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Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-05-26, 4:52 pm

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Came across her site a while ago and then lost the link.
I just found it again: http://marlindabranco.be/
Anyone been with her?
According to her site, absolutely anything goes.
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-05-26, 10:41 pm

funboy3Supporting Member
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I had a 2 hour session with her about 2 years ago. She has an apartment in Amsterdam where she meets clients. She is very tall, very sexy and really loves what she does. She gets in to it all the way. I won't get in to detail, but will say, pretty much anything goes. She is expensive, but you can control the price by being specific in what you are looking to do. It cost me about 500 euro. She wants a percentage prepay via bank transfer (Belgium Bank). She can be trusted. I felt like it might be a scam, but it's not. She is the real deal. Also, as a side note, if you see her, go for the video option. You'll love watching it over and over, especially if you had a great time like I did.


After posting, I went to her site again. You've inspired me man. I am booking another session with her for the second week of June. I'll let you know how it goes.

I love these women and can't live without them!
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-05-27, 2:55 am

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I was wondering if it's genuine, the 10% upfront made we suspicious, good to hear she's genuine.
I'll try to arrange a session with her next time I'm in town.
Enjoy yourself in June!
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-05-27, 1:06 pm

akaDrPussy Moderator
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Hey bobx that sure is one filthy girl you've unearthed.....I thought I had found a filthy one in Conchita but she looks relatively sweet and innocent by comparison!

Good for you funboy now that's one report I'm definitely looking forward to reading about. On the basis that many of the reports now posted include photographs you could raise the bar and include the video of your session! :-)


I spent a lot of money on birds,booze and fast cars.The rest I just squandered.....George Best.
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-05-27, 3:52 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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agree with funboy3
yes, very expensive, but the most perverted/kinky/depraved female you will EVER find.

yes, ANYTHING goes

Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-05-27, 4:29 pm

akaDrPussy Moderator
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greenhoff wrote:
agree with funboy3
yes, very expensive, but the most perverted/kinky/depraved female you will EVER find.

yes, ANYTHING goes

Are you speaking from personal experience greenhoff?

I spent a lot of money on birds,booze and fast cars.The rest I just squandered.....George Best.
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-05-27, 4:31 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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i would think its bloody obvious im speaking from experience, wouldnt you ?

visited her twice in the last 2 years


Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-05-27, 4:53 pm

akaDrPussy Moderator
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greenhoff wrote:

i would think its bloody obvious im speaking from experience, wouldnt you ?

visited her twice in the last 2 years


From reading the wording it could also come across as a comment on her website.......and besides I felt sure that if you had been their you would have shared your experiences with the board in the time honoured fashion! :-)


Ps you sound a bit ratty on it I thought you would be over the cup final disappointment by now! :-)

Pps Twice......you are a very filthy boy....respect!! I've found that the more years you go to amsterdam the filthier you become it sort of sucks you in to all sort of depravity that you could never even have imagined on those early trips. And no one has been going longer than yourself so perhaps it's not surprising what the filthmeister has been up to! Bet you got the video option! :-)

Best wishes


I spent a lot of money on birds,booze and fast cars.The rest I just squandered.....George Best.
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-05-27, 5:05 pm

greenhoffSupporting Member
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didnt mean to sound ratty at all, sorry if it came across that way oks ?

i have a few " secrets " re exploits and girls from my trips, which i keep to myself, every guy has a few skeletons in the cupboard eh ? ..!! ie Marlinda and others

Guess i have become totally depraved over the years, and yes, i do have 3 vids [well super8 actually, transferred to vid] and before you ask..... NO !!

apologies if i sounded cross, im not, and i have got over Stokes loss in the final [cheeky bugger].

Just got back from Amsterdam[ 1 night] but nothing happened to do a report


Need to be arrested by a tall,blonde female politie !!
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-05-28, 10:40 am

funboy3Supporting Member
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Yes, the 10% ahead of this seems a bit sketchy, but she is on the up and up. She is involved with a lot of things and wants to make sure she doesn't lose out totally, if someone backs out at the last minute.

