Saw the same girl several times since, and never heard anything about it, until about half a year later, when I enter her room and the first thing she does is run to her closet to pull out my postcard that had finally arrived.......:-)
So it took the mailman half a year to deliver a card in the RLD.
Well, you can't really blame him with all the eyecandy there, now can you??....;-)
Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-29, 12:32 am

fredSupporting Member
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Postcards work great at the Achterdam.

SMS is more reliable.

Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-29, 12:44 am

Wim Admin
Posts: 2313
Location: Amsterdam
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Well, yes .... four two O - normally I get green, brown and blue "Euro postcards" from the bankmachine , they like them best - not on Damrak, because they will steal my bike overthere.

But , sending a postcard is a good one Slick - sure, I have done that before - and when the girl is not on that kamer (or back home) and you fuck another girl in that same kamer you see that postcard on the wall , and you think "hey hey , I know that one ..." And then you think about that other girl that you loved so much, and you come at once ....

Anyway - to brief the initiator of this thread : what's the problem contacting the girls ?
come to Amsterdam , see the Wallen , and you have one week work before you start thinking again and it doesn't bloody matter who is who ....

Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-29, 10:27 pm

Posts: 57
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OK - here's the thing, I think I'm in love with a Kamer girl.
I may try the postcard but wondered if anyone else has been sucked in like me? - if you'll pardon the pun.
Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-30, 12:30 am

Wim Admin
Posts: 2313
Location: Amsterdam
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Hell , now I get the thing , very healthy when you preserve your feelings - (shake hands)
If you know her address , street , number , postcode - than you can give it a try ,
problem is that there's not always a slit in (in) the door - but Mr. Postman knows his ways -
anyway , I'm allways available for an aching heart (and very curious) .....
Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-30, 2:53 am

skipexcaliburSupporting Member
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Dear Wim,

So you're the Wallen version of Dear Abbey now? There may not be a slit in the door but there's usually one behind it....

Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-30, 2:58 am

MikeDeHavillandSupporting Member
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I can confirm that Wim has successfully delivered a few gifts for me in the past. Excellent service too!

I only tell you this to help you...and everyone here will tell you the same thing...

Some people fall in love very quickly, even after only 20 minutes of meaningless sex with a prostitute. Thats OK, even normal. BUT....she does not love you. You can not make her love you.

She may profess feelings. She may give you indications that she loves you, you may get kisss on the mouth and so on, she may even meet up with you socially, but you will always have to pay for sex.

I am "seeing" one such Girl at the moment. (No, Iloveamsterdam, its NOT Agnieshka) and we have had many frank and interesting discussions on the subject.

She has been extremely honest with me, and I with her, and she has said that client/boyfreind does not mix and is not possible. I agree! You just get "odd" relationships where you still are a client above all. You may get something mor out of it, but unless you remain in control of your feelings, you are in for a rough ride.

You need an insight into their world mate. The constant pressure from pimps, the utter banality of sex after doing twenty clients a day for a week. Getting smacked round the face occasionally, the distrust of men who would want to be their boyfreind when these girls are getting fucked by other guys all the time (and what sort of idiot wants a girl like that - their words not mine).

And no, your girl isn't different. See many other posts here on the subject.

One last thing though, maybe when she retires, theres a chance. Maybe, but even then there are difficulties, often talked about onthis board. Don't go there. Its just business.

Last edited by MikeDeHavilland on 2005-06-30, 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-30, 3:11 am

Posts: 11
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Two things to add since I have a little bit of experience in this as well.

If you are not 100% ready to take her out of the life and give her a life greater than what she can expect doing what she was doing then you are wasting your time. You still have little chance, but you have to be commited to doing it.

Also, never hold her past against her. One that's just ignorance and two you are really just shaming yourself (not her) by doing so because by putting negative light on what she was doing you are just saying you are the asshole for doing it with her.

Just my thoughts on it.

Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-30, 9:55 am

Wim Admin
Posts: 2313
Location: Amsterdam
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Hi Skip -
our PM-ing went lost into the dark -

anyway - being Mr. Postman in the Wallen must be a good job ...., girls like men they can trust (LOL)

Tzmf !

