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Stag tours and sexual consumerism - help needed
Posted: 2012-06-29, 12:29 pm

Posts: 2
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Hello all,

I hope it is ok to post this here. I am in need of some help for my masters dissertation. For some reason (I'm not really sure why!) I am doing it on the relationship between the stag tour phenomenon and paying for sexual services. I'm looking at the way that the stag do has developed from a trip down the pub with friends to the more extravagant escapades abroad and how this also relates to developments in sexual consumerism in recent years.

For the research I'm interviewing men who have been on stag parties abroad and paid for sexual services. I have done some interviews already and I am just looking for another 2 or 3 people to interview. It's a really straightforward interview, just 20 minutes on the phone and of course you don't have to answer all the questions. Also participants are of course anonymised and would be unidentifyable in the write up.

I appreciate that this may not be the best place to ask for people as from browsing the forum I see there is a lot of negativity towards the rowdy elements of stag groups in Amsterdam. However if you do have experience of this please do get in touch as I'd love to hear from you. I am very anxious as my deadline is approaching quickly so if anyone is able to take 20 minutes out their day to talk to me it would be really really appreciated!

I would also add that if you have been on stag parties abroad and not paid for sexual services but others in the group have I'd also be keen to hear from you.

And finally just to say if you'd rather not do a phone interview we can do it by Google chat or skype instead.

Thanks very much for reading and I hope to hear from you! I know its a big ask as its a sensitive topic but I promise I will handle it sensitively too.

For further info please visit my blog post: http://www.stagtourresearch.blogspot.co.uk/
And you can get in touch on dissertationresearch2012@gmail.com or 07879 294 879.

Many thanks for your help!

Re: Stag tours and sexual consumerism - help needed
Posted: 2012-06-29, 7:20 pm

Posts: 65
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I can help if needed, been on a few stags myself.
Re: Stag tours and sexual consumerism - help needed
Posted: 2012-06-30, 12:09 pm

Posts: 2
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Hi Liam,

That would be great! Perhaps drop me an email on dissertationresearch2012@gmail.com and we can arrange a convenient day/time?

Many thanks again

Re: Stag tours and sexual consumerism - help needed
Posted: 2012-07-18, 11:03 pm

billybob69Supporting Member
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scotton wrote:
I am in need of some help for my masters dissertation. For some reason (I'm not really sure why!) I am doing it on the relationship between the stag tour phenomenon and paying for sexual services. I'm looking at the way that the stag do has developed from a trip down the pub with friends to the more extravagant escapades abroad and how this also relates to developments in sexual consumerism in recent years.

An interesting area of research, although I don't know which came first; air travel becoming affordable to the masses (hence the ability to fly to Amsterdam, Prague etc cheaply) or paying for sexual services became more socially acceptable. A combination of the both, I suspect.

If you wish to share the findings of your research or the conclusions of your dissertation, I'm sure that you would receive some constructive feedback from some of the posters here.
Otherwise, I'm sure that many of the forum members would be interested in reading your completed work.

Out of interest, what would be your major - Sociology or Marketing? Or something else?


"BillyBob69 is the best shag I've ever had" - Beyonce Knowles
Re: Stag tours and sexual consumerism - help needed
Posted: 2012-08-03, 6:43 pm

Posts: 349
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I advise that you pay a window girl 50e for 20 minutes to get a firsthand viewpoint of the sexual consumerism industry. This will strengthen the evidence and research of your masters dissertation.

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