This this it is going to 600 euro for 2 hours. I've paid my 60 euro 10% already, so I am in for 7 June. It is definitely an anything goes. She will probably out do anything I can come up with for the session. I am going to have it filmed, so I can give a better play by play later. Maybe I'll edit the film down to a nice concise representation of the night and post is somewhere on the web. I'll send you a personal message with a link, if it all works out properly. "A picture says a thousand words".

More to follow.


I love these women and can't live without them!
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-05-30, 12:06 am

funboy3Supporting Member
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funboy3 here. I am scheduled for 7 June with Marlinda. I was incorrect in my assumption that I could edit down our video to a short synopsis for you. I can not. Marlinda has set me straight. I will have to just let you know how things went in words. No video and no photos. She is an artist and this is her work. I must respect it and honor her wishes of not sharing the video anywhere. It will be on her web site. Look for it there.


I love these women and can't live without them!
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-07-19, 10:45 pm

funboy3Supporting Member
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Well Boys, I've finally met Marlinda and had a fantastic session with her. She is personable, fun, funny, pretty and is a very nice person.

I went in with no preconceived ideas, and we had a great time. If you like dirty, I mean dirty sex, she IS the one! I've never had it like that and LOVED it. I don't know how much of our session will be included in her video, but hopefully you'll see most of the dirty stuff. I don't want to give it all away.

So, now you ask, was it worth 600 euros. Well... it depends on how you look at it. It you just look at if as straight sex, I'd have to honestly say, not really. 450,00 euros YES, 600, no. BUT, if you look at it with all the fun we had together, laughing about not being able to find the remote control for the video camera while looking for it amongst all the various fluids we were playing in, etc; then I would have to say YES. It was worth it. We had fun!, and that's what it is all about.

I really like this woman. She is honest, fun, pretty and I hope to "work" with her again in the future sometime soon.

Keep an eye on her site for the video clips, and if you have 600 to spare, give her a go.

Most of all, respect her for the artist, and person that she is.

I love these women and can't live without them!
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-07-20, 6:33 pm

funboy3Supporting Member
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Hello Boys,

I'd like to add a few notes to my review. I said that it might not have been worth the 600 euros, but that was all me and not Marlinda. She was all there, ready and willing to go. I was a bit reserved due to my lack of experience with a woman like this. I just didn't let go and let her do her thing.

If I had a chance to do it again, I would have stepped up and realized that she is very open and ready for anything. I tended to react like a spectator instead of a participant. Marlinda is NOT a RLD girl. She is a real professional who gives her all every time. She is worth every bit of the 600 euros, and more.

I wanted to clarify for anyone who might think otherwise. Marlinda is the best of the best. There are no two ways about it. I would love the chance to do it all again. Please understand that it's a two way street and you have to let her know what you want and just go with the moment. Follow the flow of the session and you WIL NOT be disappointed.

Give her a go, and you will NEVER regret it. That I can promise you.


[ Changed font to standard size, per posting guidelines. --admin ]

I love these women and can't live without them!
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-07-21, 9:05 pm

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Visiting this interesting site for the warm-blooded among us and bumped onto this thread.

I visited Marlinda Branco a couple of months ago for a sub/domination session and roleplay where she would play my employee recieving punishment. When I contacted her, I received a long menu of possibilities in my inbox. I booked her for a two hour session at 700 euros for 2 hours and a 10% deposit.

Unforunately the session was a downlet. Firstly she started asking me all this questions about my job and private life and telling me how classy she was and stressing the need of filming the session to get her really working????

She started off with a massage, dressed in fishnet stockings and classy dress and we started to play. During the play she was (it seemed) getting really into it and started moaning but then abruptly stopped and asked me to move to the right so the captation would be classier, once that was rectified she started to moan again only to stop again for the recording. When I asked her to stop the camera for a while in oder to focus on 'my session' she coldly reply: ' I cannot give you a 100% without filming it..' This went on and on and it really put a damper on the session.

I could go on but to cut a long story short: it wasn't worth the money!!

She did sent a dvd and asked me to write a positive review and eventually get a discount for a future session.
She used the words positivity and class a lot and would and told me what I had to write down.

When looking at the dvd at home I could hardly see most of the details as the lightning and editing sucked. I wouldn't pay a euro to see a clip from this movie and she's i charging 100 euro/h to get a ticket for her site??

