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How did you get into Mongering?
Posted: 2013-02-06, 1:09 am

HolyShitBSE Power Kat
Posts: 542
Location: England, UK
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a question that popped up today - how did you all get into mongering? it'd be awesome to know how you all got into the scene. was it deliberate or accidental? did you start in amsterdam or begin elsewhere?

i started entirely by chance, when i took a trip to amsterdam with a whole gang of friends just to see the sites and smoke a bunch of weed. after the seeing the rld i totally flipped my view on how prostitution worked...i'd never really considered it's existence before. everything about amsterdam and its rld in particular i became obsessed with.

what about you?

porno creep
Re: How did you get into Mongering?
Posted: 2013-02-07, 7:27 am

Posts: 72
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My Self " I got into it when a good mate of mine suggested a trip round europe as a mate of his had lent him
a transit van so on the way back we"d buy a load of booze.
We headed to Amsterdam first, and i just loved the plaice! Then 50Guilders worked out to £14 English pounds.
On reading that "all my fellow Bonking Brits Eyeballs will be sticking out on stalks,
I do hate the Euro................ ;-(
Then it was onto Antwerpen where we found there RLD just by turning a corner in the van.... ;-)


Re: How did you get into Mongering?
Posted: 2013-02-08, 4:11 pm

davey1800Power Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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I have always been against basic mongering at home i.e. streetwalkers (due to the drugs of course), but was always fascinated with Amsterdam. I went to Berlin in 2007 and saw streetwalkers there, but they were not druggies (maybe on coke I suppose, but not smack/crack/meth or whatever) and we're all really hot. I had a dabble and then thought Amsterdam was my next stop. It was ;)

I'm too shy to try the brothel/escort scene at home.. so it will always be something I only do abroad.
Re: How did you get into Mongering?
Posted: 2013-02-09, 1:35 pm

HolyShitBSE Power Kat
Posts: 542
Location: England, UK
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i have considered the brothel scene here as well, thinking it is too close to home, but then, what really is the difference, sex wise? the price isn't all too different on the brothel front.

amsterdam does make it a thousand times more appealing though, i guess it's kinda a holiday as well as just basic mongering. it was the weed that got me to amsterdam so that is a big part of it as well.

porno creep
Re: How did you get into Mongering?
Posted: 2013-02-10, 7:31 pm

mr brightside
Posts: 114
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With work in the Netherlands I visited Amsterdam first time but only to buy weed with a work colleague who showed me round the place in a very brief tour, must have been about 1991.

Next visit on motorcycles with mates in 1993 en route to Dutch TT at Assen, we stopped in Amsterdam. Full immersion in RLD for 48 hours and a regular visitor since. It was 45 guilders I think for a session then. Like Will says just ridiculously cheap!
Re: How did you get into Mongering?
Posted: 2013-02-11, 3:49 am

SVU18 Power Kat
Posts: 558
Location: NYC
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Had a few bad experiences here in the states.. Have family in Ireland which I visit once a year. Found this forum in 2005 and finally got the balls and took a 3 day solo trip to Amsterdam.

Was with 3 girls, all winners and I was hooked....Now I enjoy Dublin escorts as well.

The big draw back with this "hobby" is first the money..Have set aside a large and seperate mongering account for these trips. With the money I spend on ladies I could take another vacation..

Another issue is I find myself basing my vacation choices on the mongering scene of different countries..

Oh well.. right now I would rather have a hot 22 year old sitting on my face than taking a tour of St.Peter's Square or going up the Eiffel Tower.

Will save all that stuff for when I get sick of this....which won't be for a while...(:

Mind your step
Re: How did you get into Mongering?
Posted: 2013-02-11, 2:21 pm

loolz Power Kat
Posts: 567
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I went to Holland to attend a gig. My hotel was in Amsterdam close to the RLD. I had a quick look at this site before I went thinking I might try a window girl, however, I ended up having 8 sessions and a new addiction had begun :)
Re: How did you get into Mongering?
Posted: 2013-02-11, 6:09 pm

HolyShitBSE Power Kat
Posts: 542
Location: England, UK
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loolz wrote:
I went to Holland to attend a gig. My hotel was in Amsterdam close to the RLD. I had a quick look at this site before I went thinking I might try a window girl, however, I ended up having 8 sessions and a new addiction had begun :)

man i remember your story as it was around the time i wrote my first proper trip report after years of lurking. definitely one for axxxtw's hall of fame, i would think!

porno creep
Re: How did you get into Mongering?
Posted: 2013-02-11, 11:54 pm

Posts: 299
Location: U.K.
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This is an interesting topic. I'm looking forward to reading more responses.

I can remember my first time mongering very clearly. To set the scene, it was Sunday 25th July 2010. My friend and I had been in Amsterdam since the previous Friday after talking about coming to Amsterdam for years (primarily for the Coffeeshops). Naturally being young red blooded males we were attracted to the Red Light District but after endless laps, a lot of banter and some light debate I think we were both just too nervous to go with a window girl... I had never planned to session with a window girl. In fact, I didn't think I'd ever have a session with any prostitute ever really (I've never disagreed with prostitution per se but I didn't think I'd find myself in a position to do it as I had never considered it domestically).