I recognize a lot , these girls make you clear that "clients" and "boyfriends" are different things - sure , but what they see as "boyfriends" (from their own country) , are in our eyes quite pimpy guys, guys overthere are in their culture much more used to making a living out of prostitution .... (in exploring the girls)

Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-30, 8:34 pm

Posts: 246
Location: New York, NY
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Great stories Wim!

You have a priveleged position there as the *middle man*. It must be nice to be the bearer of good tidings for all these lovely girls....so you arrive like Saint Valentine, or Pan, with a present everytime, even if the gift is not FROM you, it is still you who are giving it to them! And then I'm sure, they like to return the favor with an extra few minutes, or some sweet little other way...!

So they all love Mr. Wim, yeah, of course, why not?

Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-30, 10:54 pm

Posts: 57
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Whatever you guys say - I cant stop thinking about this chick. Who says I want to take her out of the rld. I have visions of us living in her Kamer - maybe raise some kids. Hell, who knows?
Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-06-30, 11:59 pm

Wim Admin
Posts: 2313
Location: Amsterdam
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Well Chef , visiting the girls is no teaparty , you have to synchronise because they are busy , but it's always good to have a valid "kutsmoes" (say a "cuntexcuse")
BTW, I checked Iris again , now often on OZA 51 , stiil in that black & white maiduniform , I still dream of that white apron over my head with her cookie (almost) in my face ....

Hey Jon,
so you want to get married out of her kamer - that is a good idea , i'll arrange the pink Caddy covertible and we'll drive from OZA, through Oude Kennis, over the bridge to the Old Church -
all the girls throwing flowers and confetti's , I mean, what is a man without his fantasy ....(LOL)

Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-07-01, 4:43 am

weasel9x9Supporting Member
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Now THERE'S a mental image that will take a long time to get over. The canals of the Wallen lined with maids-of-honor in nothing but matching garters, a hundred horny punters as groomsmen, condoms thrown into the air instead of rice, and Wim at the wheel of a vintage pink Cadillac convertible with the lovely couple in the back seat having their first screw as man and wife.


...running around in the shoes of a clown...
Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-07-01, 6:48 pm

Posts: 246
Location: New York, NY
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Weasel...that is a very Fedrico Fellini-esque image. Bless your imagination my friend! Lets politely request that AXXTW take the reins as executive producer on a prospective film project to be shot in the Walletjes this Fall.

And Wim, indeed, I too have flashbacks of that unexpected but most appreciated moment when Iris straddled my head and pushed her cookie in to my grill. Completely surprised, I didn't know if she wanted me to kiss it, or not??!?!?! What is a cookie monster like me supposed to do in a situation like that?!?!?! Ah, sweet indicision!

No Kutsmoes,
Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-07-01, 8:29 pm

Posts: 26
Location: where ever I am at today
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Mike is brutal but honest. This is a full contact sport with more emotions than a Champions league game or Super Bowl. I fell for a couple honies my age back in Nov 2003, a dutch blond from Rotterdam back in the covered area back corner and an italian on Oza that dfk'd me shyly. All I could do is b-line back and forth ;-). Connected with both on email and realized that sex is powerful enough to evade mindstate for a minute- i.e.,?. I lost interest with them like any other after being annoyed.

humans should start walking on all fours and forget the rest

Wandered all day busted up, drunk, high, and facked out the shoes. So how come don't feel the blues?
Re: Contact the RLD Girls
Posted: 2005-07-01, 9:20 pm

Posts: 57
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Love the pink caddy idea ... Thanks for all your kind thoughts.
Am going back to the Dam soon and if I can really land this chick (wish me luck) - you are all invited to the wedding! As I am not a possessive or jealous person - at the reception - you can all bone the bride. 50E a go!
Happy ending...
Posted: 2005-07-02, 12:57 am

lovebiteSupporting Member
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Is that what they called “happy ending?” Really, double happiness – getting married with a cum shot :)

dreambite and realitybite...
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