It is a win/win situation for her, I guess. And douglas (aka Marlinda) may promote the label as fervently as she does but it defenitely needs a more professional product for the price she's asking.

In short: positive: financially she is clear and honest, physical: great body, face is very unnatural looking and she had the mouth of a duck and her eyelids looking very 'pulled' (botox) sexual: deepthroating is grand but she overdoes it so it becomes tedious and she even vomitted on my belly.

negative: her self-indulgence and arrogance, she is in love with her image and is constantly focussing on the camera instead of the client; over-priced at 700 euro.

Peter M
(ps the session took place at her studio in Antwerp at the horsemarket, but a session is a session)
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-07-21, 10:41 pm

funboy3Supporting Member
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Wow, I am sorry that you had a experience like this. I actually found the camera helpful in the session, because once I let it go and let her do her best, I actually forgot where I was and it all seemed so very real to me. It was almost total ecstasy.

It took a bit to get there, but again, I think it was me not being able to let go and get totally in to the scene.

I do agree, at the beginning 600 seemed a lot for "sex", but it was much more than sex. I actually recommended she film a bit more than we originally intended, because it was quite hot!

Maybe your session was just a off day or a chemistry issue.

I hope you continue to find your pleasure and fantasy out here .


I love these women and can't live without them!
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-07-21, 11:01 pm

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Hi funboy,

Thanks for the reply. Yes I do find it overpriced considering the interruptions and breaking down the 'mood'.
If you only could see the filmed session you would know what I am talking about.

I will upload it in a couple of months because I don't want people to waste their hard-earned euros on this dark and amateurishly filmed exposé of boredom(btw you can actually see it on her site but don't waste your cash)

Glad to hear you are a fan.

I'm going to book Conchita the coming month to check what she's made off.

Enjoy your sexuality good man!
And the silent ones ...Marlinda Branco
Posted: 2011-07-22, 2:38 pm

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Location: Barcelona
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Yep...a lot of ratty men outhere .
I know better .. will visit her again soon.

All right .. it takes 2 and chemistry .
Plus she has to deal with some of this man wich are unexperienced and its Sooooooooooo easy to say she' s to blame for there lack of...well everything .

keep on running , cant hide from who you are.

[ Making obviously false posts pretending to be a client isn't going to do much to further a reputation as a good provider. By the way, what part of Belgium is Barcelona in? ;-) --admin ]
reply to marlinda branco the promo queen
Posted: 2011-07-22, 5:13 pm

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Well Marlinda Branco, you are really confusing in regards of your location, on the eccie.net forum you are located in Ibiza . Yes, a lot of ratty men that are paying a lot of euros to be treated disrespectfully.

I respect positive reviews and/or negative ones from real clients like funboy or greenhoff but NOT the denigrating comments of the lady herself who obviously is full of it.
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-07-22, 9:09 pm

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
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moonlight wrote:
Well Marlinda Branco, you are really confusing in regards of your location, on the eccie.net forum you are located in Ibiza . Yes, a lot of ratty men that are paying a lot of euros to be treated disrespectfully.

I respect positive reviews and/or negative ones from real clients like funboy or greenhoff but NOT the denigrating comments of the lady herself who obviously is full of it.

I agree with you. Also, the post came from a Belgian IP.... surprise, surprise.

"Frankymostlike" is gone.

A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: Marlinda Branco, anyone been with her?
Posted: 2011-07-22, 11:17 pm

funboy3Supporting Member
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Hello All,

It does appear that one of these comments did come from the artist herself. I can understand her desire to set the record straight, but this is probably not the forum to do so.

I will say that she works hard, plays hard, and enjoys what she does. I will also say that for some, the filming can be a distraction and breaks the mood. If this is the case, then do not request the film at all. Just go and enjoy the sensual good time. I think she would be happy to offer that.

At this point, I will consider this matter closed and no more comments should be posted to this thread, unless you have actually met with Marlinda.

Anyone who has experienced positive or negative session(s), should feel free to post. It is your prerogative to express your opinion without recourse.

If Marlinda reads this... Thank you for a fun and special evening. I look forward to seeing our film and a possible meeting in the future.


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