After spending the majority of the early evening in Dampkring on Haarlemmerstraat, the gram of Laughing Buddha and the half a gram of Jungle Haze we had shared had obviously loosened us up a little. We decided to take a walk to the Red Light District before finding a Steak House for some food. To cut a long story short, we ended up in La Vie En Rose. I can't remember the exact time but it was around 7:30 - 8:30 pm. The corridors are so narrow it's hard not to interact with the girls so when Anja in La Vie En Rose #7 showed a lot of interest in me my friend pushes me in and before I knew it I was in the room forking out 50 euros. So... I was literally pushed in to it but it was a great experience and one I don't regret!
Re: How did you get into Mongering?
Posted: 2013-03-26, 1:28 am

Posts: 264
Location: Travelling
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Mine was quite by accident - a genuinely innocent start on the slippery slope.

About ten years ago, I was in Singapore on a business trip for 4 days. Due to the flight times, I arrived in the afternoon but my body told me it was morning - all confused and very stiff and knackered. I met a bloke from the office (an ex pat) for an early dinner on his way home. At the end of the meal, I said that I was really stiff from the long flight and could really do with a massage. I was genuinely meaning a massage - no further connotations as on my only other trip to the far east prior to that was on holiday with my wife, when we had both had an exceptional Thai massage that was incredibly relaxing and helped us to sleep.

The chap from the office told me that there was a really good massage place on the way back to my hotel - it was in fact a spa in another hotel just a block away from my own hotel. So, off I went to the spa - a genuine 4 star hotel with a genuine spa - very nice and clean, professional receptionist, lots of pretty girls walking around in white therapist outfits very professionally. I said that I wanted a good strong massage for at least an hour - the receptionist called over some girls who all stood in front of me neatly in a line and she said "which one you like?". Me, still being completely innocent at this point didn't think anything of the question and thought it was simply a way of asking which one I wanted to be massaged by. Being a bloke, I of course chose the one that I thought was prettiest by my standards which happened to one that unusually for someone from those parts appeared to have the slightest problem buttoning the front of her jacket due to the very nice c-cups that were bursting underneath.

The girl led me off to a very posh room with a slate floor, a beautiful wet room shower area off to one side and a slightly raised mattress in the middle of the floor, surrounded by candles and accompanied by soft music - perfect I thought! She then proceeded to strip me - I was slightly embarrassed at being totally naked in front of her but figured she was the professional and saw loads of naked men (hahahaha - yeah - what did I know??) and then she directed me into the shower for a good scrub, waiting patiently for me to finish. She then dried me off (still very professional) and led me over to the mattress on the floor and directed me to lie down.

She asked me what kind of massage I wanted so I replied "a good massage - really hard" - I was lying on my stomach at this point and she began massaging my shoulders but quite softly and she was kneeling in front of me by my head. This carried on for a few minutes until she started to work her way down towards my backside and she started stretching a little further, with the result that her tunic up her legs such that I realised that I was looking at pussy hair peeking out underneath .......

STILL not thinking anything other that "wow - this must be my lucky day, this chick doesn't even realise that I can see her pussy" and of course I had a raging hard-on from just seeing that! She then opened her legs slightly wider and almost straddled my head in the pretence of reaching all the way down my back so of course I caught the aroma of pussy ......

She then leaned back on her haunches and said "you want full body massage"? I was a bit confused (still the idiot) as I thought that's what I asked for at reception so I said "yes, of course - full body" - to which she asked "you give me good tip?". Thinking this would secure the massage I was after I said "how much is a good tip?". She then told me a figure that was equal to 30 GBP - which was quite surprising since it was about 3 times the amount that reception had charged for the massage! But since it was still ridiculously cheap in GBP I said "yes, sure - no problem".

She squealed with delight, sprang up and in one fluid movement the tunic fell to the floor and she was as naked as the day she was born (with the exception of a bush of pussy hair of course) .......

Ohhhhh shiiiiiiitttt! I finally realised what I had just asked for!

What an absolute idiot!

What a hot body!

What a great fuck!

It was all over too quickly as I was absolutely NOT expecting what I got but afterwards she joined me in the shower and cleaned me off. Put me back on the bed and actually gave me a bit of a massage and then sent me on my way with a huge grin on my face.

And that is how it all started.
Re: How did you get into Mongering?
Posted: 2013-04-30, 5:56 am

Posts: 349
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When I caught my ex-girlfriend getting banged hard by another man in my apartment. She was the first girl that I thought I ever 'loved'.
Re: How did you get into Mongering?
Posted: 2013-04-30, 6:15 am

neurosynthPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
Posts: 2733
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Ouch. Been there. No fun. At least not until you go out and find some.

http://tinyurl.com/eurolights - CLOSED FOR NOW - Sadly Google has disallowed public access to this map. I'm seeking alternative platforms. If you have suggestions, please message me!
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