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Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-07-26, 1:51 pm

book_guy Power Kat
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I had to go to Den Haag for some work last week, so I managed to schedule it so that I'd have a spare day to do nothing but be a tourist. I kind of knew my way around (at least, to the three big office buildings where I have to work) so I was able to navigate relatively sanely.

One thing that is of concern is the fact that Den Haag itself has at least three names for English speakers. There's The Hague, then there's Den Haag, then there's the eminently erudite 's-Gravenhage, apostrophe and hyphen mandatory. The plan of course is for the Dutch to use the different names as unpredictably as possible in front of tourists and then pretend that everyone knew all along which one was correct in which circumstance. In fact, as far as I can determine, none is more correct than any other ever, and the further complication that the one most often spoken publicly (Den Haag) is also the one which contains the fewest phonemes familiar to the average English speaker ("dng Khuuaakcxxkhghghg"), indicates clearly that the entire scheme is simply a hoax perpetrated by mountebanks and charlatans.

More important, the city of three names also has three train stations: Centraal, HS, and LVN. These acronyms stand for something but that's immaterial. They're all within strenuous walking distance of each other (LVN is a bit of a trek), but if you want the RLDs, then you want HS. I looked up the strolling streets via the many internet finding aids, and circled on my little map the streets named Geleenstraat, Luloffsstraat, and Doublestraat. Ignatz Mice's guide also lists Poeldijksestraat but this has been plowed under and developed into single-family private row houses. Luloffs I didn't get to. Maybe it's a Tippel-zone (for drivers)? Can't recall. So I only got to Geleenstraat and Doublestraat on my one-day monger.

Comparing between Geleenstraat and Doublestraat, Geleen is the higher-end of the two. It actually is a T-intersection, not just a single street, since windows appear not only on Geleen but also on Hunsestraat. Thus, the block of Geleenstraat from Weteringkade (a.k.a Rijswijkseplein a.k.a. Schenkviaduct) to Scheldestraat has prostitutes' windows; and the half-block of Hunsestraat from Geleenstraat toward the West, halfway (three-quarters?) along to Pletterijkade also has windows. (Use Google maps. While you're at it, you can also zoom in on satellite view, and see me on the bike! Just kidding ... it's actually [deleted -- eds.] on the bike.)

The "T" of the Geleen/Hunse zone comprises about 100 windows total, but the weekend night that I was there, only about half of them were occupied. So that totals maybe 50 prostitutes working, at about 10 pm, and because many of them were occupied at any given time, you're down to only 20 to choose among, unless you're going to stand around and wait. There are some upstairs windows, too. I couldn't figure out how to access them. For someone who is used to Amsterdam kamers, these Den Haag kamers seem a lot less accessible. The upstairs ones? I got no clue. Even downstairs, though they're right on the sidewalk and it's easy to walk up to them, how do you get into the room? The girls are usuallyy behind a two-window affair, with a large main pane and a small vertical pane. If you walk up and smile at her, she opens the small one and sort of sticks her nose out into the cold night air to talk with you. Handshake gestures through the opened window seemed to surprise them -- one or two gamely shook away, kind of like you'd shake water off a dead duck, with a look on their face like, "are you testing my grip?" So I think you're supposed to forego handshakes, and just stick your nose in and talk. Then (duh) you negotiate. And if you agree to go for a session, then what you have to do is walk AWAY from the window, to one side or the other (yes, I got it wrong ... twice in a row, doh!) -- perhaps as far as two or three more windows along the row. Then when you get to a door, she buzzes you in. Then once you've gotten through the door (after she buzzes you in again, maybe twice extra, because of course you couldn't figure out which door, and then whether to push it or pull it, until after she had stopped buzzing, doh!), you find yourself in an ante-chamber inside a strange nether-world of back doors to kamers, and from there you have to navigate your way back to your girl's kamer (yes, I got it wrong ... twice in a row, again, doh!). Meanwhile she has closed her curtain to the street and is sitting there wondering why it's taking this stupid tourist so fucking long to get to the room.

