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Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-13, 2:31 pm

smuler Power Kat
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I always look to see who's passing through town...

This message showed up on their website this morning :



" Savoir Faire is Everywhere "
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-13, 2:37 pm

danny69 Power Kat
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No worries, Smuler, if they arrest you I know a good lawyer!!
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-13, 2:42 pm

danny69 Power Kat
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But good to see action against illegal prostitution.
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-13, 5:14 pm

sun-n-fun Moderator
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The release says "for being presumably involved in human trafficking". I miss the old 'innocent until proveen guilty'.

Plus "At the same time, a text message was sent by the police to approximately 1300 cell-phone-numbers that tried to get in contact with escort site www.zuzana.com. The other web site is www.pleasure-escort.nl." and "90% out of the hundreds of mobile phones appear to be a Dutch mobile number, often registered on name of the employer. In 60% of the contacts, appointments for a prostitute were made during working hours. "

Wonder if any member received a message. LOL
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-15, 3:57 pm

Posts: 98
Location: USA
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I would definitely not go there. There are other options
in Amsterdam. If you're from another country, that's all
you need is to be apprehended for hours, days by the
police. I wouldn't want the hassle even if you have
nothing to hide. Just my .02 worth.
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-15, 4:04 pm

clostro Power Kat
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I did nit get it Ebony69, now the sites are closed. Do you mean you were aware zuzana and pleasure escort were under police suspicion or those site were obviously related to human traffic ?
How do you know the other options you relate are not in this case ?
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-15, 5:23 pm

Posts: 98
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Clostro, I just went to the sites this morning, and I got
that nasty police message. And no, I don't know that
other options are not under police watch, but every time
I went to P118, I never had any problems.
Repeat, I would not go to those places, but that's just
me. I ALWAYS enjoyed myself thoroughly at P118.
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-20, 6:52 pm

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I correspond regularly with one of the Zuzana girls in Eastern Europe who I met in Amsterdam a couple of years ago. She works as an escort to pay for law school. I was hoping to see her again next month. But today she writes:

"I'm very disappointed..because I have a ticket to Amsterdam, but I don't have an agency..My agent not answer.."

So what is the crime here? It seems if the law is being applied that broadly, any travel agent would be prone to prosecution for "human trafficking."

On the other hand, if it's just a gambit with the police in cahoots to protect Dutch brothel and agency owners from foreign competition...
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-21, 1:09 am

Posts: 55
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Hey maestro,

Im sorry to hear that...

But I do hope you understand that it was probably not the truth about the lawschool thingy... most girls say that.

And Im wondering, why (if she already has the ticket) can't see come to Amsterdam. I don't need nobody to hold my hand when Im working or if I would visit Bulgaria for example. Plus she would just have a big oppertunity to earn WAAAAY more money because now she doesnt have to give 60-80% to the agency (That much?? Yes that much), how is that for human trafficing...

But I do feel sorry for you... hope you'll find a new nice girl soon...


Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-22, 3:59 pm

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Thanks for your comments. Sure, she's not the only escort I know who is in "law school." But whether she's in the business for school, to buy a new car or to support a loser boyfriend is not really relevant. The point I was trying to make is that she appears to be doing this of her own free will, and I'm having a hard time reconciling that knowledge with the supposed crime of "human trafficking."

As for your other suggestions, I'm not sure why she hasn't considered working with another agency or as an indie. She's on the young side and perhaps lacks the experience, confidence and contacts to forge out on her own. I'm sure I will find out in due course, as the exchange continues.
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-22, 4:50 pm

clostro Power Kat
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I'm having a hard time reconciling that knowledge with the supposed crime of "human trafficking."

This is the all time client feeling. How come such an innocent cutie, nice, full of life, so naturally claiming she is doing this to study.... can be related to such a horrible human traffic. Between the naive and cynic posture, i tend to fall for the cynic.

As for your other suggestions, I'm not sure why she hasn't considered working with another agency or as an indie. She's on the young side and perhaps lacks the experience, confidence and contacts to forge out on her own. I'm sure I will find out in due course, as the exchange continues.

I do not buy the innocence argument, this is again what you feel, how come she can be so innocent doing this job. After practicing this for a few month, she is as innocent as a 50 years old experimented punter :(
The lonely logical reason, i see to pass through an agency is to maybe get ride of all the papers and administrations. I do not know in Netherlands but in France there are exception for Romanians and Bulgarians EEU citizens. They are not free to work in France as a French citizen.

Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-22, 7:50 pm

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Please don't put words in my mouth. I never alleged any "innocence" on this lady's behalf -- I am perfectly aware of what she does, FFS. She may (or may not, I simply don't know) be a bit naive, and neither do I know at this point why she seems to prefer working through an agency. There must be some benefit to agencies, or they would not exist.

I know this is probably not a good forum to argue about escort services anyway since most posters here seem preoccupied with cheap hotels and cheap fully covered 15-minute RLD quickies. Fortunately I don't have to be concerned with either, but I guess because those things are so important in Amsterdam that's why it's really not that great of a place to hobby compared to London or numerous other venues IMHO.

Have a nice day. Maestro out.
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-22, 8:12 pm

clostro Power Kat
Posts: 669
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OK Maestro, i just interpreted
the young side...
as innocence. So i did not get it. If you meant (i don't want to put words in your mouth...just to understand what you said) that the Bulgarian girls are not so at ease for logistics and so on...then you are wrong. They are mostly all alone for years far from their countries and family. They just go back twice or 3 times a year if they are lucky.

