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[split] PM notification/pop-up, fellatio, post counts, link behaviour
Posted: 2011-02-20, 7:56 pm

Chicago Couple
Posts: 261
Location: Chicago
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Great work on upgrading the site!

A couple of things, not big, but wanted to point them out.

If you have any PM's in your in box, the latest one pops up as a "new message" even if you have already read it.

Also, when clicking on a link we are now exited from the Ignatzmice website rather than having another window pop up.

Both can be easily lived with, but wanted to point them out just in case this wasn't supposed to be happening.

Now who gets the blow job from me for payment for this wonderful upgrade!! Or will I have to service multiple guys (a girl can only hope!)?

--CC Girl
Re: Site Suggestions and Technical Issues - Post Here
Posted: 2011-02-20, 7:59 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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ME !!

Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Site Suggestions and Technical Issues - Post Here
Posted: 2011-02-20, 7:59 pm

br1965Supporting Member
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Bluto' is the man for you. ...with a little nudging from others. one of whom is not far from you in Indianapolis! ;-)

If you ain't Dutch you ain't much.
Re: Site Suggestions and Technical Issues - Post Here
Posted: 2011-02-20, 8:13 pm

Chicago Couple
Posts: 261
Location: Chicago
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You mean Greenhoff just tricked me into giving him another blow job? No wonder he ran off so quickly afterwards!!

He also told me he pays all the bills.... won't tell you what he got me to do to thank him for that.

--CC Girl
Re: Site Suggestions and Technical Issues - Post Here
Posted: 2011-02-20, 8:16 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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Thats our secret CC girl
mind you, you were bloody good at it mmmm

Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Site Suggestions and Technical Issues - Post Here
Posted: 2011-02-20, 11:37 pm

neurosynthPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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I'm not sure, and I think something might have already been said about it, but I think my post count is now a couple hundred less than it was before.

Not that it really matters...unless it means actual posts have somehow been lost...

http://tinyurl.com/eurolights - CLOSED FOR NOW - Sadly Google has disallowed public access to this map. I'm seeking alternative platforms. If you have suggestions, please message me!
Re: Site Suggestions and Technical Issues - Post Here
Posted: 2011-02-21, 12:08 am

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
Posts: 1962
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neurosynth wrote:
I'm not sure, and I think something might have already been said about it, but I think my post count is now a couple hundred less than it was before.

Not that it really matters...unless it means actual posts have somehow been lost...

Nothing's been lost... it's just now a more accurate reflection of all the posts you have on this board. If you use search to find all your posts ("View your posts" won't actually tell you the number of posts... it gives you the number of topics instead) and then compare it against the number you see in your mini-profile here, it should match. That wasn't the case before (yesterday I noticed that fred only had a post count of 700-something, when in fact he's made more than 1700 posts here), so I "resynchronised" all the post counts. Not sure how it got messed up in the first place (was the same on the old board, so it's not upgrade-related) but it's fixed now.

Chicago Couple wrote:
If you have any PM's in your in box, the latest one pops up as a "new message" even if you have already read it.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean. Are you talking about on the main page (http://www.ignatzmice.com) or here (http://www.ignatzmice.com/forums/)? Either way, I haven't noticed it. If you can manage to take a screenshot (cropping out any private stuff, of course), convert it to JPEG and upload it here, that might help. Anyone else noticed this?

Chicago Couple wrote:
Also, when clicking on a link we are now exited from the Ignatzmice website rather than having another window pop up.

Which links... you mean when someone puts a link in a post and you click on it? Just want to be clear what we're talking about... could you link to an example?

Either way, some users will prefer to have more control over their browsing experience (e.g. by clicking "open in new tab" if that's what they want) whereas others will prefer a new window to pop up automatically. I'm thinking that external links should probably open in a new window (or tab, if that's how you set your browser options), whereas links within ignatz should open in the same one. But it's kind of all or nothing... if I change it, it applies to all user-posted links, external or otherwise. So I don't know. If anyone else has thoughts on this, please post.