One great thing about the zones in Den Haag is that there aren't many gawking tourists. On the weekend night that I was there, I saw only three or five total people who were "promenading" for the fun of looking without buying. Otherwise it was just dozens of other horny, desperate-looking men with their hands stuffed in their pockets, all trying to act cool while they also tried to get up their courage to talk to a hot girl. Just like me. Just like YOU! :) Two or three couples out on dates strode through at one point -- looked like 20-year-old Dutch kids on dates, where the boy got bullied by the girl ("Take meeeeee ... c'mon ...") and when they finally saw it, both of them got embarrassed and tried to hustle through the street as fast as possible. So it really isn't a "strolling" setting. You're there to pump some pussy, and so is everyone else. Despite the fact that it was really a pleasant night to stand around, the weather was perfect, there's no nice sights on Geleen or Doublestraat other than the prostitutes. No canals, really; only a few bars within easy shot. This is a straightened up, buttoned down, pussy for cash arrangement, everything else swept aside. Very organized, but a bit sterile. There doesn't seem to be much integration of the window streets into the overall nightlife of Den Haag the way there is in Amsterdam.

Also, Den Haag has several more "interior window passages" than Amsterdam. The only one of these I've found in Amsterdam is at La Vie En Rose, that weird space at the head of Bethlemsteeg (the extension of Trompettersteeg to the West of Sint Annendwarsstraat, for those of you still using Google Maps, but I'm not on my bike in that one). This "interior window passage" thingie is more in vogue in Den Haag than in Amsterdam. On Geleen, there are two little socket-like interior passages (six windows each?), and one main loop-style interior passage (ten windows?). There are about five interior loops off of Doublestraat. More on Doublestraat later.

The women on Geleen were categorically more attractive than the women on Double. I found four or five "true Dutch beauties" on Geleen, for instance, including two who were "experienced" and two who were "youthfully new." The prices quoted on Geleen were generally €50, for standard fuck-and-suck in one or two positions. Some women said they wouldn't let me touch their breasts for that price, which surprised me, since they were willing to allow a pair of positions instead -- whereas in my past experience, extra positions had gone for more than breast-touching. Also, Geleen has several women who post their names on little placards at the bottom of their windows, or proudly announce that they're from the Netherlands, or advertise their S&M skills. This niche-marketing is novel to me, as well, in comparison with Amsterdam.

I always negotiate before agreeing (of course) and my usual demands are, that we do suck-and-fuck, that she be naked (she can leave her shoes on!), and that I can touch ass, waist, breasts, arms with my hands. On occasions when I feel like I want more, I negotiate more. I can usually get my normal requests for €50. On Geleen, I did technically get it for that price from three different girls. Two girls were very enjoyable, one a dud.

First, I found a really hot-looking bleached-blonde Bulgarian named (if I remember correctly) Veronika, in the middle of Hunsestraat. Her body is SMOKIN'! Her face is a bit pug-nosed, but I've always been OK with rating body over face. I spoke with her at roughly 7 pm, just as the street was starting to fill up, negotiated a bit, and then agreed to go in, and she was true to her word. She offered 20 minutes rather than the usual 15 (which she said to make a point, but really, I could have gotten done faster than that whenever I'm happy with the service). Her oral (with condom, always a disappointment) was very high caliber, and her willingness to allow me to put myself into the positions I wanted allowed the whole deed to be very enjoyable. Often I find myself wishing to tell the girls, "Ya know, if you'd LET me do something that was comfortable TO ME, then I'd probably finish quicker, and that would be to YOUR advantage," but this concept is evidently novel to many of them. Veronika didn't have that problem. I highly recommend her. Her thin body, coupled with natural breasts which are rounded but slightly naturally sagging, really turned me on. I might consider trying to negotiate sucking on her nipples, and maybe a little foreplay or afterplay, next time I go to her, as long as the price isn't excessively higher. She gave me €50 for as much as 20 minutes excellent service, suck and fuck, excellent oral, a few good positions, great body, good attitude, above-average English, nice clean-up afterwards, no rushing. 9 out of 10.

