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What has happened to this groupq
Posted: 2016-11-09, 11:15 pm

Posts: 137
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Where have all the 2016 posts been dissapeared? I also do not see any new post. Is all well with this group?
Re: What has happened to this groupq
Posted: 2016-11-17, 12:01 am

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
Posts: 1962
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misty wrote:
i put up the same question maybe 2/3 wks ago. It seems to have disappeared :( . I have no answer .

I'm curious why you think anyone owes you an explanation. But, if you're unhappy, I guess I can consider refunding your membership fee. Oh... wait...

Yeah, we had some issues. Fortunately they did not affect any of the real forums that actually comprise the site, only this unmoderated garbage dump that exists solely to keep your spam out of the real forums (without it, I have to take the time to read and delete posts and ban accounts every other day or so, and I'm lazy.) I could have easily restored the DB from backup but doing so would have also removed a small handful (a few hours' worth) of legitimate posts in the real forums, so I chose not to. In other words, there's no problem here.

By the way, the quoted post from "misty" is missing because that's what happens when you delete a user + all their worthless posts; instant one-click happiness! Basically, don't bother me and don't ask for things. I don't take kindly to you freeloaders wasting my fucking time.

EDIT: Also, what exactly is a groupq? Could never quite figure that one out...

A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
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