I know this is probably not a good forum to argue about escort services anyway since most posters here seem preoccupied with cheap hotels and cheap fully covered 15-minute RLD quickies. Fortunately I don't have to be concerned with either

:) i don't think the escort scene is different from the Amsterdam RLD, both for prices and girls you will meet. Its just the packaging which change. Since you are an old ignatzmice member, you probably noticed that many member pay for long session which end to cost the same as an escort service. Escort and RLD services are also not exclusive.
The Zuzana escort agency ends to be as "un-pimp free" as the RLD or FKK. This is the same world, prostitution.
I prefer the RLD scene, i find it more pleasant to meet more girls for the same amount of money i would have spent on an escort. To each one its way to live.
For guys who are looking for BBBJ, then the escort service is better than the RLD as it will be easier to get the service.
As for hotels, i did not get it. What do you call cheap ?
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-22, 11:47 pm

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First of all, sorry mate, I guess I went off on a bit of a rant there. The hotel comment was in no way related to anything you said, just an observation of mine of what seems to be important to many posters here. Fine and good. This forum can help people with such interests, it's just not important to me since I only go to AMS on business so I can stay somewhat upscale and not pay for it myself.

You seem to assume the lady I am talking about is Bulgarian. She's not. As far as I know, most Zuzana girls are Czech or Hungarian, with a smattering from Romania. In fact I've never met a Bulgarian in Amsterdam, at least not one who admitted it. :-) Most girls I've found from the other agencies are Romanian. (If my one experience with a Bulgarian (in London) is any indication, I'd just as soon not repeat the experience, but that's of no importance here.)

By saying she was "young," I really meant immature more than innocent. I'd say she is definitely the former and decidedly not the latter. I have no doubt she has loads of experience, but I have to question whether she has much wisdom.

I have done the RLD scene in a number of cities in the Netherlands and while it was fun when I started 15 years ago (and frankly, I still have fond memories of Jennifer Cutie on my last RLD stroll back in '06) it's generally not my scene because I do prefer BBBJ and CIM. BBBJ usually costs extra in Amsterdam, CIM is difficult to find. In contrast, in London, where I also travel regularly, such things are commonplace and the only thing that usually costs extra is swallowing. :-)

But look, I'm not trying to bash Amsterdam or get in a debate about the virtues of escorts v. RLD girls. IMO, Zuzana filled a certain niche in the AMS market that was generally good for me, and what has happened could have an impact on my future enjoyment of the 'Dam. Or not -- these types of businesses do seem to come and go, so we'll just have to wait and see on the final verdict. But just arbitrarily placing the website under control of the police seems oddly out of character for a place as purportedly liberal as Amsterdam (though we all know it's been getting more conservative lately).

As sun-n-fun said in an early post on this thread, "I miss the old presumed innocent until proven guilty." How true.
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-23, 1:11 am

clostro Power Kat
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Thanks Maestro for your last detailled post, it clarifies what what you had in mind which in just a few sentences was difficult to catch.
Sun-and-fun and you are right about highliting "I miss the old presumed innocent until proven guilty". It is also said in the same police report that the founder of Suzana agency was found guilty in France for human trafficking (sentence 4 years) and is still wanted by the French police. Maybe he is clean as a baby about Suzana.com but at least he was proved guilty in France and should go to jail for the sentenced facts.
Netherlands Police have always been very rude. I've seen some scene in the Amsterdam street involving the Police, i've never seen in Paris.
ps: i am completly under my last trips in Netherlands where i met so many Bulgarian girls and when i hear east European countries, i think Bulgaria :) By the way, except one, all Bulgarian girls i met for some years now were smart, friendly and provided great social time which i always appreciate.
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-01-23, 2:09 am

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At first I wasn't sure what you were referring to there, Clostro, but I now see the police page has some more details than were there the last time I looked. I don't know the specifics about the French conviction, as in the time I've known them (umm, five years or so) Zuzana has never operated in France, and in the past year the agency has actually pretty much pulled back from the Netherlands with most girls operating in Athens. But I will be the first to admit I don't know the ins-and-outs (no pun intended!) of this business. Even in places where prostitution is "legal" some still apparently operate in a murky zone.

I just hope you and I can continue to enjoy our pursuit of happiness. With what is going on in the world these days I sometimes wonder!


PS - Glad for your comments on Bulgarians. I still haven't found any in Amsterdam but I'll be happy to give them a try. Despite what I said, I don't base my thoughts about girls from a given country on one experience. ;-)
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-03-20, 2:01 am

Posts: 198
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I noticed that pleasure escort site is 'open' again? Anyone know about this?

Left, Left, Right and you're at Sexyland from The Terminus!!
Re: Zuzana Escorts
Posted: 2011-03-30, 7:42 am

Posts: 9
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Well the Dutch have got very puritan all of a sudden, anyone know more about this case? Nothing In press?
I see Zuzana had been operating for a few years, and had some nice looking ladies, who knows how murky the business was though, thinking about It, even dropping off or picking up a girl at the airport could be classed as traffiking, that's totally different from forcing or taking a large cut from the girls fee.

Not sure If they are linked, but a lot of the girls that used to work at Zuzana's are on this site, [ link removed ] mostly Hungarians touring In Athens and Istanbul.

Again no Idea If they are linked, but some of the girls also work In Duesseldorf at [ link removed ]
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