Chicago Couple wrote:
Now who gets the blow job from me for payment for this wonderful upgrade!! Or will I have to service multiple guys (a girl can only hope!)?

Multiple guys (and one girl) I'm afraid... everyone in the "Acknowledgements" section in my announcement plus my pal Sportsman's. :-) Then I'll go last if you have any energy left (ain't I a nice guy, folks?)


A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: Site Suggestions and Technical Issues - Post Here
Posted: 2011-02-21, 8:25 pm

Posts: 198
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I understand you can't change link clicking activity for one or two users, but I think it detracts from a website if links open in the same window, for example I clicked on a news link there about the mosquito, finished reading it and closed the tab expecting to be back on the ignatz thread and it wasn't because it was on the same window. I suppose it is just a pet hate that I don't like being directed away from the website I'm viewing because I clicked a link in that website.

Other than that I think the upgrade is superb.

Left, Left, Right and you're at Sexyland from The Terminus!!
Re: Site Suggestions and Technical Issues - Post Here
Posted: 2011-02-22, 9:56 am

neurosynthPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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Hi Bluto,

Just got a private message but no pop-up telling me it was there. I do have pop-ups turned in both my board prefs and browser prefs. I did get the pop-ups on the old board.

Not a huge issue and I know you've put a lot of sweat into the board recently, but I thought you might want to put it on your to-do list and take a look sometime later.

thanks for all you do,


http://tinyurl.com/eurolights - CLOSED FOR NOW - Sadly Google has disallowed public access to this map. I'm seeking alternative platforms. If you have suggestions, please message me!
Re: Site Suggestions and Technical Issues - Post Here
Posted: 2011-02-28, 12:37 am

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
Posts: 1962
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spike56765 wrote:
I suppose it is just a pet hate that I don't like being directed away from the website I'm viewing because I clicked a link in that website.

spike - thanks for the input. I haven't yet decided how to handle this going forward and appreciate your taking the time to chime in... anyone else with thoughts on this subject, feel free to reply here. For the time being I've been a bit preoccupied with chasing down other issues but it's good to have everything here so I can refer back to it later.

neurosynth wrote:
Just got a private message but no pop-up telling me it was there. I do have pop-ups turned in both my board prefs and browser prefs. I did get the pop-ups on the old board.

You mean on the main page (http://www.ignatzmice.com), right? Yeah, it doesn't work for me either. The CMS that powers the main site (i.e. everything other than the message board) is somewhat old, and although it supports integration with phpBB3, there have been several releases of phpBB3 (we're running the latest one) since. I'm guessing they might have included changes that rendered certain things inoperable, like the popup on the main page. There's not much I can do about this until I look at upgrading the CMS. The latest version of the one we have doesn't even support forum integration, so that's not an option. I'll have to find something totally new and work to transfer all the content over. It will be done at some point, but I guess we'll have to live without the popup in the meantime. Is this actually working for anyone? Let me know...

There IS a popup you can have appear on the forum pages when you get a new PM... you select that option in your preferences, and then get a popup like this (at least it works for me):

    inline image

greenhoff wrote:
i have to log in each visit, though i have remember me ticked.

Are you still having this problem? I've made a few changes in the past week that I'm hoping should help with this. Please let me know.

retro wrote:
It's not much and i don't know if it really matters but for a while now you've been able to look at the trip reports and the girls section without being logged in ,when a while back you had to be logged in to look at those sections.

Yeah, my thought was that we don't show up nearly as high in Google search results as we should and it could only help to open those sections up so that the additional content can be indexed. I'm actually not sure why they were closed to guests earlier. If anyone has thoughts on this, please let me know.

Thanks guys... I've been focused on resolving the issues some people have been having with staying logged in and/or posting. I've changed some settings that I think should resolve most of the problems. So if anyone is still having issues, please reply here or in login issues thread.


A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
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