Later, for the second round of the night, I walked around Doublestraat, but found nothing to my liking. (I suspect this is not a surprise, to anyone who has been to Doublestraat.) So, I returned to Geleenstraat. I didn't want to go with Veronika again (we waved), so I prowled about. I smoked a pipe and stood on the corner. I walked in four different directions, just to make sure I hadn't missed any windows on other streets (I hadn't). Still, not enough girls on Geleen.

Eventually, I decided to go with a classic Dutch beauty who called herself Kim. She is in the "socket" at the intersection of Geleen and Hunse, on the non-Hunse side of Geleen, just one or two windows in from the entrance on your right, in a small covered area. Though she is remarkably visually attractive, and her (fake) breasts are amazingly soft and beautifully (non-fake-feeling) pliant to touch, I found her service lacking. I had negotiated my usual plan, but she put such severe after-the-fact restrictions on it that it wasn't an enjoyable session. For example, when she pumped orally much too vigorously, and I asked her to slow down on the sucking because that would be more enjoyable to me, and make me cum sooner, she said she couldn't slow down. ("I can't." Hunh? WTF!?) Further, I had negotiated multiple positions including doggie, but she then denied me doggie ("I can't, because of my back." I don't believe a word of it.) And in missionary, she twisted her waist into such a convolute position, and then DUG into the root of my dick with her fingernail ("I am afraid of condom coming off") that I really didn't feel like I was fucking anyone. I couldn't get the dick IN, because she was basically contorted to where her pussy was way over THERE next to her annoying fingernail, rather than up in HERE. I stopped, acted abashed, got dressed, left. Win some lose some. Kim: amazingly beautiful, dreadful service. She seems to know everything that will put a man off. You'd think she'd want to help him get it done as quick as possible instead, but nooooo, even among window whores, the most beautiful indulge in the princess attitude. Kim claims to have many regulars, and I treated her right, by not complaining or indicating that in my experience women who dig fingernails into dicks really shouldn't do that, but I won't be back. €50 for very restrictive, non-enthusiastic, obvious up-selling or under-servicing. 2 out of 10, on looks and willingness to (barely) comply alone.

So, I'm now annoyed at myself for having succumbed to a poor provider, and especially annoyed that I had chosen the most physically "classic" beauty on the street (tall, big boobs, unnaturally blonde hair, tanned), which really should have been an immediate tip-off to me, that she's a bad provider, right? So I'm kicking myself about €50 and twenty minutes wasted. I hunted for someone who looked like she knew what she was doing, regardless of looks. I was happy to find Jane, who claims she's from Den Haag. She is older, but very talented, not only with the physical skills (manual stimulation; bodily positions; flexing and so forth), but also with the inter-active skills, the manner in which she makes you feel comfortable, relaxes by your side, that sort of thing. She's roughly 35, has dangly tits (OK to below-average in level of appeal), a firm body (but softer than would have been when she was youthful), natural-looking blonde with a "lived in" appeal to her. Looks 7-ish. Skills 9. Highly recommended, as long as her visual appearance isn't a put-off to you. She is next to the stairs upwards, on Hunsestraat, at the street window which is (if I remember correctly) exactly beside the entrance to the interior covered loop of windows. Jane finished me off famously, for the second pop of the night. Getting two in one evening is a stretch for me, especially if I have to do some exercise in between, so that was definitely appreciated. The disappointment with Kim was left far behind in my memory. Jane: €50 for excellent service, fully cognizant of the appropriate trade-off between money and tasks at hand. 9 out of 10.

