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Red Trafficking
Posted: 2014-01-01, 1:32 am

Posts: 409
Location: 72-3 OZA ;)
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My favorite babes....Hmm need to find new ones.
Re: Red Trafficking
Posted: 2014-01-01, 12:25 pm

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
Posts: 1962
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Yup. More feminist garbage.

The clip is 5 minutes long but you can stop watching at 1:18, when she says:
There are not exact numbers of those working behind the windows who have been forced, or, uhh... victims of human trafficking, but we all do know that some of the women who are working behind the windows are victims of human trafficking.

Same old shit, trying to push the idea that nobody is doing this work voluntarily while having zero evidence to back up such an assertion.

That quote also contradicts the description placed right below the video on the youtube page. It states (in part): "Sadly most of the girl's behind the windows are victims of sex trafficking."

Pretty tired of this shit.
A lot of these youtube videos show some decent shots of the girls in de Wallen but, generally speaking, they simply need to be watched with the sound OFF. There's always an annoying narrator or some other stupidity to take away from all the glorious T&A...

Edit: as I've said before, no one is really in a position to understand the scale of this problem and offer hard numbers, so I distrust any documentary film makers who claim to be an authority on the subject. Nearly all of these "documentaries" are put together by feminists with pre-existing anti-prostitution agendas.

A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: Red Trafficking
Posted: 2014-01-05, 9:18 pm

loolz Power Kat
Posts: 567
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Why is it always that same working girl in these videos?? lol

I agree with Bluto about the videos having anti-prostitution agendas etc and it is indeed very difficult to understand the scale of the problem.

I think there is maybe more of this happening than what we expect though. Not really trafficking but I've heard (from girls) that many other girls have 'loverboy' boyfriends who are taking some of their earnings and dictating their working patterns. Even girls who seem happy and give good service are not always working completely for themselves...

I was also told the background stories of a few of the girls and that didn't make for easy listening.

What can be done about it though? Closing down windows won't make the slightest bit of difference, the girls will just move elsewhere.
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