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Auto log in
Posted: 2012-01-02, 8:15 am

sunchildtine Power Kat
Posts: 634
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To save myself from typing my username and password each time, I selected Log me on automatically each visit ... but for the past few months, it keeps asking to log in...

Sorry, Bluto...What could be wrong? Thanks.
Re: Auto log in
Posted: 2012-01-03, 1:05 am

BlutoBlutarsky Admin
Posts: 1962
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Hi Sun,
This has never really worked right, ever since the phpBB3 upgrade a year ago. :-(

We had another, minor upgrade in the interim. About when did you notice this happening? Any information you can recall would be helpful.

I suspect but am not sure that this has to do with our buggy, out of date content management system (CMS) that controls the content on the main page. It's possible to log in through the main page rather than through the board but I don't recommend doing so. I think the integration with phpBB3 is not perfect (makes sense since the version we're running is years newer than our CMS version) so logging in through the CMS (main page) can be problematic. The reason I suspect it's the CMS is because my test board, which is NOT integrated with the CMS, never exhibits this problem. I can stay away for days and it always logs me in automatically.

I would suggest avoiding visiting the main page altogether. I think everyone just comes here for the forum anyway, right? Maybe just bookmark the forum and go directly there, see if that helps.

I'm increasing the "session length" to make it the same as on my test board. Other than that, the only difference will be the CMS integration, which shouldn't even come into play if you stay away from the main page. So, give it a few days and let me know if it's still an issue. And if it is, I'm stumped for the moment. :-(

Sorry I don't have a better answer right now. I do see that I need to upgrade the board software once again, so maybe that will finally fix this, we'll see. Anyway, let me know.

ALSO... clear all your cookies that match "ignatz" (you should be able to search in your browser preferences). The CMS puts some there, so delete them all, then restart your browser and log into the forum directly, avoiding the main page.


A friend of mine has a trophy wife, but apparently it wasn't first place. --Steven Wright
Re: Auto log in
Posted: 2012-01-04, 2:32 pm

sunchildtine Power Kat
Posts: 634
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Appreciate your guide very much, will test for a few days. Thanks Bluto.
Re: Auto log in
Posted: 2012-01-10, 2:37 pm

Posts: 410
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Mice auto login seems to work for me...I have used it in IE & Chrome (seperately of course) regularly...

May be Sun is experiencing issues while accessing across devices.

What I have observed is, for example, if I login on my phone in the morning, then the auto login works on the phone all through the day. But in the evening, when I am back to my comp, then it asks to login there even though my comp has been online all the time with ignatzmice logged-in & browser window left open...it seems to still remember & auto-populate the username & pwd fields, only that it doesn't acutally login, so I just have to click on login. I think this would be explainable in some way.

I use Windows by the way..may be the behavior is different on Mac!? as usual :-)

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