In between Veronika and the Kim-to-Jane experience, I had dinner and walked Doublestraat. That area is really a lot lower market than Geleen. Double has women who look like they've seen a rough life, maybe have been trucked in by "managers," though a few of them have a certain off-kilter appearance that may be exactly your personal kink or preference, maybe: for instance, very pale skin on a red-headed mulatta, or a giant ass (and I mean GIANT), or ungainly big tits on a short girl, or low-waisted Latinas, etc. I didn't find anyone attractive to me there, except maybe one woman who had an odd exotic mixed-blood look, but she had such a shitty attitude (and weak grasp of ANY of the negotiation languages I tried) that I just said thanks and moved on. Relative to Geleen, the men on Double were more likely drunk, more rough edged, with a few more groups of boys together out reveling. Double has several interior window loops, including one double-loop (don't get lost in the figure eight!) and one upstairs loop. Most of these loops were very poorly ventilated, so I'd hate to be stuck up in there on a hot summer day. There are maybe a total of 150 windows along Double, including the interior loops. It's just one single block with an exit at each end, and is closed off from the surrounding neighborhood near one end by a locking gate. I didn't go with any girl on Doublestraat (couldn't find one that appealed to me), but the two or three with whom I negotiated seemed willing to consider different behaviors, positions, possibilities, for a much lower fee than would have been the case in Amsterdam's Walletjes or, I'm guessing, Den Haag's Geleen area. The usual quote on Doublestraat at the outset for suck-and-fuck was €35, and all the internet sites indicate that this is the norm. Asking for a certain kink ("So, can you tit-fuck me and let me cum on your body?") didn't increase the price in an instant increment to €100 like it would in Amsterdam, either; the steps seemed to be €35, €50, €75, €100, €200, often mandatorily coupling service with extended time.

So, on Geleenstraat I went with three girls at €50 each (9 for Veronika on Hunsestraat, 9 for Jane on Hunsestraat, 2 for Kim in the socket at the intersection of Hunse and Geleen), two pops, no experiences on Doublestraat except gawking.

Also Den Haag is really a nice town. :)
Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-07-27, 7:44 am

Puffin13Supporting Member
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Awesome field report, bookguy! Thank you for that. :)

Please view Rick Simpson's videos on YouTube.
Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-07-27, 9:29 am

Posts: 137
Location: den haag/ UK
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yeah very interesting report. dont know if it makes much difference but i was with bridgitte during the daytime and only charged 25E. as you say, depending on tastes there is something for everyone on double. if you generally go for the stunning and great body i cant reccomend bridgitte enough. she seemed very eager to please and very chatty and friendly. also very skillful.
Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-07-31, 9:04 pm

splodge Power Kat
Posts: 2061
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den haag is great! wish they hadn't closed the other rld! :-@

Trying a different path in life. Has been mostly fun, but no more foreign punting for me.
Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-08-07, 6:04 pm

cocksure Power Kat
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Great report! You and splodge are the "other cities" RLD experts!
Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-08-08, 12:16 am

billybob69Supporting Member
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Great job!

I might head to Den Haag for my planned trip in September.

Apart from mongering, is there anything worthwhile from a sightseeing point of view? It seems a bit of a concrete jungle from the train.

I'm a big fan of Alkmaar (especially the 35euro sessions!). If you have been there, how would you (or anyone else who has been there) compare Den Haag to Alkmaar?


"BillyBob69 is the best shag I've ever had" - Beyonce Knowles
Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-08-09, 5:40 pm

book_guy Power Kat
Posts: 507
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Den Haag has a set of good opportunities for tourists, aside from the mongering. If you can find Groote Kerk and the central pleins, you will have plenty to do. There are coffeeshops, cafes, good restaurants, nice shopping and promenading, lots of major Dutch institutions. It's not as big as Amsterdam, but the Centrum and sights are more compact, more accessible simply by foot. Several old churches, some great Jugendstil and Deco / Nouveau architecture, Jewish and Moslem places of worship, and the "culinary street" which is a long stretch with a lot of restaurants on a canal (and very close to the cheaper of the two RLDs I mentioned above). Also, the Peace Palace, the Haagsche Bos, and the Haag (hedge) itself, plus a lot of buildings that are palaces, stables, government houses, parliaments, and so forth, for the royal family now, or historically. It's the seat of government, after all. And if you can get to old Scheveningen, there's a quaint olde style beach town, with views of the dunes and the North Sea.

Definitely worth a trip for the city itself, and THEN add to that the mongering! :)
Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-08-15, 6:59 pm

splodge Power Kat
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ha ha ha, we're the 'other cities' rld experts. i don't know abou that but i enjoy seeing all of the Netherlands rld's and seeing the various cities. Believe me, The Netherlands has so much more to offer than just Amsterdam. For such a flat country is really is beautiful. One thing i love about travelling the Netherlands is when i'm on the train & all of a sudden i see a MASSIVE barge transporting goods. i know i'm sad but i love to see this. fascinates me. A true, original country and it's a shame for those who just stay in Amsterdam. Don't get me wrong, Amsterdam is one of the great cities of the World without a doubt. However, all great cities have great urban and historical back up.
Personally, if i could have a day out in either Den Haag or Alkmaar, then, to me there is no contest. In terms of both the city and the rld's on offer Den Haag is in a different league. In Alkmaar don't expect Amsterdam but do expect a beautiful, small city who are passionate about their football club (and rightly so!). the rld reflects this, small but quality just like the historical city. Den haag on the other hand is the seat of the EU and is a lot grander. for me, the rld's reflect this and are vastly, vastly underrated. Just wish i could of seen the other rld that is now defunkt. the only two left are geleenstraat (never seen nothing like it) and doublestraat (a quality day out).
basically, geleenstraat is a smaller but smarter, cleaner version of de wallen. doublestraat is for mature ladies (only been once) and suits me just fine. Geleenstraat busier and more variety included a few shemales. reckon the place really comes alive at night (i was there about 5 or 6pm). overall, no contest but i will be VERY SAD to see the achterdam close, if it is to do so :(

Trying a different path in life. Has been mostly fun, but no more foreign punting for me.
Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-08-17, 5:08 am

neurosynthPower Kat XXX
Power Kat XXX
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Have you checked my map out? It has *lots* of "other cities"...

Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-08-17, 8:58 pm

Posts: 28
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Neurosynth, I just discovered your map.
Thanks for some GREAT work!!!

Wish I had taken notice of it earlier, it would have saved me quite a bit of time in some uncomfortable internet cafes doing on the spot research...

Thanx again!
Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-08-25, 8:22 pm

splodge Power Kat
Posts: 2061
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i'm getting my directions to den haag and leuwaardens rld printed now he he he. been to both cities before but not leuwaardens rld. den haag is so good i'm going again :) gonna print off nijmegen as well but i think leuwaardens sounds better for this trip. also, getting my directions together for antwerpen :)

Trying a different path in life. Has been mostly fun, but no more foreign punting for me.
Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-08-31, 12:09 pm

banana61Supporting Member
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Although Den Haag looks like a concrete jungle from the train the central area is pretty. A 5-10 minute from the main stations (HS/Holland Spoor or Centraal depending on the train) will bring you to the nicer parts of the city.

IMHO Delft and Leiden are nicer still but neither has an RLD so combining that with sight-seeing is more difficult.

Incidentally. Den Haag is not the seat of the EU, that's in Brussels/Strasbourg.
Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-09-06, 3:28 pm

splodge Power Kat
Posts: 2061
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i'll give you all an update. i'm off to the netherlands on the 15th (yipee) can't wait ;) fingers crossed i get there & back with no hassle.

Trying a different path in life. Has been mostly fun, but no more foreign punting for me.
Re: Den Haag two zones ... Geleenstraat, Doublestraat
Posted: 2009-09-18, 10:18 pm

deadheadSupporting Member
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My plan is to go to Delft from Amsterdam at like 8:30am (1 hr train ride, 11.40e), walk around for a couple of hours. Then take the noon train back to Den Haag (14 minutes, 2.40e) and head to either Diana's Secrets or Stout for an hour session. After that walk around Den Haag recovering and go check out the windows girls and partake if I see anything really interesting. Take the 6pm train back to Amsterdam, have a quick nap and then head out to the RLD to have a look around the big city.

Sounds like a full but enjoyable day.

6 weeks and counting.
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